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Make Concussion Mines Trade Only

Nov 22, 2006 moldyman link
Concussion Mine launchers are currently 5/-/5/7/- required Licenses. Why not make it -/-/-/7/- ?
Nov 22, 2006 TRS link
A non combat trader will operate in secured space, with proper escort, will navigate around storms, and thus, have no need of mines or any other armament.
Nov 22, 2006 Lexicon link
/me takes notes...

WHERE did you say these targe... I mean traders were?

Ironically, I agree. level 7 trade is, I think, harder to get then % combat and 5 Heavy.
Nov 22, 2006 Zed1985 link
I don't see why not concmines suck anyway ;)
Nov 22, 2006 roguelazer link
Those of us who have non-combat characters think this is a cool idea...

[stamp of approval]™
Nov 22, 2006 TRS link
trade 7 is not hard to get (neither is combat 5, but that isn't the point). The point is, that weapons should require an weapons licenses. not a trade license. I think the moth should be license 12 of any combination of mining + trading. I think the the hornet shouldn't require an heavy license. etc...

But, a mine is a weapon, and should require an weapons license.

If your anywhere you have to use a mine, you should have trained in combat.
Nov 22, 2006 roguelazer link
Concussion mines don't cause damage. They're the space equivalent of pepper spray. :-)
Nov 22, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Since concussion mines are a weapon, and accordingly require weapons licenses, all ships that can ram into one another should require heavy weapons licenses too.
Nov 22, 2006 TRS link
It doesn't take combat training to be a poor pilot. get ship insurance.
Nov 23, 2006 jexkerome link
I was divided on this issue, but in the end Super convinced me to root for the mines needing Heavy License, at least.

Licenses mean you're adept at using the corresponding technology properly and responsibly, in accordance to their intended use. Thus, when your Licenses finally allow you to fly a ship, it's because they prove you can use them as they're supposed to and know better than to use them any other way. Note you still can, though, so even if a ship can be used to ram, that doesn't qualify it as a weapon (his argument is the dumb "I can't teach you to drive a car because I fear you'll go on a running-people-over spree"). On the other hand, a mine is a defensive area-of-effect weapon, and thus requires you to prove that you can use it properly (that said, considering how many of us suck at using mines properly, maybe a test is required to actuall get them, ne?)

Of course, this is all from a suspension-of-desbelief standpoint (to counter Super's argument), but I say they should stay as they are.
Nov 23, 2006 Demonen link
Ok, very well.

Where's my Power Cell license? That's not a weapon, so why does it require weapons levels?
Nov 23, 2006 terribleCabbage link
Mr. Demonen has a point.

(If it does indeed require weapon levels.)

I sometimes get the feeling that the "Combat" licence should just really be a "Piloting" licence instead.
Nov 23, 2006 Jim Kirk link
But everyone's a pilot...

I'm just realising now that in order to use mines, it doesn't require much skill at all and shouldn't be restricted based on skill... on the other hand, giving mines to people who use gov't issued stuff, (which every gov't has... lol) will tip a see-saw we call balancing issues. Noobs everywhere would end up using mines.

I say, it should definately be made easier for anyone to purchase mines, just because I don't see them being used anyway (perhaps b/c they are nerfed in which case we should "DE-NERF them" and keep the license levels where they are).

[Approve of making them easier to get, at current dmg and dmg area.]
Nov 23, 2006 greengeek link
Considering that licenses really should be based on what you've proven able to handle, not how many bots you've hunted down, then it makes sense having a weapons requirement for them. Your character needs to prove that you are aware of the safety concerns and responsible use of the weapons, even with Concussion Mines. Consider the effects on the residents of a station of some random idiot dropping concussion mines all around the place and setting them off. Bubble wrap and pillow prices would skyrocket.

But again, this is really another argument for "licenses" that are acquired for particular ships, weapons and equipment based on training and exam missions, rather than XP.
Nov 23, 2006 Zed1985 link
I am against exam missions. It really really anoys me when in a game I have to go on a 15 hours mission to be able to use the Red Sword Of Arse Kicking. Even if I have the required skill and posses the item, the character MAGICALLY can't equip the bloody thing.

I know it's in works in VO that licences be given after a test (like the TPG raptor), while it is not a bad idea, it is an idea I don't like (personally).

And back to conc mines. Since they suck, and are pretty much harmless anyway I say give em to traders. Look politicians in VO (they are the ones deciding the licences right?) aren't that stupid, they KNOW that trading is dangerous. Not letting the traders to arm themselves is stupid. Not letting them use dangerous items, agreed, before having a gun you must make sure the bloke wont shoot his own foot. But having pepper spray?

Same goes for batteries. I know it keeps coming back and duying, but my trader deserves an FC, he does an important job and his work generates millions for the gov in taxes. So why the hell don't they make my life easier by giving me a better battery? (power cell w/e)

Also requiring trade 7 means that Noobs WONT be getting a conc mine, since trade 7 is a bich to get anyway ;)
Nov 24, 2006 Aramarth link
I'd be for reducing if not eliminating the requirements on the conc mine other than the commerce level. While the proximity and lightning mines are CLEARY weapons, and this does NOT apply to them, the concussion mine is as nonviolent a weapon as we have in the game. Commerce level 7 means you have to be around long enough to know how to fly, so make it so! Combat and weapons experience teach a pilot nothing in the way of how to use mines, so I agree with the proposal.. commerce only.
Nov 25, 2006 moldyman link
In the end, the trade only characters go to Corvus anyway. It just seems stupid, imo, to make a defensive weapon require offensive licenses.
Nov 25, 2006 toshiro link
I think concussion mines should not necessarily require weapons licenses, and for the record, power cells require combat license levels, not weapon ones; the point remains, though.