Forums » Suggestions

Restricting Valkyries and Promethei

Nov 28, 2006 bojansplash link
No it cant Tumble. if your name happens to be Salleh Ibn Musa and you live in Kandahar im afraid you wont be able to buy a nice shiny stealth bomber.
Nov 28, 2006 toshiro link
Just like in real life, you cannot change careers any time you want, unless you're in the low-expertise sector. Sorry to put it this bluntly, but it's like that. A software engineer will not have an easy time switching to, say, mechanical engineering, due to the tons of additional knowledge to be acquired. But that is okay, because at some point, people decidewhat to do.

This holds true for VO, as well. You decide which path you take, and if you want to change that path once you have been working for years on just one, it's going to cost. Not money, but time and energy.

I am all for the possibility that any character can become hated or liked by any faction and become their citizen, so to speak, but not at the drop of a hat. Or rather, if such a sudden change is desired, it should come with severe repercussions.
Nov 28, 2006 tumblemonster link
Hah! I have 2 stealth bombers stashed in my garage! So HAH!

Until there are equal benifits for each nation, there is no point in a change. Right now, all that will happen is UIT players will get the short stick AGAIN. UIT don't get ANY benifit from being UIT (starting nuetral with both faction is not a benifit, especially after you take away Serco and Itani faction ships). Serco and Itani can do border patrol, Border Skirmish, and can get N3s straight from the store. There is nothing a Serco or Itani cannot get or do.

The only way a faction ship limitation is balanced (read: Fair) is if the Serco and Itani are also prohibited from getting UIT and all sub faction ships. The Maud is hardly the faction equivalent of a Prom or a valk, and unless UIT start getting some other goodies, this isn't much more than a discussion about how to screw the UIT players just a wee bit more than they are already.
Nov 28, 2006 bojansplash link
I agree completely Tumble. No UIT faction specific ships for Itani/serco.
In fact that kind of situation would be closer to original backstory. Serco/Itani/UIT have different technologies so their ships are different in many ways.
Stupid thing in the first place is that all ships widely available in VO are made by TPG. Its time to stop that. Give us nation/faction specific technology ships.
Same should apply to weapons.
Why should all nations use neutron blasters as their high tech wep?
After fleeing from Sol II Itani developed independently for centuries without any contact with the rest of the human race and after 2nd contact they are using same ships and weapons as sercos and UIT? pffft.
Nov 28, 2006 upper case link
and so what if uit dont have specialty war machine.

they're not at war with anyone. serco and itani are. they're the ones that require the hardware.

and dont push us! we could get together and war on the snots!
Nov 28, 2006 Zed1985 link
War on the snots! War on the snots! War on the snots!

As I have said before the uit varients suck anyway, the tung maud is the only one useful for mining an dthe best for trade, and the Tung taur is great too.
Nov 28, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
The fact is, UIT just sucks. There are only three big hitters in the Universe, and they are Itani, Serco, and TPG. Think about it, the only difference between grey space and yellow space is that TPG makes the kids play nice in "UIT" territory. Yeah, of course UIT doesn't have good attack ships. If anything, being of UIT ought to open up access to a special military TPG craft of some sort. Maybe like, only one large port? But I regress...
Nov 28, 2006 LostCommander link
My 2c: The game does not have enough content yet to happily restrict player access to certain in-game content. I vote for not changing the current purchase rules until the same acquisitions can still be made with alternative rules (e.g. crafting).
Nov 28, 2006 upper case link

by your reasoning, the game does not have enough content to have multiple nations. let's go back to a single nation model and call this a civil war.

at least at that point there will be justification for everyone to have the same equipment.
Nov 28, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
That's why the best ship, Corvus Vulturius, is available to every nation.
Nov 28, 2006 Ghost link
While a good ship, the corvus vult pales in comparison to the SCP.
Dec 05, 2006 moldyman link
Well, this is a kludge type of thing so I don't imagine you would need to revamp the faction system for this.
Dec 05, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Hopefully you'll concede, Ghost, that the CV should "pale in comparison to the SCP."