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Radar blips

Nov 27, 2006 bojansplash link
Can we get different radar blips for npcs/players/nations?
There are a lot of colors besides red, green and blue you know........
Nov 27, 2006 drazed link
they have yellow dots too :D
Nov 27, 2006 toshiro link
The issue is recognizability. While I agree that there could be more, it would be wise to still limit the usage to maybe the 3 base and the 3 complementary colours, i.e. red, yellow, blue and orange, green, violet.
Nov 27, 2006 Lexicon link
Red - enemy ship
Green - friendly or neutral ship
Yellow - rockets (unguided)
Blue - seeker missiles
Orange - (NOTHING)
Violet - cargo crates
Gray - asteroids
(S) - Station "in" docking bay
(W) - Cyan wormhole swirly

I'd like to see, instead of gray dots, gray wireframe of nearby large objects in-sector. Asteroids, racingtubes, stations, etc, instead of a gray dot.
I'd like to see 3-D gridlines in radar, marking off chunks of distance into grids.
I'd like to see a 3-D mesh representation of where 3000m "jump zone" areas are - a border of sorts. Heck, if the NFL can superimpose a yellow line for first downs, and Fox can make the hockey puck glow blue, then I'm sure 45th century technology can do these kinds of things on radar.

And I'd also like to be able to switch between radar and main screens. As in, if we can do a wireframe view in the forward radar circle, how about we be able to flip the "Picture-in-picture" so that my radar is visible on main screen?

I'd also like to see radar occlusion (other topic I know).

Aaaah, the wishlist grows...
Nov 27, 2006 Moofed link
I'd like to see, instead of gray dots, gray wireframe of nearby large objects in-sector. Asteroids, racingtubes, stations, etc, instead of a gray dot.
Seconded, but not limited to gray blips. Capships need that treatment too.
Nov 27, 2006 Lexicon link
Oooh yeah, cappies too. Tridents, too? I dunno.

BTW Hi Moofed!
Nov 27, 2006 toshiro link
Good idea, Lex. But yes, the question is where the line should be drawn on the wireframe representations. I'd say that anything below HAC class, or perhaps Teradon class should not get that treatment. I realize that this is drawing the line pretty low, but given the very low current number of different capital ship types, it is difficult to make a statement that would hold up for longer than the time until VO 2.0 (hopefully?).
Nov 27, 2006 Lord Q link
what if cap ships got a small icon (like the ones for station docks or wormeholes)?
Nov 27, 2006 Lexicon link
Bah, no icons, just draw a low-res wireframe representation of the area enclosed by the capship in Radar. Perhaps Tridents don't get a wireframe, maybe just Teradon-size and up.

I'd also like to see the data for the ship that's targeted NEAR the ship, kinda like this:
Nov 27, 2006 Ghost link
That would be really cool lex, just as long as we have a quick option to turn it off for fights.
Dec 02, 2006 Lexicon link
Looks like we're getting wireframe radar. KICKASS.
Dec 1st newspost: