Forums » Suggestions

We need Serco's badly, really badly

Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
I just want this to go on record that there are 12 Itani, 10 UIT, and 1 serco online. I mean, it is late, but that shouldn't make all the serco's get off.

Now, please, with the new economy system supposed to be coming out, please add some kind of monopoly that one can get by being Serco. (I intend this to be seen by the devs... not you randoms who have no say)

Serco space, I must insist, is a waste of itself. Either add unique features (ships/weaps/trade) to the Serco Nation, or push the Serco/grey borders back further into Serco space.

The number of systems should somewhat represent the population, and this just isn't the case here.
Mar 19, 2007 FatStrat85 link
They already have the best ship in the game really. I think when a player creates a new character the default should be for the game to automacially chose a nation. Then the noobs would be spread evenly between the nations. You should have to go through a customization process to pick your own nation, and most noobs wouldn't bother with that.
Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
I was thinking that just now FatStrat, but I don't think that they would enjoy getting thrown into Serco, and not being able to choose.

The whole idea of having multiple nations in this game, kindof depends on people actually being in them.

I suggest either:
* SBG re-vamp,
* Prom variant with different ports 3 large 1 small?,
* Serco variant of the Behemoth with 1 small ad 2 large ports(ultimate miner),
* completely new type of ship yet to be designed and with a unique fighting role not yet occupied.

Question: Whats not occupied you may say?

Answer: Small Heavily Armored Ship with one small port.

For this ship you have a base color of jet-black and a stealthy edgy appearance. I'll try to link a picture of something I'm talking about.
Mar 19, 2007 genka link
Jim, you're kindof new, so you probably haven't noticed yet, but the nation a person belongs to really has very little influence on their life in the game. Let alone how many players there are from your nation online.

Hell, most of the time it's a hassle to try to get your guildmates to do anything with you, never mind the people whose only connection to you is that they can hear you on 11.

Perhaps instead of suggesting 'clever' solutions, you should explain to us randoms what it is exactly that makes you think that a low number of players on any nations side is a bad thing?
Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
Actually I'm an alpha.

"Perhaps instead of suggesting 'clever' solutions, you should explain to us randoms what it is exactly that makes you think that a low number of players on any nations side is a bad thing?"


I'm thinking I should go back to making "clever suggestions".

" you probably haven't noticed yet, but the nation a person belongs to really has very little influence on their life in the game. Let alone how many players there are from your nation online."

It should.

Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
What's the point of having nations then genka?
Mar 19, 2007 slime73 link
The solution is NOT for Serco to have all the good stuff. As strat pointed out, they already do.
Mar 19, 2007 Cunjo link
See: The other two threads created to this end in the last couple weeks.
Mar 19, 2007 moldyman link
Yeah, we should abolish nations! Stop pretending that the game has RP and just make it an FPS fest. To boot, it would solve friendly fire since there would be no restrictions! And who cares about balance if everyone can buy a Prom or a Valk?
Mar 19, 2007 LeberMac link
Ha ha ha haaaaaa!

Yes! Serco are EVIL! They deserve to die!

/me runs...
Mar 19, 2007 Millenium Blackhawk link
I think Inc had mentioned rewriting the Serco intro at the "creating a new char" screen. That in of itself will go a long way into balancing the universe. Or... perhaps BioCom will stop planting sterilization chemicals in the AA Grade Implants.

genka said:
"Hell, most of the time it's a hassle to try to get your guildmates to do anything with you, never mind the people whose only connection to you is that they can hear you on 11."

O.o ... I love my guild.
Mar 19, 2007 upper case link
yeah. we know.

some of us are trying to fix that but we're up against deaf ears and stubborn player attitude. we have to build from the ground up.

help us.
Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
lols uc

I don't understand that whole akanese thing...

What is it, like a different system being added to the universe?
Mar 19, 2007 genka link
Behold! The power of ALPHA!
Mar 19, 2007 upper case link
read up on the backstory. the "order of akan" was (/is) an unofficial itani faction that actually started the war after the itani fled terra 2 (wich later was renamed serco prime).

this is all backstory-only stuff but there's been talk of making a new nation/faction for akanese.

what i think we need to do first is find serco to shoot at. then an akanese faction might make sense.

ps: mogul velaio was not akanese. no. really.
Mar 19, 2007 moldyman link
You have your facts mixed up. The Akanese took control of the Itani government on Terra II and started the original war. Itani got their asses kicked, fled, came back researching space a few centuries later. Serco flipped, kidnapped pilots, came to Eo and made vague threats, started attacking peaceful ships, got asses kicked by Akanese, got nuked by AKanese, and so the story continues...

Both sides have their share but the Serco resemble something of the grudge bearing type. If we were all Serco, I think France and England would be in the 700 year War...
Mar 19, 2007 upper case link
the akanese having been in power is a fabrication! you lie!

Mar 19, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Prom variant with different ports 3 large 1 small?


I mean, seriously. Holy fuckin' Hell!
Mar 19, 2007 Jim Kirk link
Well, it would probably have to have a mass increase, but yeah. That'd be sick right?
Mar 20, 2007 genka link
A massacre increase?