Forums » Suggestions

Trial account timer

Apr 25, 2007 csgno1 link
If the trial account timer did not count time inside stations, then folks who wanted to make something like a guild bank bot could use a trial account inside a station indefinately. The bot could be available even when the subscriber wanted to play. I guess another change would have to be that channel chat would deactivate after 8hrs to keep the trolls from using it to disturbe chat. Guild chat and sector chat would need to work I think.
Apr 25, 2007 moldyman link
I love this idea. Just need to figure out the 100 thing, but otherwise very nice.

I'll ponder a bit more :) Oh, and it sucks for Guild since they won't make money :(
Apr 25, 2007 thurisaz link
hmm... when I saw this thread I thought it was asking for a little "x hours y minutes z seconds of trial time remaining" counter on the HUD'd be tough to do, but seems like a nice gesture...

Apr 26, 2007 Aleksey link
Yes, I like it.

Looks like more guilds will get IRC relay like #sigma if this is approved :-D

It would be easier to implement, if trial account timer DID count time inside stations, but you wouldn't be able to exit station and speak on general chat after 8hrs (or when you're not subscribed)
Apr 26, 2007 yodaofborg link
Hmm, two accounts in VO == 1 account in most other mmo's

Buy a second account and stop being cheapskates, if your guild wants a bot, your guild should pay for it, not guild software.

And as bots generally take up _more_ network bandwidth than normal player acounts, I give this idea a big



If it would just be used for a bank, of course it would not take up much room, but used as a relay? Sure, it can easily take up more than your average player.
Apr 26, 2007 Demonen link

Anyway, I agree with yoda. The trial accounts are --TRIAL ACCOUNTS--, not free accounts or bot accounts or whatever.

Also, VO is cheap! Get another account!
A fairly organized guild should be able to spread the financial load pretty easily, too.
Apr 26, 2007 csgno1 link
I have no intrest in an IRC relay, in fact I wouldn't mind if the current IRC relay on 100 went away. I was just interested in a bot for a bank. And yes I am cheap, it stems from not having much disposable income, but on the other hand if it was easy for a person to set up a dedicated bank then people would stop asking the devs to provide a bank system. Maybe the trial account is the wrong place for it, I was just looking for a way that required the least work by our devs. I had suggested a while back the ability to purchase a second login for an account but that might be a lot of work to provide.
Apr 26, 2007 Demonen link
I had sevral million credits in the BountyBot bank when it went away. That's cash I'll never see again :P

Basically, I'm not gonna trust my credits to a player-run bank unless it's an actual guild bank that my guild controls. The point still stands that trial accounts are for trying the game, not for making player-run services.
I'm very much opposed to any kind of permanently free accounts for any purpose, and twice as opposed to player-run game-wide banking.
Apr 26, 2007 PsyRa link
The REAL suggestion here, is for a guild to have a bank that members can move money into.

If they did have a dedicated bank, then things like Guild contribution taxes could be implemented. (X% of all profit, etc)

That would solve all the problems.
Apr 26, 2007 Cunjo link
PsyRa nailed it.

Forget suggesting to make DiY workarounds for features we don't have, and just suggest the features.

Trial Account Timer: [REJECTED]
Guild Bank Account: [APPROVED]
Apr 27, 2007 csgno1 link
But I like to program and I predict that Guild software will not be hiring me in the near future.
Apr 27, 2007 moldyman link
Don't worry. It's not like Guild will put in a banking system in tonight's update, csgno. GO wild and have fun.

P.S. - Try it in lua, so maybe one day, you can run it within VO.
Apr 30, 2007 jexkerome link
We all know the Guild system is still bare bones and is not priority, but yes, I'd prefer to have it expanded with features like the bank, basic mail, location display, etc. etc. etc. than making changes to the game to facilitate player kludges.