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User Interface Suggestions

May 01, 2007 Phaserlight link
Forgive me if another thread such as this exists, the only one I could find was over a year old.

A couple minor things struck me as I was playing today involving the user interface...

On the station welcome screen there is a list of "items in demand" in the lower left hand corner.

It would be nice to be able to hilight each item and get a little more info about it under the "Item details" field. Just an icon and a description such as under the commerce tab would make this list a little more accessible imho.


A second thought I had was that it would be useful to have an option to auto-switch the license indicator in the top right of the in-flight hud.

Often times I find myself pursuing one activity (such as mining) for a length of time, and don't bother to go under the character screen to switch the indicator using the radio button (yeah I'm lazy). As a selectable option the game could automatically set the license indicator to the category of last experience gained, saving the player the trouble of switching it manually.
May 01, 2007 MSKanaka link
I would absolutely love a cvar for the displayed license.

It'd be easy enough to toggle them with a simple set of aliases:

alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD "CombatLicense"
alias CombatLicense "set showLicense 1; alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD LightLicense"
alias LightLicense "set showLicense 2; alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD HeavyLicense"
alias HeavyLicense "set showLicense 3; alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD TradeLicense"
alias TradeLicense "set showLicense 4; alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD MiningLicense"
alias MiningLicense "set showLicense 5; alias ToggleLicenseOnHUD CombatLicense"
May 03, 2007 Aleksey link
Please add "Unload all" button to the Welcome screen
May 04, 2007 SilentWave link
As commander of a trading guild, I strongly second the "Unload All" button!

I've thought of this level display-switching before, but didn't think to post about it. I second that too.

-ITG Cmdr. Silent~Wave
May 06, 2007 jackscream link
Unload all ... with a hotkey!