Forums » Suggestions

suggestion for involving planets in system conquest thats coming.

Jun 03, 2007 mr bean link
i would like to suggest that when systems can be captured, that planets play a role in it. i suggest that there be new sectors in the system map, they will be small sectors that are on the planets in the system map. when you go to these sectors, you will be much closer to the planet than usual, perhaps even close enough to be in orbit if it were real life. there would be a few special stations forming a defensive line around the planets with turrets and main guns used for anti cappy defense, the way it would work is that the attackers must destroy the stations and turrets surrounding them. or you can protect specialized ships (ones with large cargo capacity) that carry troops for capturing the plantet surface as they move towards a jump point that the stations are protecting that goes down to the planet(players will not be able to use the jump point, it is only meant as a place to escort the ships to) and when enough of them make it to the surface the planet is captured.
Jun 05, 2007 Caitu link
I like this idea a whole lot. An orbital command station or ring that would have to be destroyed or captured by the invading faction.
Jun 06, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Only if we can bombard the planet's surface, extinguishing all life on or below it, rather than politely "capturing" it.
Jun 06, 2007 mr bean link
well the troop ships will do all the killing on the ground. your job is to destroy the defenses and protect the troopships as they make their way to the planet surface.