Forums » Suggestions

Seal off Deneb/GR Wormhole

Aug 29, 2008 missioncreek2 link
I was thinking about how the system of sectors which you can warp between solves the real problem of huge amounts of time spent traveling in a persistant universe. Its an elegant solution. Imagine how long it would take to travel a million km? We never have to bear this in VO. Why then should there be long strings of systems which waste pilot's time in transit? It defeates some of the elegance provided by the ability to warp between sectors. PsyRa's map is the answer!
Aug 31, 2008 Starpwn link
Everything I can say is already stated (bump)
Sep 10, 2008 stackman122 link
In thinking way back, I noticed that we do not need teleportation; we simply need PsyRa's map. Gray on the inside, and a new WH connection to the disputed territory of Deneb.

PLZ devs, we would love this idea, it would lend itself to more conflict within the very expansive universe. It would also allow the payout of long distance procs and escorts to be nerfed eliminating the ever-present stream of money from choking the economy with easy cash.

It also lends itself to strong expansion; if we were to open 10 new systems with player run stations and such, this feature would allow players to cross the map relatively quickly from one gray to another.

oh and, *bump*
Sep 11, 2008 incarnate link
Psyra's map isn't "gray on the inside". Like he says:

Now, here is it inverted, with Grey in the middle and UIT on the outside. Note, the wormhole connections have not changed, just the view on where systems are in relation to each other.

The physical reality of his map is exactly the same as our current one, it's just drawn differently.. there is no change in wormhole connections, beyond his dotted-line proposals to deneb/divinia.

As far as those wormholes go, I very recently commented on exactly that idea in this thread (this linked post, and the one before it):

Psyra's idea isn't bad, but it's not any better than my own long-standing plans for universe expansion (which I only briefly mention at some point in this thread). Neither have anything to do with nerfing the escort payout, which is an entirely separate problem.

The whole Deneb->Gray thing is not new, and I'm not really a big fan.

For the betterment of the total game, it would be advantageous to solve the whole "long range transportation" thing in a way that is more generic to the game's possible future. Like the current discussions in the "Teleport" thread linked above. The universe will be expanded, and it won't continually have new wormholes found to "conveniently" link Newly Popular Place A with Place Z. Eventually we may have thousands of solar systems (a very real prospect, but one which is still a little ways off and would require a lot more relevant gameplay). I would rather have buses or.. special fragile "transportation" ships or some such, rather than just creating wormholes willy-nilly.
Sep 11, 2008 Ghost link
Another solution to long range transportation could be not to change the the method of transportation at all, but adding things along the way. A lot of MMOs make long range transportation bearable by having a lot of artwork or eye candy along the way. Others throw certain variables into the equation like NPC attacks or pop up quest or something of the like. Even others simply give the option to pay a larger fee for instant transportation to certain destinations. All of this is pretty long term stuff I imagine, but something to keep in mind.
Sep 11, 2008 stackman122 link
Inc, I understand your angle, I am jut thinking about turn-offs to new players who (without a fast charge) are crushed when they figure out that it will take them 45 mins to get to a 'new' part of the universe. But I can also see how a very big feeling universe has its upside...

I could specialize in a particular area (series of systems) and kind of call that home. Not leaving often, and pirating to my hearts content on 'tourists'.

TY for your input, I like it that you and your company are truly concerned with out ideas.