Forums » Suggestions

small step towards player owned cap ships

Aug 06, 2008 ryan reign link
couldnt hurt anything...but the general idea is that the hesvy or "turret" Moth already exists in game. the Devs have tons of stuff to do and there are only 4 of them. so I tried to come up with something to make every one happy and if implimented cause a minimal amount of work for the Devs.
Aug 07, 2008 laytorest link
Alright, Ryan Statis and I are working on ship models, so... We'll make a new topic on it. We're almost done with our first...
Aug 09, 2008 mpescador link
First, responding to the very first person who responded to the thread...

And you think a cap ship has maneuverability?!? Give it a rest.

As for the rest...

Don't use the Moth model. It should have it's own model. But the idea of a "sub-cap" category of ship is great and there can be a use for a type for all kinds of uses, not just one. After all, even the Moth doesn't have just one variation. Based on suggestions I've read so far here...

* A group gathers at a single station where the ship is located and the owner "transports" everyone to the ship (new station button). This makes the ship appear in space. The owner pilots, the gunners/passengers pick their stations.

* Turrets on most sub-cap ships should have a selection of weapons the pilot can buy, so I'm thinking large port beam weapons. On the other hand, wouldn't it be nice to have access to the widowmaker as a potential turret weapon? Never having used it or, I think, seen it, I'm not sure. Just sounds good.

* Version 1 - Frigate Support - Cut down the extra load in favor of weapons and armor like a good combatant. Can support the pilot and 4 gunmen (or NPC gunners). Pilot controls forward missiles or guns (2 Large) as well as drop a minefield behind (1 Large, mines only), making the ship a powerful enemy despite being slower in response than the pilot may be use to for combat.

* Version 2 - Carrier/Repair Support - Only 1 turret in back and the pilot's weapons in front (2 Large). Again, no cargo space to speak of. Pilots in small ships can dock for repairs or to be carried up to 4 ships. Typically supported by heavy ships. Heavy armor.

* Version 3 - Passenger Ship - Faster and lighter light cruise ship about to carry cargo at the cost of speed and maneuverability (mass increase), but can also carry up to 8 passengers as well as the pilot, each of which would have his own window. Pilot has 2 large weapon slots making it not unlike a Moth to fly. Would make a great ship for observing a Nation War or similar all player campaign. Light armor.

* Version 4 - Cargo Ship - Can carry one ship for cargo transport and mining, so one of the two gunners can go out, collect cargo, and return. Two turrets, 1 Large port in front and 1 Large in back (mines only). Medium armor.

* Unseen Option - Mine Dropper - Haven't seen this suggestion yet. Variation of the combat ship. Pilot controls only a mine dropper (6 Large Ports worth) and no other support, so will need support ships when laying down a field. Don't know how the current mines work, but assuming this is supportable and usable based on navy tactics. Heavy armor.

* Mine Sweeper Option - At the same time there should be a mine sweeper ship able to target mines with small port weapons. Take the Passenger ship, add armor, remove cargo space, make all "turret" weapons for passengers small port beam weapons excluding, of course, the widowmaker or even just reducing the option to flechette since the object is to destroy mines from a distance and a flak shooter would be a good choice.
Aug 10, 2008 ryan reign link
I chose the Moth as a template because there is currently an NPC Moth with AI turrets. so it would be easier for the devs to tweak if needed.
Aug 13, 2008 Starpwn link
I want different ship variants, but I also want it to actually get implemented...
Aug 14, 2008 ryan reign link
smacks starpwn in the head
Aug 14, 2008 missioncreek2 link
Good idea ryan! I'd love to come back and fly this mega moth - or kill it!
Aug 14, 2008 ryan reign link
see Incarnate? if you implement this idea you will get 1 new...(or old)...player...(back)
Aug 18, 2008 ryan reign link
got this idea from another thread, a gutted re-vamped Hive Queen would make a pretty awesome "sub capitol" ship.

actually when I down loaded the game all those years ago...I was disapointed that the Hive Queen wasnt a ship.
Aug 23, 2008 ryan reign link
XC Heavy Behemoth

License: 5/6/3/9/9
Armor: 60000
Cargo: 400
Ports: 2L 4 AI turrets
Mass: 60000
Thrust: 950
Spin torque: 19
Turbo speed: 65
Turbo energy: 50
Aug 23, 2008 vIsitor link
Frankly, ryan, with that amount of cargo, you might as well buy a Trident (except we can't yet =^\).