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/transfer item "name"

Dec 09, 2009 ryan reign link
name says it all, but in case any one is lost on this... a way to transfer cargo to another player while in station. This has really been needed for a long time and it doesn't SEEM like it would be that difficult to get in game.

Aside from making life a bit easier, it would encourage player interaction and add a little more immersion.
Dec 09, 2009 Impavid link
Long overdue
Dec 09, 2009 ladron link
This, too, should be a given.
Dec 09, 2009 LeberMac link
Agreed. It's cumbersome to haul my Corvus HoloPorn discs around just to sell them.
Dec 09, 2009 ryan reign link
/me gets some crayons to spell it out for Leebs

trader has 50000 units of Dentek core/LENB/what ever, fighter/miner/who ever wants 50000 units of Dentek core/LENB/what ever. They can either spend a long tedious time in moths transferring out side a station or the could type /transfer item 50000 "name" and be done with it.

Its more realistic, it's less complicated and it frees up time that could be spent actually enjoying the game.
Dec 09, 2009 Death Fluffy link
Long overdue as has already been said and previously suggested in various forms. I see this is a common sense feature.

And Leber, you have to stop watching long enough to sell :P
Dec 10, 2009 toshiro link
No wonder you have navigational problems, LeberMac. Your navicom doesn't have any HD space to store data anymore...

Oh, yeah, good idea. <insert standard remark about prior postings yadda yadda> Please implement.
Dec 10, 2009 Alloh link
Why not TRADE focused one? /trade

/trade sell "name" item quant value
/trade buy "name" value

This syntax is closer to other commands in game.
Transaction begins with "salesman" doing the offer.
Buyer must issue "buy" and value to complete transaction.
Value must be >=1c (to configure a trade transaction, not donation)

Also both players must be on same station, to avoid abuse.

what about a limit to amount of itens per transaction?

EDIT: to allow donation, [value]>=0.
This way avoid obvious abuses as a buyer receive good and refuses to pay, OR receive pay and deliver (none|other) good. Also, VO is about trade/combat, not charity, so 0 is exception.
Dec 10, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
If you're going to bitch about nomenclature (always a dumb idea), at least make sense. The command transfers property, and it need not be a trade related transfer--it could be a gift.
Dec 10, 2009 Armonia link
Dec 10, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
VO is about trade/combat, not charity

VO is also about piracy, but that hasn't stopped a near constant bitchfest by you, Alloh.

Also, your suggestion appears to eliminate an "item" for "item" trade. There are many things I wouldn't sell for credits but would trade for something else.
Dec 10, 2009 Impavid link
I don't really see how this could be abused without an actual bug in the implementation (likely at first, sure, but not lasting long). You type the command /transfer item name and the item moves to the named players station cargo. The only abuse I could see would be transferring thousands of freeblasters to other players causing them to pay station storage rent. Easy to implement a response requirement and that wouldn't be a problem.
Dec 10, 2009 ryan reign link
"This way avoid obvious abuses as a buyer receive good and refuses to pay"

Thank you for pointing out this OBVIOUS EXPLOIT... it hadn't occurred to me or anyone else ever. In fact, after reading it I went to a car dealership and "bought" a car. The unsuspecting salesman wrote up all the paper work signed the car over to me and imagine his surprise upon handing me the keys, when I gunned the engine and drove off rather than paying him.
Dec 10, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
This way avoid obvious abuses as a buyer receive good and refuses to pay, OR receive pay and deliver (none|other) good.

This really opens a whole new can of worms. Currently, if I want to trade item A for item B, or sell item C for 1 million credits, I have to go out into space and interact with another pilot. There's all sorts of potential for trickery here.

Way back when, for example, I arranged a meeting with a pilot who was carrying an important RP item (one Joyce C. stasis tube) and wanted to sell it to me for a significant amount of credits. When he jumped into the sector, however, he found himself in an unmarked roid field. I killed him and took the cargo item, which after a nifty little RP was sold for 40 million credits.

Obviously, the other pilot could have arranged things such that I forked over credits first and then he either escaped with the cargo anyway, or simply didn't have it in his hold to lose. The point is, however, there's currently no such thing as "abuse" -- it's not possible, because everyone is out in space, forced to interact. Try and not pay me, and I can try and kill you to get what you just sold me.

The problem with allowing in-station transfers is that absent a kind of Diablo 2 like trade interface -- some form of esgrow -- there's a need for these lame, artifical "abuse prevention" rules.

The other problem is that if you can do a totally safe transfer in station, you will. That's not necessarily good for game mechanics. Got 5000 cu of heliocene you want to sell to another player? Is it better for the game that you're forced to run moth XC line outside the station to move it, or just shuffle it from one player's control to another's all in the interactionless safety of the station?

[Edit]RR, are you proposing a system of criminal justice and civil litigation for VO? Because if you're not, the two situations are nothing alike. And if you are, well, it might merit its own suggestion.[/Edit]
Dec 10, 2009 Impavid link
I would hope the pure RP would be protected by honoring the spirit of the RP. But me giving Peytros a couple lawguns would be greatly simplified by an in-station transfer.
Dec 10, 2009 ryan reign link
Doc, a legal system of some type would be interesting and probably amusing... but that seems pretty difficult. At any rate, as you are in fact a lawyer and the extent of my legal knowledge is limited mostly to "line of sight" and "reasonable expectation of privacy" and various other press related law.

I there for, leave any suggestion of a VO legal system to you.
Dec 11, 2009 toshiro link
Attempt at hammering out a description:

1. Player Anthony offers; items or money. Items or money attain transfer buffer state.
2. Player Bill offers items or money in trade, which attain transfer buffer state, as well.
3. Items and/or money can be added or taken away by the original owner, but not by the other party (or anyone else, for that matter, except perhaps devs).
4. Once both parties are satisfied, they can signal agreement ('confirmation'), after which their offer is locked. After that, it's just a 'yes' or 'no', no altering the contents of the buffer anymore.
5. If both parties agree, the trade is effectuated, both are happy.
5.a Default answer is 'no', and if after 2 minutes of 'mutual confirmation' the state of the final answer has not been changed by both parties, all bets are off, back to square one.

All this can be done by commands at first, and perhaps a simple UI could be added later, at least IMO.
Dec 11, 2009 Alloh link
Dec 12, 2009 toshiro link
Would be easier, but haggling would be more of a hassle, I suppose.
Dec 12, 2009 BobTheBarge link
a while back i bought 500 lenbs from a guy. im new so i have no moth and it took longer than i hoped. this idea would add immersion and make player trade a bit more real feeling.