Forums » Suggestions

New job : ship builder / engineer - conception & game mechanics

May 07, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

As I'm assploding with ideas lately, there comes a next one.
It's a conception for new _SKILL_ & game balance mechanics & balance adjustements that will make it playable and interesting.
Say hello to ENGINEER SKILL, which allows You to:

+ Can build stuff of parts + schematics
+ Building more complex stuff require higher engineering skills
+ Can create wepons, equipment - even without proper licenses, standings
+ Can equip any stuff on any ships himself, doesn't need any standing/licenses on the station.
+++ Can equip any stuff on other players ships - this forces cooperation between players.
+++ However, equipping more complex equipment/weapons on a ship, should also require higher engineering XP level

+ Can build equipment from parts (without licenses, standings normally required for buying them)
+ Can build ships from parts (without licenses, standings required for buying them)
+ Can build capships from parts (without licenses, standings required for buying them)
+++ Two or more player-engineers can work together to build a capship/ship/anything other faster.

+ Schematics need to be scarce. Perhaps should be very expensive or (better) obtained on a mission
+ Schematics can be copied/bought from another player
+ After player learns/copies schematics, he can do as many copies out of single schematic as he wants

+ Engineer can dissassemble ships/equipment into parts and (of course) sell them

+ Engineer is a skill just like battle/mining/trading/weapons, not a separate predefined profession of some sort.
+ Has XP levels & points just like any other job.
+ Earns engineering experience from all engineering tasks: building ships, disassembling ships, disassembling equipment, equipping stuff on ships etc.
+ Engineer needs engineering tools. These can be bought at stations, but they require proper standings to buy of course.

+ All engineering tasks take time. Time is determined basing on the complexity of stuff being done.
+++ Example: If a ship is created out of 40 parts, building takes 40 units of time. If a ship is created out of 100 parts, it takes 100 units of time etc. Speed = 1 part / time unit.
+++ Example 2: If a ship consists of 40 parts, disassembling takes 20 units of time. 100 parts = 50 units of time etc. Speed = 2 parts / time unit.
+++ Time can be accelerated by using better engineering tools.

+ Engineer can fix ships using parts, tools instead of cash (note: difficult to implement properly).
+++ Can fix other player's ships as well.
+ More complex ships require higher engineering XP to build
+++ Every engineering/technological part on the market type could have "technological level" factor assigned to it, so the engineering XP needed to construct something would be determined using simple adding all technological points of all parts. Crude, but effective.

+ There are some very good weapons, eqipment, perhaps ship prototypes that only an player-engineer can build. It cannot be bought elsewhere in the galaxy.
+++ This will force cooperation between players.
+++ Some parts can be only bought by people with proper standing
+++ Some ships could be only avaiable on schematics. So players have to construct them first to fly them.

+ Engineers can build equipment/weapons on any station with proper standing, but to build a ship, they need:
+++ New type of station: Shipyard/Workshop station (a station on wchich engineers can build ships)
+++ The engineer must have a high standing in the particular shipyard to get a "room" allocation to build ships

+ Economy adjustment: Building a ship Yourself costs 50-80% less than buying it
+ Economy adjustment: Buying at wholesale prices. The more You buy, the better price You get. Especially if You buy in hundereds/thousands.
+ General adjustment: New items:
+++ Standard Engineering Tools (MkI) (allow building ships/equipment with normal speed)
+++ Robotic Engineering Tools (MkII) (allow building ships/equipment with 200% of normal speed)
+++ A.I. Enhanced Robotic Engineering Tools (MkIII) (allow building ships/equipment with 300% of normal speed)

+ Additional adjustement: For this feature to be useful & convenient, another conception of mine will probably be necessary: Tractor beam -
+++ Thanks to tractor beams, constructors will be able to produce and sell large numbers of their ships effectively. This will convert the game into one big marketplace and different kinds of player cooperation will flourish.

+ Again - to be clear: engineer _IS JUST A SKILL_ just like battle/mining/trading/weapons, not some separate predefined profession of some sort.
May 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
I see that
May 07, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
@Dr. Lecter


Very good ! You've earned +20 trolling points.
450 points left untill next level of HQ Trolling badge.

I must admit, You're getting better with every post. Who knows, one day we may send You to world trolling championships.
May 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Somewhere, genka is crying bitter, bitter tears.
May 07, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link
@Dr. Lecter

Somewhere, genka is crying bitter, bitter tears.

Why would he cry ? Did I hurt his feelings ?
If so, i sincerely apologize.
May 07, 2010 tarenty link
Genka is the world's greatest troll.
May 08, 2010 Whytee link
correction. He USED to be.

Lemme try this.... "looks in the mirror" GENKA GENKA GENKA

That aside, I agree with the good Dr. in this.
May 08, 2010 toshiro link
Yes, serious mistake in trolling assessment happening here.

We don't have pre-defined 'jobs' in the game to begin with, and nor would I like to see them appear. RP an engineer if you think you can do it.

Crafting needs to be open to all players.
May 08, 2010 David-Lister link
May 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

We don't have pre-defined 'jobs' in the game to begin with

Perhaps i wasn't clear enough.
Engineering will be a skill like any other skills (trading, mining, combat, weapons).

There will be no predefined jobs. No changes in that matter.
May 08, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

RP an engineer if you think you can do it.

Omg, i totally missed this part of Your post.

What do You mean by "RP an engineer" ?
May 08, 2010 peytros link

so close to facepalming
May 08, 2010 ladron link
I'm glad you recognize the fact that you are assploding with ideas. Now you need to go one step further and recognize that they are all really bad ones, which should be kept to yourself.
May 08, 2010 Chaosis link
May 09, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

so close to facepalming

Not bad, trolling XP +8.
You have 492 points untill HQ Trolling Badge Level 2.
Still, that's a lot to catch up to (Dr. Lecter has 450).

I'm glad you recognize the fact that you are assploding with ideas. Now you need to go one step further and recognize that they are all really bad ones, which should be kept to yourself.

Should i treat this as trolling or an argument ?
Because, to be sincere - it sucks at both.

One liner "i don't like it" is not really an argument, man.

May 09, 2010 Kierky link
Please shut up. At least fucking read your own ideas before posting them. They should then make it clear that you're on some kind of fuckdrug when you post these ideas. Some would argue that you're always on it.
May 09, 2010 PaladinOfLancelot link

I'm not here to discuss with trolls of all sorts, but because GUILD SOFTWARE WANTS MY INPUT.

Sorry, but in every fucking place, it says that THIS GAME WANTS PLAYERS' input.

And for Your fucking information, i think my ideas are great and i will not stop posting them because this forum is completely, totally overrun by trolls.

And if you would sometimes stop and think instead of just kicking every newbie's ass on the forums, You would also see that my ideas would make this game 10 X as interesting as it is now.

I will tell You why this game has so little playerbase. Because its completely overrun by CONCRETE Pirates & trolls, which do not want ANY CHANGES, and they destroy anybody who proposes to make changes. You want this game to be space-quake like it is now forever.

So, instead of trolling every one of my threads, its You who should shut up, LISTEN, and THINK. A little imagination is all it takes.

Please move along and let me do my job - generating PLAYER INPUT.
May 09, 2010 Whytee link
See, if you want to RP an engineer, take all the missions that support it, stash all the items that you need and produce those (very few) items we can craft. I do not see the need for an extra skill sets for producing things, especially since we can produce like three items or so.

Now, I know the hardest part of any MMORPG is the RPG bit. You can, if you apply some of that assploding amount of energy, roleplay the engineer. Like someone is roleplaying a diplomat, a coolant trader, an ancient miner, a scumbag pirate (I know, tautology..:)), a pacifist, a hive hunter, a rent-a-cop.... you name it.

Please remember that some of the trolls have been here for quite a while, and while they do not at all times have the most clean of languages, nor the finest and most literary eloquent way of expressing themselves, some times they are right. And you are wrong. This, kind Sir, is one of them.
May 09, 2010 peytros link
aww hell you made me do it

Aug 30, 2010 Keybounce link
Such trolling. Geez.

Ok people, listen up:

This game already has a leveling system.
This game already has a skill/class system.

It is not exclusive. You have 5 different skill/classes, and everyone is expected to have at least some of them.

Now, we've seen that there will be player crafting. Will everyone be able to craft everything? Or will there be some concept of a crafting skill level?

Good or bad, this is a proposal for such a system.

I am not commenting on the quality of the proposal -- I didn't understand it. I am only commenting on the quality of the feedback.

Please resume your normal trolling. Thank you.