Forums » Suggestions

Guild Storage

Aug 08, 2010 Surbius link
This topic comes up once in a while so I'll reiterate it.

Shared station storage between guildmates. Basically having a second storage space to put things into for any other member to see, of course there would need to be features for guild leadership to manage, such features that are used in the guild banks, i.e. anyone can deposit, withdraw limits (per day/specific cargo), logs, etc. However, I think guild storage should have two types of storage, general storage and special storage.

General storage being viewable by all guildmates with its own rule set and special storage having its own rule set but limits can be placed who can view it.

Criticisms and additions?
Aug 08, 2010 Maalik link
Yeah, I hope this is on the dev's list of things to implement sooner than later.
Aug 08, 2010 Death Fluffy link
Anything that supports a guilds collective efforts has my +1
Aug 08, 2010 tarenty link
-1. Not everyone is in guilds, and there is no way to prevent an enemy of a guild with an alt in that guild from using the guild's items against said guild.
Aug 08, 2010 vskye link
Aug 08, 2010 slime73 link
Would this be per station or would you be able to deposit and withdraw from anywhere like the Guild bank?
Aug 08, 2010 look... no hands link
it would have to be per station slime, otherwise i'd be using two alts to deposit trade goods from one satation and then withdraw them in another, and sell them. not only that, but something like this could be automated using plugins.
Aug 09, 2010 Alloh link
But create a 'home station' for Guilds, where it have its deposit, thus restricting guild storage to one station only.

Maybe later it can become a shop, where guild can automatically sell its goods to any player...
Aug 09, 2010 look... no hands link
No reason a guild can't have it's own rented storage in every station really.
Aug 09, 2010 UTM Command link
Yes, this idea would be very beneficial.
Sep 30, 2010 kimdino link
I was going to suggest a guild storage system until I found this thread. So here I am adding my vote for it.

Doing some work for ORE, whose members are spread around the world in different timezones, highlighted the need for members to be able to access stuff when the leaders aren't around.

Could it be done in a similar manner to the current station storage interface and accessible through the guild button? So it would work in a similar manner to the guild bank system but only allow access to local station storage.

Guild storage would be a way to implement the shared storage suggested elsewhere, but would limit abuse by alts.
Sep 30, 2010 ryan reign link
Sep 30, 2010 Willis link
I agree with Alloh in the sense the storage should be limited. Not just to one station per say, but perhaps a maximum of 3-5?
Sep 30, 2010 ryan reign link
I'm some what inclined to agree with the one station, simply because its easier, more convenient and we don't really need more than one station for guild storage.

Gray is also logical from an RP stand point because even the legitimate corporations located there are there because they wish to avoid rules and regulations, so renting storage to a guild would be something they might do where as a barracks in nation space would certainly not.
Sep 30, 2010 Pizzasgood link
I don't care one way or the other, but I don't understand your RP logic. Individuals can store all kinds of stuff in any station they can dock at. Why would nation-space stations make a distinction between individuals and guilds?

In the future when there are more conquerable stations, guild storage could be restricted to those. That would give the stations a bit more purpose.
Sep 30, 2010 ryan reign link
The RP logic is that Guilds are in a sense a business enterprise with political/financial goals. Even if these goals are similar, identical or radically different the basics are the same... profit and or political, thus a law abiding, above the board by the book type of enterprise is not going to lend storage facilities to a potential competitor.

Where as a shadier, more fast and loose, trying to get away from regulations and rules might have very specific goals not in step with legal regulations, thus the station being in gray space. As they have a very specific goal, not strictly legal in nation space but that would not be interfered with by a guilds goals.