Forums » Suggestions

Adjustable Camera in 3rd person "Follow" mode

Jan 07, 2012 Conflict Diamond link
Incarnate: "Yeah, that sounds like a good Suggestions topic. And more specifics will be helpful."

As prompted from the general forum:

Can you look at making camera controls for 3rd person "Follow" mode? I'm remembering some old WWII flight sim that allowed the player to orbit around the plane when in 3rd person view, always pointing at the plane. Once adjusted, that became the view you started with next time you toggled from cockpit view. For small craft it may only be a little help and a lot of "cool!", but for capship piloting, it would be extremely useful for presenting lower turret gunners with targets (as is it is much easier to chase targets with your top deck), as well as navigating tight spots in roid fields and stations.

I'm not sure how it would be easiest to accomplish, but either create camera controls that can be assigned to keys or a way to toggle ship's movement to camera control as you do in "Orbit-Freeze" mode. Being able to dynamically adjust it in combat without losing helm control would be awesome, so I guess i'd suggest the former. For what I described you wouldn't need total a free camera, just orbit left/right, up/down, distance, and maybe a reset to vo's default angle.

Icing on the cake, I know, but... it's CAKE!
Jan 08, 2012 TheRedSpy link
+1 Awesome idea.