Forums » Suggestions

Grey Craftable Ships

Aug 04, 2013 PaKettle link
The devs have already ruled on the subject - Corvus is a legit organization - Not a pirate outfit.

Actually persons of high standing elsewhere would be viewed with a bit of suspicion at corvus.
Care bears and such have a habit of ruining good arrangements....
Aug 04, 2013 DeathSpores link
as this wont happen any time soon(tm) better to make it right.

/* thread jacking'*/
Make some pirate clans in greyspace with hidden and moving stations. They can have specific ships that are rogue itanis or serco or uit modified model. Those clans would shoot on sight anyone who hasn't the correct standings. Correct standings may be native KOS, tri KOS, dual KOS plus some minor faction hate/dislike (dynamic maybe). You could still dock if you manage to bribe a guard before he kills you, but equipment price would be multiplied by ten or more then. You could gain standing with them and losing the appropriate corresponding standing by doing specific missions.
/* thread jacking'*/
Aug 04, 2013 ryan reign link
"Corvus, while not a corporation in any legal sense, certainly has a tangible economic impact on activities within the UIT, and the universe as a whole. This black market cluster of stations has become a major haven for pirate activity, mercenaries and corporations who simply wish to avoid Senate oversight. All manner of underground activities take place here under the baleful eye of the mysterious Syndicate, the little-known enforcing overlords of Corvus Prime. No lawful entities attempt to bring this region under their sway, partially because of the Syndicate's not-insignificant influence and firepower, and partially because of the logic that.. if Corvus were destroyed, they would simply reorganize in another, unknown location. "Better to know where the hornets nest" stated one law enforcement representative. This rationale is made that much easier by the Syndicate's strictly defensive posture within Corvus space. No attempts are made to expand or to influence other regions, and in fact the Syndicate is almost never heard from, even within their own territory. It is believed they have high-level economic dealings with several of the major corporations, but nothing is known of their membership, size, organization or leadership. Law enforcement agencies ceased to attempt to penetrate the organization long ago, when operative after undercover operative failed to return or report"

Sounds like a real legit corporation, what with the "not a corporation", "black market", " major haven for pirate activity, mercenaries and corporations who simply wish to avoid Senate oversight.", "All manner of underground activities", "No lawful entities attempt to bring this region under their sway, partially because of the Syndicate's not-insignificant influence and firepower" and the murder of law enforcement.

Care bears think they should have special privilege... in the word of Ice T, eat a whole bag of [deleted].
Aug 04, 2013 Faille Corvelle link
but still not terrorists...
Aug 05, 2013 ryan reign link
In all fairness you are correct, it does not say they are. Nor, however... does it say they are not.
Aug 05, 2013 Faille Corvelle link
It doesn't say Itani/Serco/UIT/sub factions aren't terrorists either, does that mean they are? There is nothing in Corvus' backstory that implies they are terrorists, merely criminal-ish. Black market trading, or harbouring pirates does not a terrorist make.

Aug 05, 2013 Pizzasgood link
To a politician, yeah, that's more than enough to make you a terrorist.

They know that I attack them. They know that Corvus keeps me afloat. They know that you help to keep Corvus afloat. So why would they not have a problem with that?
Aug 05, 2013 Snake7561 link
Well, I suppose they aren't actually the terrorists, but they supply terrorists, pirates, thugs, and anybody else.
Aug 05, 2013 Faille Corvelle link
So do the Serco, Itani and UIT, and the sub factions, both in grey and in UIT space.
Aug 05, 2013 Alloh link
since this threat is already entirely OT, after readin all this, my "faction fix" becomes:

We should have two major axis in VO, that old quadratic idea:
(With remaining factions closer to one side than any other).

Since we also need a 4th faction, then corvus goes to a position closer to center, closer to TPG.

UIT--TPG--Corvus--Undef (undefined faction)

that leaves Corvus the natural access to the Undef faction. and this new faction would require at least Native+1 KoS. Of course that Corvus would be manufacturing these new ships from OP, as undef faction would not have fixed stations.

But Undev (by corvus) Variant of ship are KoS on its original nation, i.e, you can fly a CorValk in UIT and Serco space, if your standing allows to, but not in Itani Space. Same to CorProm and CorMaud corresponding to Serco/UIT space.

Then we make sense on pirating all ship models in universe, and bringing consequences to choosing the dark side. Without that it Corvus becomes a shortcut to every ship without what mutual exclusivity provides.
Aug 05, 2013 Faille Corvelle link
I don't see why Corvus (or some undefined, criminalistic faction) would insist on any KoS. Who the hell says "we'll only deal with you if so-and-so hates you"?

As I replied to PaK, if Corvus standing could be lost like any other faction, I can see the logic behind Corvus PoS maxing UIT standing at respect, but the insistence on a KoS standing somewhere makes no sense.

Aug 06, 2013 Snake7561 link
The Itani/serco/UIT definitely don't (though some corporations may do, but not on a Corvus scale.)
Aug 06, 2013 Kierky link
The monsters want their crate back because they're missing candies from the closet, Alloh.
Aug 06, 2013 PaKettle link
Actually the way the faction exclusion works will cause a loss of corvus standing

If it id set at 1200 combined and your corvus POS then all the rest would drop to 200 max
if you raised one of the others then your corvus standing would drop to 200
Anything below neutral wont ge affected as its a negative number.

Corvus by design can never go to KOS - its a docking port of last resort for the game
which is why while it is legit it is also disreputable as well.
Aug 06, 2013 coteyr link
I don't understand why people want Corvus to effect all the other standings. There their own corp. Should Axia effect Valiant? Corvus is a sub faction, let it alone.
Aug 06, 2013 Dr. Lecter link
Should Axia effect Valiant?

Yes, you idiot. In fact, the Devs have repeatedly said that they intend for certain subfactions to have have the kind of faction issues the Itani and Serco have, only more fluid (one month Axia and Valent might be at war and have exclusivity, next month or three later, Axia may ally with Valent against TPG).
Aug 06, 2013 Pizzasgood link
coteyr, allow me to introduce you to Vendetta 1.8.216.