Forums » Suggestions

Manufacturable Turrets

Aug 03, 2014 biretak link
Manufacturable Turrets

I think an item like this could increase player interaction, trading, building, etc., and also increase the diversity of ships we use in battles. The manufactured turrets can be used to protect a dent while its captain is in an adjacent sector, protect trade routs, enforce non-trade routes, help with national defense/offense and help hold a station that's under attack. It could also be a recoverable tool you could use to help escape if being chased instead of mines. The manufactured turrets could also be used for blockades in grey and even to hold/secure Corvus stations. Since Corvus realizes some of their clients like to conduct business in secure locations, the strike force at Corvus stations does not interfere with manufactured turrets. All other factions will not interfere with manufactured turrets as well unless they fire at a locally admired person at which point the sf will be dispatched to remove the turret (serco/itani can use these to secure paths in uit). If wormhole turrets are present, they will also fire on manufactured turrets that fire on a locally admired person.

Turrets are manufactured via a mission at Odia M14 (Corvus) out of commodities purchased at the other two other Odia Corvus stations (this will be fun ;) ). They'll get a name like playerName turret 12345 once deployed and keep the serial number part of the name until it is returned to a stations inventory at which point it is returned to how many turrets you have at that location. The turrets share a key that is created when you manufacture them or deploy them if they key does not already exist. People listed as owners, including yourself, are allowed to pick up and move turrets for you as battles progress. But, the name part of the turret is renamed when redeployed and uses that persons turret key as if it's now their turret (health and serial number of the turret stays the same). So, you better trust the person to return turrets to you if you care to keep track. This key also has kos list instead of a user list. You list the players you would like the turret to shoot at in that list. In addition to shooting at player on your list, deployed turrets will also shoot at turrets deployed by people in your kos list if they are in range of each other. If a person on the list in in a group that you are a member of, they and their turrets are safe. Grouping should take precedence over the kos list(temporary alliance).

The turrets have same stats as the conquerable station guass turret except the turret expires 15 minutes after the player logs out unless they log back in. The turret also expires after two hours of the player being inactive (afk).

Each turret takes up 38cu's of space to account for being able to deploy them by jettisoning them out of the cargo bay. If they are deployed within 200m of a station or asteroid they will be jettisoned as cargo to allow selling/trading among players and to keep them from being too close to a station or an asteroid. If they are deployed via Jettison All, they will spread out to be 200m from each other while keeping a 200m distance from stations and asteroids. If you already have 2 turrets deployed, additional turrets will be dropped as cargo for someone else in your group who may not have an inventory of turrets to deploy under their name (it becomes theirs), but they can return to you at a station or near an asteroid later, if you care to keep track. Again, health of the turret is unaffected by transfers.

The owner and other players listed as owner on your turret key are allowed to pick your turrets up and redeploy them as battle conditions warrant if they are in a ship with enough space. The only way to increase the health of a player assigned turret is with rep guns or docking into a station and unloading it. Transfers between players in the battle does not affect the health of the turret. When you unload the turret from your ship at a station, the station will also restore it's health for a fee and the turret rejoins your inventory of turrets at that station along with losing it's serial number.

Player deployed turrets will give you a message if it is attacked or if it is attacking someone:
sedina b8 turret attacking playername
sedina b8 turret under attack

Conquerable Station Behavior:

Anyone can deploy manufactured turrets at conquerable stations (guards ignore them since they aren't equipped to destroy them). Player turrets do not attack conquerable station turrets since they are not on the kos list (they will kill guards), but conquerable station turrets in range of a turret owned by a player without a key will fire on the hostile turret. This could allow a conquering group to put some player turrets between the station and their dent outside of turret range so they can quickly reload, but have their dent defended from player attack. This also could allow a player/group to protect their jump in point with a turret.
Aug 03, 2014 lance dogerty link
+1 Cool idea. They should be very heavy.
Aug 04, 2014 Sieger link
+1 An amazing idea. Never had that suggested before I think
I could imagine using it in many Combat ways.

It isn't too overpowered either and the limited lifetime idea makes it a fair thing (much like Furies).
I'm all for it.
Aug 04, 2014 Death Fluffy link
tl; got tired of reading

+1 to the general idea. -1 to experation.

I would make these fairly easy to manufacture in comparaison to other manufacturing done in VO. Certainly no more difficult than for the Furies. This is something that should be encouraged to be used in game by an assortment of players.

I would also suggest something along the lines of an on / off switch that could be used by players seeking to control wormholes or other sectors.

Aug 05, 2014 Snake7561 link
Aug 06, 2014 tuxdroid9 link
+1 they would make interesting play

I like the idea of turrets that can be deployed by jettison, in fact I think that's how mines should work as well
Aug 06, 2014 Kierky link
Aug 07, 2014 incarnate link
Turrets that work fundamentally like this have been a part of the plan for many years.

As to whether we'd be able to do this soon, that's another issue. The concept of a KoS list would take time to create, for instance, as there's a lot of user interface development.

But, we are definitely much closer, since we have persistent player-owned objects who can exist in sectors apart from the player. But I'm not quite sure if we're all the way there yet. Once we can do turrets, we can do a great many things.. hiring NPC guards, for instance, or NPC miners, or a whole variety of things that are a major part of my goals.
Aug 21, 2014 Keller link
It's been mentioned before as a part of station defenses, specifically that there should be no limit (or a large limit at the least) to the numbers of turrets defending the conquerable stations. If the holding faction(s) wish to expend resources building them, it should be okay. It would be a way to make the defenses very thick.

The downside to this suggestion is as always with player deployable munitions: how long should they stay resident.