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VR: Pressing the enter key while the virtual keyboard's textbox is focused sends the message

Nov 27, 2021 Luxen link
I tried playing VO on my quest 2 (rift-method), using my keyboard and mouse, and had two issues.

1) The mouse isn't displayed, even though you can still hover over and activate buttons. Can I get a toggle to make that show up?

2, and more important) In station, I could talk just fine, but while flying, I had no way to talk. The virtual keyboard would open, and i'd use MY keyboard to type in my input, but I have no way of sending my text anywhere without rooting around for my controller, which i'd deliberately chosen not to use (Default controls do NOT suit me at all). So, *IF* the virtual keyboard's text element is focused, could you have the enter key input trigger the done button?