Forums » Suggestions

Contest For New Ship and Weapon Design, SIGN UP! Major $$ prize!

Feb 28, 2004 Urza link
just wondering, what are the odds that any of th selected crafts will be the basis for an ingame design? Waylon, this question's all yours.
Feb 12, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Hello, the SDF is sponsoring a contest. The SDF wants any artist who can to generate a vessel or weapon for Vendetta. The top designs in each class (weapon and vessel) will win 250,000c for their effort and skill.


1) The craft MUST be original, it can be based on designs from other places but CANT have already been rendered.

2) The craft must include a specs sheet (agility, guns, armor) like the one ingame

3) Include a breif discription of your craft or weapon and what it's function is (eg. Pulse Laser Battery: Fires lasers in massive bursts to quickly melt armor.)

4) The craft can be rendered in any format and any color as long as the judges can view it. Preferrably, a .jpg file or a webpage.

5) The craft can't be totally abstract, it must be rendered in a design that makes sense for HUMAN travel. Odd blobs and such aren't going to be included into the contest.

5a) When I say odd blobs I mean just doodles and stuff. Weapons, Engines and Bridge must be shown or labeled as to their location (labeled only if not readily apparent).

6) The craft must have a skin over it and some sort of basic design. A skeleton of a ship isn't acceptable. And uncolored craft is fine but make it grey or something, adding color improves your odds of being selected.

The deadline for this is June 1st, giving you all the time you need hopefully. Post here if you have questions.

The SDF would like to ask anyone else to endorse this contest as well since the SDF can't solely give away large sums or money.

The winner in each category will be submitted to Guildsoftware with the SDFs endorsement and the artist who rendered the ship the best artist who plays the Vendetta Test!

Hopefully, with some luck, Waylon will like the winning artwork enough that he decides to place it ingame as part of the test.

[SDF] Black 1

PS: All submitions become the property of Guild Software and are allowed to be published into the game at will without prior notification. Entry's aren't guartanteed a prize fund, and winning entry's aren't guaranteed placement ingame by GSW. Odds are 1:12, Void where prohibited. No purchase nessicary (:P).

OFF RECORD: I'm trying to get people to submit ideas so the Vendetta Test can grow. We are all aware that the Devs are under a lot of strain and are working on getting the game running. I figured that since they didn't always have time to answer our requests for new stuff we could easily answer it ourselves by holding contests for a great new ship and new weapon then submitting them to guild as a package from the community and maybe get them in.

I really hope this isn't too farfetched to get entrys. I also hope Arolte (I beleive it was him) will submit some of his work such as the improved Warthog Design.

-Black 1
Feb 13, 2004 ruskie link
So where does one signup....
Feb 13, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Here. Just say "I sign up" and start designing.

[SDF] Black 1
Feb 13, 2004 Sheean link
Say, is there a limit on ships you can send in? :P
Feb 13, 2004 Ceadda link
**ponders wether he can decypher the mess of 3d imaging software he has.. and decides to give it a half-a**ed try anyway ;)

***Yeah for PovRay!!!***
Feb 13, 2004 KAos_nyrb link
/me finishs entry
Feb 13, 2004 Vlad link
This sounds like a pretty cool contest. But... June 1st? That's a REALLY long time from now. Every successful contest of this sort that I've seen has lasted at most two months, usually less.

Incidentally, do I get to enter the contest? :)

- Waylon
Feb 13, 2004 zamzx zik link
yes I think so :)

(and you get to put the ones you like in the game)

Feb 13, 2004 Celebrim link
Hmmm... maybe for the fun of it... I've got alot of work to do between now and then though. June 1st is actually about as near of a deadline as I can make between work and graduating.
Feb 13, 2004 zoid fuzor link
ii don't think 250k is a major money prize
Feb 13, 2004 roguelazer link
[rule inserted]


Um... I'll do it in blender, so if you wanan see my model, you'll need blender 2.3.1 or so.
Feb 13, 2004 genka link
Waylon can do anything.
Feb 13, 2004 Skyfox link
Amusing. Thats one thing i'd like to see enter vendetta. The ability to make custom ships and sectors. Major $$ prize? 250k indeed. Lol.
Feb 13, 2004 KAos_nyrb link
/me will throw 2million to the winner
Feb 13, 2004 genka link
add another 500k from me.
And that really is a rather distant end date...
Feb 13, 2004 Trigger link
Feb 13, 2004 ImNotHere link
/me endorses 500,000
Feb 13, 2004 Durgia link
if Waylon says he likes it and will put it ingame I will give the person 20mil:))

Other then that no credits from me
Feb 13, 2004 zoid fuzor link
me wishes he can enter but he doesn't know how to make or have a webpage or know how to email and he already made a design before this thread on the paint program and he doesn't know how to email=(