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Manned turrets

Feb 28, 2004 grunadulater link
Any speculation on whether the Test will ever/soon include a buyable capital ship? I know it'll be in the real game, so just wondering... do you think turrets will be manned/robot/both? I think that they should have it so one can land their fighter in the capital's docking bay, and then the fighter pilots can man availible turrets. Robot turrets would have to be worse than player turrets, of course, to encourage manned turrets. What other things do y'all think capitals should have?
Feb 28, 2004 dragos link
from experience.. flying the old flag defense turrets was rather difficult, despite the fact you were very well aromored. Take it from someone who knows... if they use the same interface for them.. manned turrets would be very difficult to hit anything out of
Feb 28, 2004 roguelazer link
>> The Guildsoftware Vendetta MMORPG Page <<

Multiple characters will be able to use a single large ship, either by piloting the vessel or manning defense turrets. Craft of a certain scale may contain docking bays, allowing users to transport and launch their smaller ships from the larger.
Feb 29, 2004 toshiro link
i tell you, capships need "tacticians" (maybe the helmsman could take that role) who direct the fire to the most important targets (e.g. bombers who need to be taken out). they could prioritize target acquisition for the turrets and assign firing vectors. also, they could be given control over homing missile turrets and capship-capship weaponry.
Feb 29, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link

maybe Idd rather stick to my little fighter :D

Feb 29, 2004 toshiro link
yes. exactly.
we need both, otherwise no diversification will ensue...
Feb 29, 2004 Sheean link
/me pictures himself in a command room full with all kind of cool spinning holographic maps

Feb 29, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
A Nice COC

Captain (Pilot)
Gunnery Commander (Selects Targets for Gunners, runs unmanned guns via automated weapons)


All GUNNERs take feed from GC and Captain and can fire on that craft or target a different craft if they feel the need to do so.

Oh and Sheean, forget the holograms and room. I wanna be inside a small bridge on the Commander's Chair directing support fire. No holos, just a lot of mass displays
Feb 29, 2004 grunadulater link
Just a question, are missiles shootable with lasers or other missiles?
Feb 29, 2004 Blacklight link
all they need are anti fighter beams like from freespace 2 :P
Feb 29, 2004 grunadulater link
Meh, that wouldn't be to fun to attack capitals then.
Feb 29, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Lets look at the most Famous Capitol Class Cruiser: The Imperial StarDestroyer:

Standard Weaponry:

60x Ion Cannons (for disabling enemy craft's electronics, Anti-Fighter/Captiol)

60x Turbolasers (for anti-cruiser work)
72x TIE-class Fighters (anti-fighter role)

Note: All weaponry MOUNTED as standard maybe used for Anti-fighter but is normally TOO slow to adequately counter Rebel Fighters.

BUT, because we're talking about Frigates: Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B Frigate.


12x Turbolaser Batteries (Anti-capital craft)
12x Laser Cannons (Anti-fighter)
24x Fighters
2x Tractor Beams

AND, the usual, LANCER-class Frigate and DREADNAUGHT-class Cruiser

Lancer Weapons:

20x Laser Cannons (Calibrated for Anti-Fighter)

Dreadnaught Weapons:

10x Turbolaser Cannons (Anti-fighter)
20x Quad Trubolaser Cannons (anti-fighter)
10x Turbolaser Batteries (anti-cruiser)

So pretty much, perhaps the Frigate should be able to mount weapons for either Anti-Cruiser or Anti-Fighter work. Perhaps instead of just strength, versatility should be used. Fighters can damage the craft, so Anti-Fighter weapons, and other Frigates can damage it too so Anti-Cruiser. The trick will be balancing the levels of A-F and A-C weapons to get the perfect amount.
Feb 29, 2004 timmy10150 link
1 question, how do you dock and repair in a frig?
Feb 29, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
If a multiple person ship was ever introduced, it should be the counter to fighters:P
Feb 29, 2004 grunadulater link
"1 question, how do you dock and repair in a frig?"

Perhaps you can have a large structure... in the shape of a long hexagonal prism. It will be hollow except for the lines of the prism, which would be big metal girders. Move the capital into this structure and press "activate" and it can start fixing your ship up. Meanwhile, there is a small bridge sticking into the structure that, when the ship is docked, leads to a station that the pilot can use.

Another question, will players/groups be able to build their own station by brining supplies to a certain spot and clicking "build station"? Maybe there can be a "station ship" that has the potention to build a station, as long as it is continuously given(/traded) materials. This would be nice to build a station next to an asteroid mining field. Maybe you could even choose the type/shape of station, each different type costing more or less materials.

Whee, that made me think. Can stations have auto defense turrets? Think about it: you've just finished a station next to an asteroid field, and pirates come and attack. You've prepared, however, by building defense stations/platforms all around your mining station, and the pirates are driven off. That brings up yet another question: will stations be destructable? Will they be like huge immoble capital ships?
Feb 29, 2004 Magus link
Actually, Gentu just has a dock on the bottom.
Feb 29, 2004 Blacklight link
use the frig to cap, it would be really easy (is that a good thing?)

P.S. Like a1k0n
Feb 29, 2004 Magus link
I'd rather replace the defbots with a capital ship guarded by normal vultures and hogs. Kill the ship, a flag appears, you take the flag and run.
Feb 29, 2004 Blacklight link
or have furies instead of hogs or vultures.

/me shivers if anyone says valkyries
Feb 29, 2004 Magus link
I'm actually better against valks than I am against vults. Must be because I get so much practice against them. Nobody flies a vult anymore. . .