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Screen Resolution Problem

Nov 22, 2004 drjonesac2 link
I have a silly question. I am running a dual head (two monitor) system. When I start up VO the resolution is set to 2048x768 spanning both my monitors. This is great for doing coding but sucks for VO. Does anyone know how VO determines the screen resolution? I dont know if it has something to do with X11 config file or if it just figures out from the hardware what the resolution should be. I figured I would ask here before I go mucking about with my XF86Config file.

Nov 22, 2004 CharlieH link
Changing the available resolutions in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf caused VO to allow me to use different resolutions, so mess with your X config, though I'm pretty sure VO would have to support it itself.
Nov 22, 2004 a1k0n link
Yeah, VO grabs video modes from the XF86VidMode extension (which allows you to tweak video modes on the fly, etc). So the ones in the X configuration show up. In dual-head mode, I recommend putting Vendetta in window mode (as opposed to full-screen) and setting its resolution to 1024x768. Some window managers are smart enough to make such a window fill the screen but others are not, so you might want to tweak the resolution to 1024x700 by editing your ~/.vendetta/config.ini and changing xres and yres.
Nov 22, 2004 drjonesac2 link
I will try these when I get home tonight. Thanks for the suggestions.