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How do I slow game reaction to controller input

Nov 16, 2016 Death Fluffy link
I bought a cheap bluetooth controller to try with my phone so that I can try and do some botting to get my combat levels up. I'm not sure if the problem is that I had to connect the device - Sminiker- as a keyboard type on my Samsung 7. VO recognized the controller and I mapped some settings that I thought would work for me.

The problem is turning. I first tried assigning turning to the 4 directions on one of the joysticks and then assigned turning to 4 buttons. Both scenarios resulted in me having wild turning arks with just a single press rather than a nice controlled motion that would allow me to do something like align myself to a dock.

Is there a way to restrict input response on specific buttons? I don't want to slow everything as I prefer fast response to thrust.

Or does anyone have a suggestion for a more useful device to accomplish my goal? I basically just want something that will let me bot on my phone. There is no way I'm going to go through that hated process with the touch screen, however I find the touchscreen is fine for things like mining or trading.

Thanks in advance!
Nov 17, 2016 Phaserlight link
I've had a very good experience with the Moga Power A Pro. Important to note that it does not give as fine control as a joystick. However, it's at least as good as the Logitech F710 gamepad I use on PC.
Nov 18, 2016 yodaofborg link
I use a PlayStation controller on both my pc and phone. It's not supported by all devices, and to connect and use the sixaxis app on Android you do need root access.

When I first started to use a controller, after using keyboard and mouse, it did feel waaay more sensitive than it should be. Even small movements on the thumb sticks would have my ship turning out of control. Once I got used to it however, well there's not really any going back. I've also used the nyko playpad, a moga (not pro) and a few other cheaper controllers and found them about the same. Maybe it's the case with you too? I've never used that controller, but maybe you just need more practice with it.


Looking at the controller, it looks like it is in fact pretending to be a keyboard and mouse and not a real bluetooth gamepad at all. Hmm, not sure what to suggest except try another, because that's not going to work well with VO.
Nov 18, 2016 Death Fluffy link
Thanks guys. I will likely try a different controller at some point soon. So far I've reduced my fov to 50 and that seems to have helped a bit. It's probably just a mental thing on my part, but I was able to do some ok botting. I wouldn't go after anything more fearsome than collector bots right now, but it should get me some combat xp.

Dec 02, 2016 thecamelman79 link
Way to twitchy

I said this before in sugestions, but i'll say it again here becuase the squeaky wheel gets the oil. We need some sort of sliders to adjust the turning speed \ rotation speed \ pitch speed \ yaw speed what ever to suit personal play style and specific controler responsive becuase all controllers do not respond the same.
Dec 03, 2016 Death Fluffy link
I actually picked up the Moga game pad Phaserlight recommended and am quite happy with it's performance so far. I have pretty good control with the sticks considering I'm using it to play on a phone.

Please bear in mind that fine tuning is only going to be so good. I've had the same desire for control that you're asking for with the joystick I use with my pc.

While I feel like I should have fine control of my ship with both the game pad and my joystick (and I have bought and tried many joysticks), I've come to the conclusion that the majority of my problem must lie with my lack of fine motor control as when I am being honest, shifting the stick in very small increments is not something I seem to be able to do- particularly under the pressure of combat.

This may not be your issue, but it certainly is mine.