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s15 bull

May 27, 2003 portchop link
This is the info we can find here about sector 15

In sector 10, go to the 6 jump. Look for the asteriod arm leading away from everything. Follow it. Look for a blue ice crystal at the end. Go to it. Postion the ship so 7-11-6 is behind you like that on the radar. 7-11-6. In a straight line jsut like that. Now look at the sun. Secound star on the left, continue till dawn, as one player said. This is the hardest one in the game to hit, although 18 is tuff first few times. You may want to have a player show you.

Well even with that info I CAN NOT find it... And someone here thinks we would be able to find hidden wormholes just by wandering around????????????????????????????????? And re-find it without the navcomputer having any memory at all?

Someone please tell me these instructions are bull and there's a LOGICAL way to find this (like 14, center of the asteroids, head for the sun)

May 27, 2003 CSZeus link
Actually, that's about right...
What you've got to do is go towards 6, and like it says, there's an arm that leads away from everything; it has two small ice crystals in it. Go to the furthest one. Following the direction of the arm there's a double star - go that direction. This is where it gets kind of tricky... one thing most people don't know (and/or realize) is that even the hidden warps show up on your radar as objects (Gray dots). Just keep turboing in that direction and keep an eye out for the only gray dot in the general direction that you're headed - then turbo towards it. You'll eventually be sitting in the s15 gate.

May 27, 2003 Arolte link
You cannot rely on the skybox texture as an accurate form of navigation. They remain static regardless of your coordinates. You can, however, get a general idea as to what direction something may be by using them. The best description I can give for s15 is to follow each and every one of those white asteroids as a chain (heading towards s6). Follow the general formation of the asteroids. Do not line yourself up with the last white asteroid (it's constantly moving, how can you?!). Keep boosting when you're pointing in the general direction of where all the last group of asteroids are pointing overall. It's about 6km away from the s6 wormhole. Boost yourself way out if you're having trouble finding how the asteroid formation points. Also note that when you're very close a hidden wormhole, it will appear as a grey dot on your radar. Use this to your advantage.
May 27, 2003 Whistler link
I always go to the very last asteroid after the spinning ice chunk. I get on the sunny side of that last asteroid and find the two points of rock that jut out right next to eachother like a wide snake's tongue. I line up between those points and look into deep space for a pair of stars set very close together like a pair of eyes (two distinct stars of equal size). I point toward the eyes and warp. I never miss this way.
May 27, 2003 Nytemayre link
The method i learned was to fly to the last ice roid, then look at the sun. If 6 and 11 are to your right (behind you) and 7 is to your left (behind you), there will be a line of 4 rather bright stars that are in a PERFECT line extending down and to the left from the sun. Two of the stars towards the end are quite large. Fly towards the middle of the first and second ones. I haven't missed the 15 gate yet.

18 on the other hand....
May 27, 2003 electric27 link
Look for the huge group of 150 and 250 bots and all my cargo scattered everywhere, it should be somewhere past there.

P.S.- And before you start raggin' on me for getting botted, remeber, they triple-teamed me then janelle blew me away (this has happened on several occasions).
May 27, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
tssss electric,

YOU getting botted, I can't believe it :D


May 27, 2003 electric27 link
I'm hurt.
May 27, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

I'm sowwy I hurt your feelings electric, but I thought that electricity didn't have feelings, it only had moodswings. At one time it was positive , and at another time it was negative and it swings on like that :D :D

May 27, 2003 roguelazer link
Goto the SECOND TO LAST iceyo and point at the last one (the spinning one) zoom straight past the spinning one, about 2 meters to one side of it. Boost for a little while and voilia!
May 27, 2003 Phoenix_I link
How about, if you can't figure out how to get there on your own. (That goes for you n00bs) You shouldn't be going there. Hence it's a SECRET sector. Which is meant to be SECRET, not for n00bs. ooo ooo I can't find it, mommy help me.
May 27, 2003 roguelazer link
So we no longer exchange info? I wouldn't have found it without someone's help, and I doubt you would have either.
May 28, 2003 Phoenix_I link
For your info, I found all of the hidden sectors on my own without anyones help.
May 28, 2003 StarFreeze link
ego rising...rising...rising...BOOM THROUGH THE ROOF...
May 28, 2003 sheepdog link
Yeah... goto kinda to the right and bleow that spinning crystal at the arm... but six... In your rear radar you should see 7 ----- 11 -- 6 Kinda with that spacing... yeah... like that... and then aim to the upper left side of the Circle for 11 in your rear radar... (ya know its kinda like a cross hair? So get it that the center is right above the upper left corner... even though its a circle.) and then turbo... you should see that it says in the chat thing Press Activate key to enter 15.
May 29, 2003 Arolte link

May 29, 2003 Rabid Panda link
all the worm holes contuine in a arch or a line from where the roids end. in s10, look for an iceyo that is far away from the rest, almost at the end of a line of roids, follow this line and there is no way you can't find it.
May 29, 2003 Roger Ramjet link
I do the same as whistler.
Park next to the spinning roid and look for the double stars to the left of the sun (assuming the suns on your right). Head directly for them and it never fails.

Sayng that, I'm having more and more difficulty finding S14's gate. I used to be able to boost straight there from any gate, but now I'm finding I can never get there first go.....strange.
Old age?
May 29, 2003 portchop link
Okay, there is a way to get there... but am I right in saying that the first person to find it could not have found it on their own? There must have been a tips from the devs or something... the grey dot shows on the radar almost when you are in the warp area... so nobody could wander around space and keep an eye on the radar.. they would actually have to BE in the wormhole area...

May 29, 2003 Spellcast link
actually portchop there are clues in the layout of each sector that point to the locations of the wormholes. i was searching in about the area of the gate to 15 right after the devs added 14 (they didn't tell us 15 was not connected for about 3 days but it was a fun 3 days of pointless searching) the line of ice crystals in 10 point to the gate. the same way that lining up on the little rock in 11 will lead you to the 17 gate. the jump to 16 out of 15 is on the opposite arm of the asteroid crecent from the gate back out to 10
just like the wormhole to 18 is found by lining up on the two asteroids in 17 with holes in them.

i still believe that there is going to be a secret sector attached to 7 (there is a triangle of rocks leading away from the station that doesn't seem to fit a random pattern.) and 13 has those big holes in the asteroid the station is on that could be an aiming "clue" to a secret wormhole from there. of course i could be wrong about those, i was wrong about half a dozen other clues in 8, 10, and 11. but the point is that there are pointers. there are places that just "look" like they should have a wormhole, if there isn't one on your nav map.. then maybe there's one that's hidden.