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Bank Closing

May 28, 2003 StarFreeze link
Due to low usage and the fact that it takes about 15mins to make a million credits. The bank is basicly worthless. Yes the bank has 50 something accounts but out of those 50...5 are active. With out the bank running it saves me time to do other things than be consirned with it.

Any money that is stored in your accounts will be given back 100% of course. I'll be making sure I got everyone but if your on and so am I and I don't say anything plz msg me right away.

As for duels...since accouts will still be there when the 4 duels are decided on you don't need to be worried about losing money. If you win ur bet I will find you and send your money.

I'd like to thank those who did support it. Esp those active users.

Just to note this is NOT a joke and is for real. Had to add this because several people thought I was joking.

May 28, 2003 ctishman link
Cool. The more time spent playing the game rather than fooling about in Excel and Python, the better. I do hope that the bank will reopen when the economy is rebalanced. Will this be the case?
May 28, 2003 StarFreeze link
I don't use Excel...the bank is like almost completely automated. The only part that isn't is the giving and taking of money.

Will it reopen after the economy is majorly fixed? If there is a MAJOR support for it. If there is just a few people who say yea lets have it. So I open it and only a few people make accounts and it just basicly sits there. No then I for surely won't.

More time spent in the game? Prolly in some sence...just depends on how vendetta turns out.
May 28, 2003 ctishman link
Ah, that would be the OLD old bank. ;)

Yeah, it'll probably have to wait until something that's less of a hack is implemented. Who knows, a position for "Ministry of Finance" might open up...

Well, provided things go well, here's to more gaming time.
May 28, 2003 Arolte link
I'm sure someday Vendetta's economy will be a lot harder. Meaning it'll fluctuate over time with the events that occur (or maybe just randomly), thus making profits harder to gain. I don't think we'll be seeing 200k credit trade runs in the distant future, unless it's a really long or really risky route. In that case a bank would probably be needed for those who just don't have the time (or aren't willing to) trade nonstop. In other words, your bank will probably make a comeback sooner or later.

May 29, 2003 xochiluvr link
dammit. I hate trading. and just yesterday I forked over that 100k to get my premium account back. :)
May 29, 2003 sheepdog link
ok.... so when can i get my money?
May 29, 2003 Phoenix155 link
Starfreeze, it might be a little while until I can get back on--my Powerbook's LCD screen was cracked by my twin a few weeks or so ago and is in the process of being fixed. I hope that's not going to be a problem. Thanks.

Jun 02, 2003 sheepdog link
hey, what will happen to all the unclaimed money?
Jun 02, 2003 StarFreeze link
It will sit there but soon the money will gain no interest.