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Warp Hopping

Jun 02, 2003 Celebrim link
"Maybe there should be a limit to the number of jumps a player can make…forcing the player to land to refuel after x amount of jumps?"

Aww.. people are slowly starting to come around.

portchop: Actually, this being space, I find the ability to go in any direction refreshing compared to x-wing's flight model - 'your ship moves like a airplane despite the fact that there is no air only without all the interesting things that make combat with airplanes interesting like stalls and climb rates'. And as for the ability to to go in every direction at the same speed as forward, you can't. When you hit 'turbo' the big engine in the back kicks in and you go much faster than you could in any other direction. Which is cool, IMO.
Jun 02, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
noooooo, me kicks celebrim outside , no fuel :D

sorry couldn't help myself celebrim, that Aww.. people are slowly starting to come around worked like a red cloth on a bull works :D

So in short, no fuel, keep the fuel out of it please, me hates fuel :(

Jun 02, 2003 StarFreeze link
So lets say you put on a 30 second timer. Now elites like my self with dodging would still allow me jump back and forth without taking any damage. Unless you are nuked, rocket rammed, or bumped. It's really going to be hard for the flag guarders to stop the cap still. Now if you go higher than 30 seconds lets say 45seconds to 1 people who are trading from really close sectors. Like going to a X1-X2 is 4000m now from X2-X3 is 2000m. It will take a person less than 30 seconds to get there. Are you going to make it so that a person trading has to sit for 10-30 seconds more just to trade? Not only does this slow down trading time. But now pirates can just chase a person into X2 and if this trader trys to jump to X3 where his home/teammates are. He has to wait 30 seconds for this timer to run down. Now in 30 seconds a pirate can stand right next to you and annihilate you.

Now with full energy required to jump this was thought of a possible problem. But since there is a fast recharge this helps out people to quickly jump and run from big powerful ships.
Jun 02, 2003 Nytemayre link
Again, the solution is to only apply limits to cappers
Jun 02, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
yeah SF, but they could check if the person has the flag, and act accordingly to that.

for instance :

if ((flagact == 1) and (actwarphole ==1))
__if (timer == 0)
__else break;


EDIT: pff it didn't keep my alligning without the _
EDIT2: darn that Nytemayre was faster then me :D
Jun 02, 2003 Nytemayre link
well i've BEEN saying this since my first post...guess nobody noticed until now =P
Jun 02, 2003 Celebrim link
Capping is a short term problem. 'Capture the Flag' is apparantly not part of the feature set, and thus not worthy of attention.
Jun 02, 2003 furball link
"Capping is a short term problem. 'Capture the Flag' is apparantly not part of the feature set, and thus not worthy of attention."

BINGO... end of thread.
Jun 02, 2003 technocrat link
WHAT!!! No flag capping? That sucks, I think it's fun! Capping is almost one of the only things that seems to require teamwork in this game. Don't drop capping!
Jun 02, 2003 Nytemayre link
Yeah I'm with technocrat on this. It truly is the only thing that you absolutely require team help to do properly. Plus, how long until it gets pulled? If its 6 months, I'd say the small amount of code would be worth it. If flags go away in 6 weeks THEN forget about the fix.
Jun 02, 2003 Arolte link
Missions with meaning will be much cooler than capturing/defending a dumb ball called a "flag." I also hope we'll be able to "capture" sectors. Fighting over territory makes more sense. Maybe a captured sector will offer cheaper ships to the players of that nation, or better profits for traders of that nation. It should have some subtle advantages, but nothing unbalanced. Official guild support will also be implemented. I think. Each guild would work together to have a common goal. Again, more meaningful than capturing a "flag."
Jun 02, 2003 Nytemayre link
Good thoughts Arolte. I like the sector capturing idea...sector 15 shall be permanent Serco territory.
Jun 02, 2003 UncleDave link
If there was to be fuel, itd have to be free. But limited in the amount you can carry.
Jun 02, 2003 ctishman link
either that or have it recharge very slowly (1 jump in 5 minutes) via solar panels, which could be upgraded. I mean, if there's no fuel, that 10000 system limit's gonna last about a month.
Jun 02, 2003 Rabid Panda link
You can't call this game a MMORPG without Dating Sim elements. Since everyone loves to lie about thier sex and you can't have the game gender based like others (Nexus, Ragnarok Online) and everyone's reaction to me saying "dating sim" I have serious doubts that this will be anything more then just a FPS with some RPG elements. There are a ton of other things that this game doesn't have that MMORPGs do, and they will most likly never be added, so just stop trying. I've learned to just stop trying and let the game develop on it's own.
Jun 02, 2003 roguelazer link
Where the heck did this come from? It CAN be a MMORPG without dating. Erm... Here goes my story attempt:

Sadly, the radiation of warpholes negatively affects the reproduction system of all mammals, rendering spacefaring races asexual.

See? Simple. :)
Jun 02, 2003 ctishman link
They didn't tell me about this at Space Academy!
Jun 02, 2003 Celkan link
>>Sadly, the radiation of warpholes negatively affects the reproduction system of all mammals, rendering spacefaring races asexual.

/me doesn't think so... ship's hulls should be dense enough to block the x rays from the event horizons of the two ends of the wormhole.
Jun 02, 2003 roguelazer link
Aah... But can it block the Z-Rays from Planet Zork?

C'mon people, this is a game. Don't be so pseudo-scientific.

Reminds me of a quote from my Physics book:
"Question: What are Pseudo-Scientists?
Answer: Pseudo-Scientists are scientists who try to prove something which cannot be proved or disproved."

Jun 02, 2003 troublemaker link
FABULOUS Roguelazer!!!! But honey, who said we ever needed the opposite sex anyway...

See ya' round space-boi's... ;)