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Contraband ships are too cheap

Jul 01, 2003 maac_ link
Now contraband ships cost the same as national ships, 21000c, only being marginally more difficult to get them from 18.
I think contraband things should be much more expensive. So, players would have an incentive to use national or standard ships
Jul 01, 2003 Buckaroo link
maac_: I don't agree, for two reasons:

1.) it is much more dangerous to go to Station 18 now - you'll have to fight at least 1 wing in s17, even if you don't use the holy roids. Then there are wings camping at wh17 in sector 18.

2.) Station 18 is quite out of the way - it's a long way to s11 and to the home sectors.

Mark (Commander Jameson)
Jul 01, 2003 roguelazer link
It's not at all hard to get to 18. I did it twice today without even seeing a bot within 1km of me. And the ships are too cheap. Practically everyone I see nowadays uses a valk, and that's not particularly good. Bring the prices up to 63k and limit supplies (yes, I know that this'll result in vets buying 100 ships and depleting the supplies, but its better than every one having 100 ships, isn't it?)!!!
Jul 01, 2003 Buckaroo link
roguelazer: bad idea - this would give vets stockpiling the ships a huge advantage over newbies - and griefers would have a really good time :-/

It would also effect the balance between the nations - blues would get all valk jocks, if the valk isn't available even at the black market.

Mark (Coomander Jameson)
Jul 01, 2003 incarnate link
The whole economy is currently so messed up that I haven't been very concerned by how prevalent special ships are in the universe. The economy will probably be addressed sometime early in 3.3.x.
Jul 01, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Time to stockpile credits!

SL hides his credit chips from everyone.
Jul 01, 2003 Acierocolotl link
Spend them if you got 'em. Ten gets you one that addressing the economy means your hoarded credits will become as useful as pre-war Deutschmarks.

Besides, it's you crazy hoarder-types that would drive up inflation in a real economic situation.
Jul 01, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Lem we need to start hoarding! I hear theres a tp shortage!
Jul 01, 2003 Arolte link
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't the money and player inventory be reset with any major ecomonic update release?
Jul 01, 2003 roguelazer link
only if someone reminds the devs to. ;)