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A crazy, insain request that i hope is granted.

Jul 03, 2003 Urza link
hopefully, somewhere, you have the server and client information for pre3.2. IF so, could you please allow someone to set up the pre 3.2 server up and allow us old timers to retire back to the good ol' days?
Jul 03, 2003 Icarus link
Then I'll duel you in 7 with;

Light ship (Vulture of course for me, Centurian for you?)
Blue Ions
Level 2 Rockets
Heat Seekers
Heavy Engine
Heavy batt


Jul 03, 2003 The Kid link
erm where's the blue lasers? I used both ions & lasers ;)
Jul 03, 2003 roguelazer link
You'd give up 3.2 for 3.1? Fool. The community won't be any better, there'll just be different weapons and ships. Yes, it'll be balanced. It'll be balanced at a steady 3 ships total overall for the universe. Well, have fun!
Jul 03, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
yeah, and also by giving up 3.2 for 3.1 you also give up 3.3, you have to go thru 3.2 to get to 3.3 dont you?

Have fun, you neanderthal
Jul 03, 2003 Urza link
so what? all teh old people would revert to 3.1, the time when all was happy
Jul 03, 2003 tracid link
people that dunno how to live with modern times.... bah!
Jul 03, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I would kill for a chance to go to 3.1 for a little while every now and then

Maybe a 3.1 sector restricted to accounts created prior to 3.2?

mmmmm, pie.

Jul 03, 2003 420 link
I agree with Urza's idea. Even a week or 2 of 3.1 would be really nice, bring back some good memories. MMM IONS!!!!

Jul 03, 2003 Arolte link
Devs, I REALLY hope you consider this request. Put some bandwidth off to the side for some old school 3.1.x Vendetta. A lot of vets, including me, miss the old version. Would donating money via PayPal be enough of an incentive? If there is no available spare bandwidth, maybe you could hand it over to a trusty individual to host the server. Toss in an NDA for safety measure etc. Please please please please!!!


PS: This is probably Sam's first good post.
Jul 03, 2003 WatercooledCT link
while I enjoy this idea, i don't see it happening. the point of this beta is to keep progressing. I doubt they will put up an older version simply for the enjoyment of a few. They have to pay to put up a second server.
and if they released the code for an old build, why would anyone buy the game later if they can play the old beta forever?
Jul 03, 2003 dragos link
Id love to see this... better yet, pre 3.1 days :D

/me dreams of piloting his heavy against light players again
Jul 04, 2003 Kuvagh link
As fun as that would be I don't really think it's a fair request to make of the devs.

3.1 had perfect balance, which a lot of us miss, but the growing pains we're experiencing with the ships, weapons and bots of 3.2 will eventually lead us all to the dev's masterpiece.

Jul 04, 2003 ojok2 link
while i doubt this will happen, i would love to get a chance to really experience 3.1. all i ever did in 3.1 was trade and very rarly bot hunt.
Jul 04, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Asp, 3.2 ain't going to be the masterpiece as we are almost upon the days of 3.3
Jul 07, 2003 Kuvagh link
I know 3.2 isn't going to be the masterpiece. I said it would lead us there just as all previous versions have and all future versions will between now and the final game.

Jul 07, 2003 incarnate link
Setting up an old version, at this point, would take a lot of work. We don't really have a "snapshot" of things from that time, and although we have all the changes we've ever made over the entire development process.. going back and sifting through them all until we made 3.1.12 (or whatever) work again.. would not be a small task.

Better to spend our time looking forward, rather than looking back, at present. Personally, I wouldn't mind playing the 2.x era game, in the old deathmatch sector (which later became S7). I had a lot of fun in that version.
Jul 07, 2003 Arolte link
Woot!! Even the devs agree that some of the older versions were more fun. C'mon, you know the work will be worth it. I mean the future development of Vendetta doesn't have to be completely halted. Obviously you guys gotta make something outta it to get money and all, but this retro thing can just be a small side project that can be worked on when there's a little bit of extra time (instead of logging on and flying around in cargo boxes and flying saucers etc.). Maybe it can be a Vendetta "Lite" version or something for those who just like the good old days.
Jul 07, 2003 incarnate link
Well, we've always talked about doing something like that after final release. Providing a "simulator" or some such, where people could join a simple deathmatch game, or something along those lines. Game within a game sort of thing.

But, no, we aren't going to spend time on it now. We have like N amount of time, and 2*N amount of things that need to happen in it.
Jul 07, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Tip: The faster things go they travel through time slower.

Just work really really fast.