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whats this?

Jul 08, 2003 Celkan link
Please edit so us non techies understand what you want us to do...
Jul 08, 2003 roguelazer link
It's simple.

1) Open up a command line
2) Type "cd ~/.vendetta/"
3) Type "strings -6 vendetta > vendetta.str"
4) Open vendetta.str in your favourite text editor.

Those commands were edited by me to work better under my really strange filing system, and because some lines are broken up into words separated by ^D or whatever, so 6 works better.
Jul 08, 2003 raybondo link
the /none command is what your joystick axes get set to when you set them to None in the joystick config panel.
Jul 08, 2003 roguelazer link
/me rebinds all his keys to none.
Jul 08, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
/me watches Roguelazer become a space pool ball.
Jul 08, 2003 roguelazer link
Actually, I have a lot of keys bound to explode. Sadly, since I play on 4 different installations (thereby violating the license, but what do I care?), I never know WHICH keys they are because each installation has a different keyconfig.
Jul 08, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
then whats /Say_Sector and /roper?

I know what oper is though....
Jul 09, 2003 roguelazer link
What is oper?
Jul 09, 2003 raybondo link
/say_sector and /roper don't do anything.
Jul 09, 2003 Rabid Panda link
most of the commands that you will find the only way to get all the commands (won't say) don't work.
Jul 10, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
/say_sector msgmsgmsgmsgmsg = /say for some reason :P

can you expand /say_sector into a cmd that would look liike this when you used it?
/say_sector(7) Msgmsgmsgmsgmsgmsg

where you would say something into sector 7, but nobody in a different sector could hear it?

and can I have the flag to make /oper work? pweeeez? :P
Jul 10, 2003 raybondo link
/say_sector was meant to only talk to people in your own sector but that was never finished so it just works like /say.

Heh no you can't have /oper status.
Jul 10, 2003 roguelazer link
Hey ray, how come it was never finished? That would add a TON to the game! Heck, I'll take that over having someone rebalance my precious engine... :) Really though, why wasn't it finished?
Jul 10, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
say sector would be nice, but have it look different so it doesn't look like normal chat...
Jul 10, 2003 Arolte link
It would be cool if using main chat in a sector would only allow people in that sector to see your messages. And in order to talk to EVERYBODY in the game, you'd have to dock (since stations have better radio signals). Of course a chat tab would need to be put in so you wouldn't have to keep pulling down the console.
Jul 10, 2003 electric27 link
Arolte, I realy like that idea. Put it in the suggestions forum so everyone will see it.
Jul 10, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Eh, arolte it's very simple, relay the message to the station, then it relays it to all the other stations, which relays it to all the other people. Sectors with no station = no inter sector chat.
Jul 10, 2003 a1k0n link
It doesn't seem like too long ago that you could only talk to people in your own sector. However, we changed it because there weren't enough people in the game to justify it. That's obviously changed now, so maybe it's time to go back. Personally I'd rather just see a "spread-spectrum subspace radio" with a number of "secure channels" which users can arbitrarily pick, along with the ability to "hail" a ship you've targetted.
Jul 11, 2003 ctishman link
Jul 11, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I'd like that, but i'd rather see a item on the HUD to represent that instead of /set frequency numbers, and preset buttons!

Encryption would be fun to decrypt, sit near a broadcast center trying to get the cypher correct... If you do you can distribute it to your home sector and that frequency wouldn't be encrypted for your nation any longer!