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Petition to increase speed of energy weapons

Jul 10, 2003 Kuvagh link
I don't think that stronger energy weapons can be the sole fix for rocket problems.

A 1.5x speed increase would probably be more significant than some of us imagine. Right now the fastest energy weapons go 180m/s. I would welcome playtesting of weapons at 190 (a speed energy weapons have gone before) 200 and 210. There's no need to go crazy and make something that travels at 270/ms without testing slight increases first. 270m/s would probably be über.

I enjoyed the prominent role energy weapons played in early 3.2 when rocket ammo capacity discouraged overdependence on rockets.

Jul 10, 2003 alienb1212 link

we need something that can counter all the rocket rammers, perhaps be able to kill them BEFORE they get within 30m?
Jul 10, 2003 Leqiator link

I love the Energy Weapons. Im a newbie pilot and i dont think the learning curve would be affected at all. In fact, it would make it easier for new pilots to get into the games, because i cannot for the LIFE of me use rockets properly. I just get boned by rocket rammers and die. Fun fun fun =\

So yeah, im for faster energy weapons...but i would also like them to use less energy...or give us bigger powerpacks. Whichever...just the point is i can only shoot of say 8 bursts of my gausses before i run out of heavy energy...or only a few short bursts of 3x tachyon.
Jul 10, 2003 tracid link

i really like dogfight and i'm damn borred when in a war u are trying to use ur tach against another ship that rocket ram u with like 3 suns or 4 with hornets.....

if energy weaps could be faster then suns will loose some importance and i'd really like it and the fast charge/medium/tachyons/sunflare/vult will be really good ....
Jul 10, 2003 The Kid link
ok, for ppl with misunderstanding... energy weapons ARE faster than rockets, rockets are like 55m/s + your speed and energy weapons are 140/160/180 + your speed.
And backstrafing works well. That's why I never fly in a ship with all rockets.
Jul 10, 2003 roguelazer link
Energy weapons don't add your speed. Well, most of 'em don't anyhow. A graviton blaster always goes 180m/s, while a rocket can go 255m/s.
Jul 10, 2003 StarFreeze link
Or what they could do when the dynamic economy kicks in and cost is an issue again. Have it so that you can get the lets say "Upgraded Tachyon Blaster" which does 10 more damage and goes 1.25-1.5x faster based on what is decided. Then for cost double-triple it.
Jul 10, 2003 The Kid link
really eh... well I'll try to test that when I come back in a grav cent heavy/heavy and shoot 1 grav after I reach 190m/s
Jul 10, 2003 Celebrim link

"Energy weapons don't add your speed. Well, most of 'em don't anyhow. A graviton blaster always goes 180m/s, while a rocket can go 255m/s."

That is an utterly ridiculous statement. Get a ship moving at more than 180m/s and fire a few gravitons. Do they zip off into the distance in front of your ship or does it fall behind you (like a homing missile)? Now stop and fire a few more gravitons. Do you notice any difference in how rapidly they move away from you? No? I didn't think so.

Of course energy weapons add speed. That's why they don't appear to be slowly creeping ahead of you when you fire them while moving fast.
Jul 10, 2003 roguelazer link
Of course, by the time you've hit 190m/s you CAN only fire one grav...
Jul 10, 2003 cembandit link
Doesnt really matter though...the killers will be in buisness with any weapon that can kill, be it energy or rockets. Nothin really changes.

This thread should be in the suggestions forum.

Jul 10, 2003 The Kid link
"Of course, by the time you've hit 190m/s you CAN only fire one grav..."
not really.
and 55m + 180 is 235 (for med, heavy will be 10m/s higher) already...
Jul 11, 2003 cembandit link
I think his point was that useing an energy weapon while actually moveing at any speed above 65/55 is problematical at best. Thats why aces tend to use rockets, you can move at double the speed, and fire a weapon that can overtake the other guys fastest speed and hit him even if its 30m off aim.
Jul 11, 2003 The Kid link
true... but the speed increase SHOULD NOT be 1.5x. more like 1.15x
Jul 11, 2003 Rabid Panda link
FORE!!!!! *wack*

Railgun sucks ass, you all know me, I don't really have to explain this. Anything in increase the kill zone of weaponry is a plus, range in this game sucks, avg. dogfight range is 500-300m, that's damn close in space where you are going an avg. of 90m/s in a dogfight. To increase the range would allow for teammates to take down an armada of ships with enough skill and not having to get up in their faces with sunflares.
Jul 11, 2003 tracid link
anyway the energy weapon should really got something that worth more than sunslfares.... all vets and all noob uses sunflares because it's the most rentable weapon : 20C each rocket 16 clips and good range/splash damage

.... the energy should take the place of sunflare because it's really better to have a good fight wth lasers than raming 3 rockets by shoot with a valk and even if u don't touch ur aimed target it destroy another enemy ship that's fighting one of ur mate....

the sunfalares should be kind of the last resort to issue a fight ... for example ur fighting a valk in ur vult ur hulls down to 3% and u still have like 8 sunfalres and the enemy valk is facing u ... just shoot ur rocket ...with some skill it can be done easily

energy weapon must be the FIRST and PRINCIPAL weapon u use in a fight...not rockets and if u see any war u'll see 50 rockets flying trought the space anywhere and some hopeless ppl trying to destroy the rammers with 2 tachs....

so i'm really FOR increasing the interest of energy weapons.... speed damage or aim it don't matter but it really need to be more interesting...
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
I'm gonna have to do a little backpeddling here. The railgun as it is now is on the borderline of being just barely dodgeable in close combat. Honestly, though, I don't think railguns have a place for a space combat sim. If they're going to implement a "realistic" railgun, they'd have to make the projectile travel at around 900m/s. That wouldn't be fun for the victim at all.

And on that note, having tachyons and gravitons travel at those speeds wouldn't be either. You gotta give the player some room to dodge, otherwise dogfighting would be boring and stressful. In actuality, only the slightest speed boost would be necessary for the tachyons/gravitons/phased blaster/etc. Somewhere around 200-220m/s sounds reasonable. Anything drastically higher than that is really gonna ruin the art of dogfighting as we know it.
Jul 11, 2003 tracid link
it's what i mean... i don't wanna make tachs / gauss best weap ever... just the principal used one
Jul 11, 2003 roguelazer link
So Arolte thinks the rail is TOO good? Try playing rails-only Arolte and tell me it's too good. I do it, and so does Blaster. It's not too good. You need to empty an entire valk into a large ship like a ragnarok just to get it smoking! Yes, they're hard to dodge, but they do next to no damage, use up an entire fast-charge battery in one shot of double-rails and have a really slow reload rate.
Jul 11, 2003 Arolte link
Uhh... I wasn't talking about damage. I was talking about the ability to dodge 'em. Right now it's easy to hit someone with a railgun. Now imagine the power of tachyons and gravitons being combined with the speed of the current railguns. That's the problem.