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Sunflares. For the love of god...

Jul 24, 2003 UncleDave link
Devs, youre all humane people. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tone down the sunflares or at least restrict them to 1 a ship in 3.3. The number of tri/quad flare suicide ships is escalating too fast, and its getting ridiculous. It NEEDS to be changed, or 3.3 will become what 3.2 turned into- rocket arena.
Jul 24, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
I hate to say "I told you so" so I won't but having restrictions on rockets would be a good idea and they should consider re-creating rocket ports.
Jul 24, 2003 alienb1212 link
Well it's at the point where no one uses anything but tri or quad-flares these days...i mean, n00bs dont understand the concept of ramming, and think that it is a good and honorable way to make a kill, even if it results in their own death..... go figure...
Jul 24, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

It just isnt fun anymore, it looks more and more like spacequake then like baldurs gate :(

Me doesnt like that, me loved baldurs gate, me could play it hours and hours, but >I can only play quake for about 1 hour, then im tired of constantly the same old same old, point shoot, point shoot :(

me would really liek to see a medium port and where all rokets "like sunnies, gemini", gauss, gatling and mines would fit into.

Then give the valk, 3 lights : only lasers/ions
valk 2 : 2 lights + 1 med

vulture : 2 lights or 1 light and a medium "call them vult and rapture" for the rapture, just mirror the colors ; so blue = black and black = blue
hornet : 2 meds + 2 lights
warthog : 1 med, 1 large or 2 small + 1 large "prefer this one"

prom : 2 med + 1 large, would prefer 3 meds + 1 large, would still have 1 med less then a rag and 1 less large slot.

the prom 2 : 3 larges : bomber ship "no advanced gatling mountable, 3 nukes mountable, naturally only when the frigate issues have been resolved"

marauder = 2 med + 1 light, or 2 meds and 1 built in proximity minelayer/lightning mine layer "I prefer the latter"
marauder 2 : 1 med, 1 light abnd 1 built in prox/ligtning mines

atlas: 1 medium + 1 large
centurion : 1 small or 1 med, am doubting "I prefer the light as it is supposed to be a recon ship"
centaur : 1 med and 2 large "give it 20- 24 cargo please, it is a deathtrap right now and you wont see anybody get caught dead in it ;)" So if peopel survive at doing a traderun with it, they should get some major reward for it ;). Besides the marauder will still be the best alternative, because it is a atlas on steroids ;)

wraith : 2 med and 1 large
ragnarok: 3 med and 2 large

on every ship : this makes : on every high agility ship only a max of 2 sunnies equipable. this limits the use of gausses or rockets. People that are good with energy, will take the gauss in favor of a rocket and naturally vice versa. Besides, if you dont get a kill with 32 rockets, then maybe you should opt to use 16 rockets and a backup tach or grav or ...

also : only 1 advanced gatling mountable

For the rest, everything is kept as before, we only switch the manouvrability of the valk with the vulture so it comes in 3 the place. It does keep its hull though, maybe even it up with adding 1- 2 k"but I would prefer not to".

marauder : keep agility, drop hull with 2 - 3k

prom: slightly lower agility "would prefer not to alter the agility, but maybe best to start with an agility drop", add 3k hp, add 7 k hp for the 3 large one"this one gets a very big agility drop though. It should be like you are in a coffin when you fly it :D"

I know, a lot of people wouldnt like it, but I think this set up would be the fairest. I was wondering what you guys thought, think about it in my eyes it would even up a lot of things and would maybe finally make some of the other things useable.

PS: could you make the rail gun like an uber demining tool by making it ineffective to use at dodgefighting or sniping, but when used on a mine, it would take it out with 1 shot at a range of even 1.5 - 2k? "naturally by using the i button ;)"

PPS: sorry uncle for straying off topic, but in my opinion if you used this , you wouldnt need to nerve the rockets to get the same result, and ramming will become a lot less frequent, because it isnt as effective anymore. And at the same time, it will prohibit the number of tri/quad flare suicide ships.

PPS: othr little request, please get rid of the issues. if a person gets killed, let the death be contributed on the person who did the most damage. "but im sure you were already planning that". The reason for this request is that a lot of people just suicide you just so you cant say that you killed him. I dont mind, or actually I do a little, but it maybe would help some problems in the future "the final game". Like getting back some fairness and niceness in the test. And me hopes that maybe, just maybe this will kinda make it easier for the guides, because no replies a la: you didnt kill me I issued. then the other person yells : lamer. and it goes back and forth like this untill one of the 2 yells guide, and the guide needs to spend its needfull time on such wastefull banter.


EDIT: dang long post
Jul 24, 2003 Phaserlight link
Sunflares actually take a good deal of skill to use at any reasonable range. Rather than nerfing them I would suggest adding a "safety feature" that doesn't allow them to explode within 70m of the firing ship or before 1.3 seconds are up. Also maybe tone down the firing rate/ammo capacity *slightly*. 0.75 s reload time / 12 ammo? Small changes = good. (Let's not forget what happened to the Prometheus).
Jul 24, 2003 Icarus link
Jul 24, 2003 Independence link
it's not difficult to avoid rockets. i avoid them in my hornet and centaur with little difficulty. if you fly in a straight line or get too close to someone who has rockets then you're obviously going to get your ass burned. learn to dodge. sunflares take a good deal of skill to hit someone at medium range and are useless at long range. sunflares are not railguns from Quake 3. i repeat, sunflares are not railguns from Quake 3.

and for the record, i don't want any changes to the centaur. it's perfect in its current state.
Jul 24, 2003 The Kid link
Ok, my proposal for sunflares:
14 capacity total for 1 launcher, 16 for 2, 18 for 3, and 20 for 4.
Valks are totally different issue.
Jul 24, 2003 Celebrim link
Yet another knee jeck '!#$#!@ it!!! nerf this!!! post.

I don't know why I bother. Rather than going off the deep end, why can't someone propose something reasonable like:

"Maybe the Sunflares are a little too good for a small port weapon, or at the least we should try to encourage people to try other stuff. I suggest cutting back the ammo to 12 per launcher, or else reducing the cycle time to .7 seconds, or maybe both."

Can we try something other than a complex cludgy fix that totally changes the game first? Sheesh.

I can't help but think that most people using rockets are using them because a) they don't have much skill and rockets give a very satisfying bang for very little skill even if you probably will issue b) rockets are lag independent and thus a good weapon if you are on dial-up (like me) c) because the aimbot is broken making it too easy to avoid a point weapon without the need to responcively dodge it, d) because many of the other choices just plain suck, e) long periods of boosting are harder now, and f) because they haven't tried anything else they are just copying what everyone else is using.

I don't think everyone is using Sunflares because the weapon is just so darn good, and I do think that in the hands of a good pilot energy weapons are just as deadly.

PS: Whenever someone says, "I hate to say "I told you so"..." they are saying "I told you so..." but I don't want you to know just how much I enjoy telling you "I told you so" so I'm going to pretend I don't."
Jul 24, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
We're not discussing anything that has any real relevance in the long term...don't distract the devs with a "mod" for SpaceQuake.
Let the devs get 3.3 out the door so we'll know what the RPG element is going to look like...then we can talk retuning all the ships and weapons.
For now, just kick the 5|-|17 out of all rocketrammers...gangnab them if need be.

Also, why do we have to have such a limited port system? Why can't we subdivided the current ports into energy / weapon ports as well?

Perhaps we should have some rockets that slow down on launch as almost a sort of bomb.
Jul 24, 2003 Arolte link
Nice. People are finally waking up. About time.

Jul 24, 2003 randomize link
I don't want to say I don't want to say I told you so, so I don't.
Jul 24, 2003 Urza link
arolte, do you also find it funny that the person who is complaining this time is the same person who only uses sunflares and was always bragging abotu how great he was with them? Before today, he loved them!
Jul 24, 2003 Independence link
arolte, to you, anyone who fires even a single sunflare is a rocket rammer for life. even if they don't ram.
Jul 24, 2003 electric27 link
/me rolls eyes... were we go again...

To be honest, I think SOMETHING needs to be done, I just can't think of anything. Maybe a lower firing rate. Because a lower load would just be a pain, what with having to reload every 3 minutes or so. The n00k thing needs to be fixed, too, but that's an entirely different thread.
Jul 24, 2003 Phaserlight link
Celebrim, read my post lol.
Jul 24, 2003 sheepdog link
speaking of railguns, i think they should move faster, slower refire rate, a lot of energy (cant fire on fast/light batts.) and do more damage.

But yes the rocket issue is a pain, i dont like to fight rocket rammers, but i will fight them... i just dont like how they run like little girls when out of ammo. (no offense to the ladys in the game.)
Jul 25, 2003 Independence link
i just dont like how they run like little girls when out of ammo. (no offense to the ladys in the game.)

let's think real life for a second. what would you do if you didn't have any ammo for your gun and people with guns were chasing you? if it were me in that position, i'd be running for my life. i'm sure you would too.
Jul 25, 2003 andreas link
I hate to agree with Icarus, but sunflares are really very easy to dodge. Where is the problem? Just stay at medium distance and use energy weapons. If you decide to go on a collision course with somebody who packs sunflares ... poor judgement.
Jul 25, 2003 Arolte link
Well for starters ships with less agility can easily be brought down with a rocket ramming valk, for instance. Medium engine ships also suffer a disadvantage against a rocket rammer with a heavy engine (higher cruising and boosting speed). In other words rocket ramming isn't always easy to dodge. It often varies on the ship you use. For those who like to use less agile or non-special ships, they're pretty much toast all the time. The suggestion that one or two really skilled players can dodge rocket rammers is irrelevant. The game is supposed to be for everyone. The whole idea of balance is to make the game fun for everyone. Rocket ramming hasn't done much to accomplish this.

That being said, I really hope to see sunflares go completely. While my hopes will probably never see the light of day, I'd like you guys to consider something else before you go off whining about how I'm making demands. There are dozens of weapons in the game that can be used for these ships, and probably hundreds more on their way. Yet everyone chooses sunflares simply for the easy kills and lack of skill requirements. Unless there's some critical correlation with Vendetta's storyline and the usage of unguided rockets in space (in the year 4432 no less), are these things absolutely necessary?

There are thousands of weapons that can be designed out of imagination, and the only thing that these weapons manufacturers in the year 4432 can think of are unguided missiles. Ack! I mean how much more generic and boring can you get?! A gravity cannon that can grab space debris and shoot it at incredible speeds (yeah okay, I stole this idea from the HL 2 trailer), a port that fires a swarm of guided drones, an EMP mine, a lightning cannon, an anti-gravity mine... whatever! There are so many other weapons that can be made to replace a boring weapon like the sunflare. So don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make this MY game. I just want to see a little more variety and skill tossed into Vendetta's arsenal.

I think that one of the reasons why people feel so strongly against the removal of the sunflares is because they fear that they won't be able to get easy kills anymore. Some are not afraid to admit it--that they suck at aiming with energy weapons. But let me tell you, if you're not good with energy weapons there is still be hope for you without the usage of sunflares. One of the most successful weapon combos I've found in the game is the gemini missiles and the advanced gatling turret on a Warthog. Simple enough, right? Firing both weapons in close combat can easily disorient or frighten your enemy, buying you plenty of time to chew them up with the gatling gun. Even if you don't get a kill or you're running low on ammo, you can still make a clean escape by firing off a few geminis to keep them busy. So clearly there are various alternatives in the game for those who aren't so skilled with energy weapons, yet don't require you to resort to rocket ramming.

Oh... and Independence, please hold your grudges elsewhere. While my post had no real value in helping solve the problem, it was more of a friendly joke (note the smiley).