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Aug 05, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Even if you made money harder to get people will still rocket ram simply because the valk can survive it while lesser ships can't.

A rag can't ram because it has a low turn rate and a cent can't ram because it doesn't have a high enough hull. The valk is the perfect ramming vessel because it has a FPS turn rate and it has a big enough hull to survive.

As far as I can tell the non-special ships are balanced with each other but it's hard to judge because nobody uses them anymore.
Aug 05, 2003 Kuvagh link
Eldrad: As you know, my most comfortable areas are in the department of aiming and dodging energy weapons. As a vet I'd say I'm on par as a rocket aimer and dodger based on my time spent here, but you're one of the best rocket dodgers in the game. Perhaps ramming isn't much of an issue for you, but I've found that if I want to win a fight against a rammer, not just survive and flee, I often need equal rocket firepower as a ramming deterrent. Sometimes when I was fighting in a Vulture I'd get 3 or 4 individual rocket hits on my opponent, dodge about 10 rockets, then fail to dodge a single super volley and die.
Aug 05, 2003 ctishman link
Same with me. I'm okay at dodging rockets, but eventually, one of those 16 supervolleys the Valk is carrying is going to get me.