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Time In the Vendetta Universe

Aug 04, 2003 igrok link
I'm wondering how the devs plan to handle time once more gameplay has been added. For instance, if I work for the Itani military and am paid a salary, how often will I receive my paycheck? Or will the missions and gameplay simply avoid such issues (ie. I only get paid when I complete a mission)?
Aug 04, 2003 Jorus link
I would assume you only get paid when you complete the mission, but the whole "time" ordeal really isn't a prob, because even if you jump from system to system its instantenous. It could work very easily even in the final product with massive amounts of systems and such, just have a SGT.. standard galactic time..
Aug 04, 2003 Arolte link
Most likely you'll only get paid when you complete a task. I know that if I were running a space mercenary company, for example, I wouldn't put them on an hourly wage when...

A) My workers are light years away, probably fooling around in a space bar without my knowledge.

B) My workers may end up dead or lost light years away while they're still clocked in and getting paid by the hour (you wanna pay dead people?).

C) And lastly... the whole thing about time being relative and the weird effects of time travel in space. You know, that thing where you settle in a planet for 60 yrs and your buddy returns as if they only left for a year or two.

So logic dictates that you'll only get paid if you survive the mission and accomplish all (or most) of the objectives. Otherwise you'll have players avoiding the objective completely, or take their time getting there, only to get paid for every hour they float around in space.
Aug 04, 2003 Sage link
Well since the fastest a ship can go in Vendetta is about 200m/s I don't think time dilation is a big deal.
Aug 04, 2003 silentsuicide link
And we kinda already have a general time, GMT. Just type in /time
Aug 04, 2003 Phaserlight link
Vendetta is on Greenwich Mean Time???
Aug 05, 2003 Arolte link
Aug 05, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Tuesday, 6:18 AM, August 05, 2003

Well arolte did type /time....

Some one had to give him the time.
Aug 05, 2003 CannonFodder link
well - GMT is on BST and therefore the vendetta clock is one hour out - its GMT -1 at present (/me picks nits)

roll on wintertime


Aug 05, 2003 The Kid link
GMT never changes dude ;)
Aug 05, 2003 dragos link
which is why, EST which is normally GMT -5 is GMT -4, as it is currently EDST.