Forums » General

Bug Report Submission

Feb 26, 2010 incarnate link
With today's update to our website menu, the "submit bug report" function is now gone and deprecated.

MOST bugs should be posted on the Bugs Forum, to allow easier discussion with more individuals. However..

If you should become aware of a gameplay issue that requires privacy to report (for instance, a major exploitable problem), or a catastrophic issue requiring immediate attention (major server issue, game unplayable, fundamental patch problem), please do so via the Customer Support Ticket System, selecting the category of "Technical". You need to be logged into the website to use this system.

The Customer Support system is far, far better at handling these sorts of issues. The old web-bug system did not notify us of new bugs, and was only checked sporadically. This led to significant delays between a major exploit being reported, vs us taking action. The customer support system immediately makes us aware of new tickets, so we're able to respond more quickly. Plus it provides an actual communications medium with the reporting player, all of which is much better than the old one-way bug-submission thing.