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Cash limit.

Aug 13, 2003 Sage link
EQ has a different money system though. In EQ you carry money with you. In Vendetta everything is in a bank account and money gets wired around. I'm not even sure they have hard currency in the Vendetta universe.
Aug 13, 2003 BountyBot link
Look, I'm not one of the devs working on Vendetta, but I am a professional programmer. And I can safely say that using 64 bits for the cash won't make the game any slower. It's just one more change the devs are probably planning out of thousands.
Aug 13, 2003 Icarus link
Aug 14, 2003 furball link
I'm also a programmer (even a professional one too! :)) and what BountyBot is saying is correct. And FYI, I believe that the ANSI C Spec has defined a long long as a 64 bit number. (I COULD be wrong on that though.) If I am wrong, well then, GCC has defined a long long as a 64 bit number. (Assuming that your long is a 32 bit #.)
Aug 14, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
hmm I always presumed that an int int was a 32 bit number, and long long was a 64bit.

/me notices that im doing exactly the same as furry, Stop talking constantly with 2 words, tsss long long :D

Aug 13, 2003 roguelazer link
What about network stuff? I mean, it must send a packet of -JUST- money stuff, mustn't it, since you could theoretically do a money transaction without doing anything else.
Aug 14, 2003 Icarus link

Aug 14, 2003 Cmdr. Freeman link
Visual Studio has an _int64 for 64-bit numbers (e.g. for compatibility with upcoming Win64 stuff). A 64-bit value for the money would make no performance difference at all - it's only *one* value. It's not like the entire game is in 64 bit mode now.
Aug 14, 2003 furball link
Icarus, you are correct, AFAIR, the C spec never DID SPECIFICALLY define a size of an int other than as you say it should be the wordsize of the machine. However, AFAIR, the C spec DID define the size of a char, short, long, and in the last spec (again AFAIR) long long.
Aug 15, 2003 ctishman link
RRawk! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Raaawk!
Aug 15, 2003 crazydeb8r link
I like the designation idea! Makeit like a real monetary system. Of course, a simpler way would be to make it possible to invest your money in Gold or something like that, and then store it in a ship. You wouldn't want to get killed carrying a bunch of it, but you could sell bars of platinum for like 1 bil or something.
Aug 15, 2003 Urza link
It's simple!! make widgits that cost 1 million, 100 million, ect, and sell for that much all over! (well, actualy, this would lead to more game play, because certain nations wouldn't buy anotehr nation's creds.)
Aug 15, 2003 roguelazer link
/me still wants nation widgets to be the highest profit widgets. Serco widgets should sell for EXTREME cash in sectors 1 and 3, and vice versa.
Aug 15, 2003 Wombatula link
hehe, mondo pirating on noobs!
Aug 15, 2003 Sage link
Investments sound like a good idea. I would like to invest in a n00b and make a dividend off all his trading runs. Yes. That would be sweet. Or invest in the Syndicate and recieve portions of all their ill gotten booty.
Aug 16, 2003 crazydeb8r link
and that's where you can go with the representative cargo idea. It also gets around the cash limit... heh...well not. You could only have billion of the other 4.xx billion squared would be the cash limit. I still think it's too small. its not.
Aug 19, 2003 Nighty link
Weird that these kind of bugs still exist. One of the first things they teach you in first year informatics at my university is how to avoid exactly these kind of bugs:

if ((MAX_AMOUNT - $increment) < $current_amount)
// handle error
// continue transaction

Maybe such a check could be useful in the bankbot software?
Aug 20, 2003 Dibblah link
Errr... The bug you think is a bug is not a bug.

Say you've got 8 bits (1 byte) available for storing a number. The only numbers you can represent are 0-255. It looks like money is stored currently in a long long, which is a big number... But it looks like it's not big enough for people exploiting bugs. For me, that doesn't say that it needs increased.


Aug 20, 2003 Dibblah link
Errr... The bug you think is a bug is not a bug.

Say you've got 8 bits (1 byte) available for storing a number. The only numbers you can represent are 0-255. It looks like money is stored currently in a long long, which is a big number... But it looks like it's not big enough for people exploiting bugs. For me, that doesn't say that it needs increased.

