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It's a kindergarden...

Aug 26, 2003 alienb1212 link
good post rene
Aug 26, 2003 SirCamps link
Rene, nice post, but you made it all up.

I would like to point out for the umpteenth time that slamming rockets into someone at point-blank range is NOT a glitch/bug, nor is station nuking. It's a gameplay issue, which means it takes a back seat. And the game isn't "unusable" to you, that station is. Most of this happens in 7, and sector 7 is not an RPG land but an FPS fragfest. Don't go there if you don't want to die.
Aug 26, 2003 StarFreeze link
"Besides SF, you said dont make the game unusable for other players, if I extend this given thing, then someone exploiting "rocketramming, stationmining, stationnuking" is rendering the gamer unusable to ME"

Thats if you make it an issue. Like camps said this happens mostly in sector 7. If you really consider it a problem when your dueling someone or something go to 9 or 11 or whatever there are plenty of sectors where you can duel or trade/play peacefully.

"So people please, stop using the exploits untill the devs clearly stated that they fixed them, at that time open your exploiting book again and test it for a short while. At that time you are really testing if the devs did do a good job or if they covered every base, but when there is NO update in that sense then stop using the exploits"

Okay...lets see a new player comes on...finds out on his own that he can station nuke, rocket ram, since his score is low enough more than likely he wants to raise it any way he possibly can. So are you going to tell every new player that comes online "DON'T EXPLOIT" i really doubt you could/would be able to do that.

Here's some pointers about rocket rammers, keep moving, give solid cover fire so they can't go straight at you, can see easily when someone is coming closer and closer to you...just turn to the side and turbo away.

Station nukers, stay 250m away from the station, get in a bus and when they come out slam into them, fill the dock so they can't go back in. Stuff like that...
Aug 26, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

Ay, I wont tell everybody, but I will tell as much people as possible, and I hope that the rest does the same and maybe even maybe, everything will get better.

If you dont like to get killed in that way then dont do it yourselve I always say. You saw "put seeds in the ground" what you reap "harvest" is the most befittign comment.

Besides, this happening in only sector 7 is BS. I got rammed in 9 while I was pointing something out, I was rammed in 11 while I was helping somebody else configuring his keys. I was rammed in 8 while helping some newbies finish a tradingconvoy, I was nuked in 13, in 11, 9. I was stationmined in 13, 11, 9, 5 and yes 7.

I wont take away your joy in 7, but at least quit with it in the other sectors. But I still question why the war should be in blues nations back jard. It is also the best traderoute available for newbies that dont know the secret sectors. and easilly accessible in a bus.

It is also a very easy going throughpoint for the blues on their way to 9, because their are no bots.

Besides sircamps, It is on the same point of being a gameplaybug. A bug = an error or miscalculation.
The devs didnt calculate the effect of rockets slamming into you at point blank. But if they had they wouldnt have let it possible. And an exploit = taking advantage of that bug. So in pure logical sense, I can call it a exploit, I do have to give you credit, it is a gameplayexploit, but in general and therefore simply put still an exploit. "but this is all technics of who is right and who is wrong, and im acting childish because of it ;)". I just meant that it is a bad effect of the gameplayengine. And therefore should and most likely will be fixed and NOT nerfed. I like to use the rockets to ,but if people shoot themselves because they tried shooting somebody else, they should be penalized. A nice penalization would be to receive splashdamage being a multiple factor of the normal rocketdamage. and at the outerst ring it should be 110% of the rockets that you actually received splash from.

Ow and take awazy the issuing thing, just change it by a normal destroyed by, but the last person hitting the target / the person that did the most damage. But Im drifting away from the point and am making suggestions on what I am sure off that the devs already have an opinion and a possible fix, but are unwilling /unable to incorperate because of to much work on the new engine or waiting to release it if they put some other limiters in "like missions to attain a rocketlicence".

and so on.

Aug 26, 2003 UncleDave link
He saw what he reaped?

He sowed what he reap?

He sawed... never mind :P

The saying is, you reap what you sow :P
Aug 26, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
ok thanks uncle, I knew it was something like that, that was the reason why I put in the brackets so people wouldnt misunderstand me ;)

Aug 27, 2003 BusMasteR link
I'm not talking exploits - but common decent way of communicating with other people.

I'm not talking about me leaving - but about those decent testers that are actually doing a job at testing, bugreporting etc, rather than "making a point out of their exploiting/greifing".

Asking me to leave only enhance my point, my dear StarFreeze - are you sure that you're not having personal reasons/issues for saying what you do: like me that were rather uninterested in listen to your "life-threatning" operation for the 7th hour in a row?

Should i - with the work you have put into community enhancing projects, ask you to leave?

It is thé *exact* behavior i'm talking about - not exploits, spamming or game issues...

Note that i was *not* pointing fingers at anyone, and i have *never* posted any threads on this subject before (i've maybe commented it before). I found it to escalate so seriously that i really wondered why guides didn't take action - or if they were actually there.

To mention a situation on what i'm talking about: I logged on to find one player throwing his rather offensive comments to each 5 corners of the vendetta univers, nothing suprisingly in that - BUT THERE WAS ACTUALLY A GUIDE ONLINE. The only action he apparently took, was to sound like any other fustrated player that tries to convince this player of not using that language - instead of stepping in with a: "NOW IT STOPS" attitude...

And to throw in a comment: Yes - we're all testers: but theres a big difference in actually testing exploits and technical/game issues, and "testing" by playing, to make others misserable using these issues or by keeping a language like: "I f*cked ya mamma...", "You f*cking b*tch - come back here and let me kick that big f*cking fat *ss off yours till you f*cking leave, you fat f*ck..." and so on. That will *definately* make certain serious testers leave...

Maybe i shouldn't spend 36 hours of debugging and supporting other linux users next time an issue pops up - like when RGLOW was first added...
Aug 27, 2003 roguelazer link
Um, Forum Mod? Now is when you come in and explain politely (like every guide I've seen ingame) what the devs said about guides.
Aug 27, 2003 SirCamps link
Ah, Busmaster, that is called trashtalk, and should be ignored, no? All games have language problems, and Vendetta is no exception. Ignore the person! :P
Aug 27, 2003 furball link
DS4, there comes a point where trash talk crosses the line.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, IF you want to run a respectable game server for ANY ONLINE game, the admins/moderators/guides/whatever name you come up with HAVE to run the server with a heavy hand! If you don't, then people think they can get away with ANYTHING. IF on the other hand, they KNOW they will be banned for doing X, then the MAJORITY will NOT do X! I know this from personal experience from running my own HalfLife server for over a year.
Aug 27, 2003 StarFreeze link
" like me that were rather uninterested in listen to your "life-threatning" operation for the 7th hour in a row?"

Sigh this thread needs to end...okay now see multiple people ask me online so i might as well tell everyone all at once no matter if your there or not. There is also this GREAT feature that comes with vendetta I suggest you use it.

/ignore "Name"

When someone talks about surgery OF ANY KIND it is a nice person like thing to say "hope you get better" or "get well soon man" stuff like that, ask what happened ask about the pain stuff like that. But when I come on and after I say it once you rip on me like crazy just because I said outloud since multiple people were asking me...thats not nice thats just PLAIN RUDE.

The first 1-2 days I came back everytime I came on vendetta someone else was asking me about it so obiously I'm going to answer...I'm not going to be rude and so NO you can't know. What about messaging? I seriously can not sit there and tell every person that is messaging me individually the info.

Now back to the topic.

"To mention a situation on what i'm talking about: I logged on to find one player throwing his rather offensive comments to each 5 corners of the vendetta univers, nothing suprisingly in that - BUT THERE WAS ACTUALLY A GUIDE ONLINE. The only action he apparently took, was to sound like any other fustrated player that tries to convince this player of not using that language - instead of stepping in with a: "NOW IT STOPS" attitude..."

Guides don't need to be a hard ass and just instantly mute someone because they are saying something. If they can calm them down it works out better because if they just mute someone...the second they unmute him and then he comes back and there isn't a guide on he's gonna go crazy and swear even more.

"The only action he apparently took, was to sound like any other fustrated player that tries to convince this player of not using that language - instead of stepping in with a: "NOW IT STOPS" attitude..."

Why should the guides need to do this? There is no real reason the guide has to come in with a "NOW IT STOPS" attitude. If a guide can get the person to stop even with a nice "Watch the language please." He did his job perfectly.
Aug 27, 2003 romikq link
sigh, I was not gonna post but whatwever:)

I think what most people are forgetting is that although, this is a TEST, I think that the devs aren't doing it just to test the actuall code for exploits and etc. The actual human response to the features and the problems that the community experiences tell a whole lot about what to do when the game goes commercial. So I don't agree with the "just test it and shut up, cause the devs don't care what you think about the community and the gameplay. If you don't like it, leave".

The biggest problems with online games are, IMO:
1) assholes
2) boredom

Right now both of these are plaguining Vendetta(as far as I can tell).

And a LOT of previously-dedicated people are leaving.(yes, it is a LOT).

Now, I don't know what the devs are planning, but I think that they should tweak the community as well as the code and try to find a way to make the non-test actual Vendetta lack the two vices listed above. And in my view, since I left 4 month ago, it has only got worse.

But I agree that this thread is completely useless.
Aug 27, 2003 roguelazer link
Is it... no, it can't be... It IS! It's ROMIREZ!!!!!!!!!!

Now, on topic. The following is my slight reparsing of a MMORPG book I once read.


Any MMORPG must rely on its player base for funding, and any game isn't very good without any players. In MMORPGs, you traditionally find four types of players:

1. Heroes- they are involved in everything, aspire to lead great armies and spend tons of time playing the game. You don't want too many of these. They will attempt to monopolize your game, they will flood the communications and make a new player feel dwarfed, and they may not be above taking certain shortcuts to get what they want.

2. Villans- Much like heroes, these infamous people aspire to be evil very well. They may lead great armies of pirates or maurauders. They also may stoop to low tactics and will similarly monopolize your time. You want some of these, but not too many

3. Exploiters- These people are usually disgruntled players that are bored. They will attempt to use any cheat, break any rule, to create chaos. They do not want to further the game, or help new players, or become great leaders. They just want to make peopel feel bad. They can be identified by their destrucive behavior, high volume of profanity and the many bugs that they use. You want to eliminate these if possible.

4. Citizens- These players make up the majority of your userbase. They just trod along, playing the game. They will take new players under their wing and advise older ones. They will rarely or never exploit anything, and they tend to be peaceful unless their career path takes them into a non-peaceful job (military). They are what the game was made for and they are the users that you design towards.

Yes, I think 1 and 2 are a little over the top (i see nothing wrong with ambitious players), but it's a pretty good setup.
Aug 27, 2003 Urza link
hey SF.. no pointing fingers.. ;) because of me, several major problems were uncovered.

And honestly people, if you dont like it, go away. dont tell us we need to improve, because that usualy results in a flame war.

dont bitch at the guides (they have a life to ya know, as well as rules they have to follow) I would infact rather not have guides around all the time. No offence guys, i mean, sure there are people you should really bash out sometimes (i wont point those people out), but guides all the time could be a bad thing, especialy if 1 of them has a bad day and takes it out ingame. We should give the guides a bit more credit well. I've noticed several pricks have dissappered in the dead of night around here, so i assume, and thank them as if, they are doing their job.

Some people WILL be assholes. So avoid them. they cant be everywhere at once. Type /hidelog and go fly around. it's that simple. If you dont wanna here people be like little kids, /ignore and /hidelog go great togeather.
Aug 27, 2003 SirCamps link
Roguelazer, you're defs are a bit skewed. I prefer to follow another player's definitions:

Tester: "Heck, it's a test. Do whatever you want to, we're just helping the community."

Criminal/Pirate: "I do whatever I want to increase my wealth."

Knight: "Honor is not dead. We live and die by honorable actions."

Hero: "I'll save you!"
Sep 01, 2003 Forum Moderator link
This "so called guide" has been away for a week on a cruise ship for a week. I didn't feel the need to pay 55 cents a minute to keep track of player's behavior. Is it necessary for the police to follow each citizen 24/7 to ensure that each one follows the letter of the law? Is it desirable? It is time for the community to take responsibility for itself. People have forgotten their mission here.

Several of you who have posted here would have already run afoul of your own suggested police-state if it had been put into practice.

ALL verbally abusive behavior is dealt with when I am on. If verbal warnings or punishments were handled publicly, the behavior would only escalate. I have tested this and know it to be true. A few of the posters in this thread have been excellent examples of this in the past.

Please watch your language in the forums, folks. There are no filters here.
Sep 01, 2003 doofusblah link
i just returned from 6 hrs in vendetta, and yes the language isn't the most polite ever. but then again, it's a game and it's natural for people to get upset when they get killed, especially in a way they think is unfair. but instead of yelling at them and getting all angry about it, why not just get in their configuration and go kill them? it's a much faster way of solving problems as i've seen arguments go over an hour long. more satisfying too, cuz you're probably not gonna get the guy to apologize, so make him pay =)

but in all seriousness, i think that it'd be nice if people in vendetta had more respect for each other, but i don't think the way to obtain that respect is to yell at others. let's just all be nice to each other and enjoy the game.