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Oct 28, 2003 SirCamps link
I agree with Arolte. You guys are being waay too harsh, as well as illogical.

1) you do it as a flagdefense --> allowed
2) you do it to piss people off --> so dont be surprised to get a whole batch of people after you. As a little sidenote, people tend to have vengefull spirits. People dont forget fast, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. So if you shoot someone down who is just flying happily along, or if you mine him down, then dont be surprised when the victims come together to gangbang you. and using mines at that time is just lame because you dont take the consequences of your actions. You run away from them.

That's bifurcation. He can mine for whatever reason he wants to. You, also, as a player, have the right to not get ticked off (something too many forget). If I'm mining for whatever reason, and someone starts shooting down my mines, I'm gonna attack them. It's the same as stealing cargo--someone is destroying/stealing my property, and I'm gonna stop them if I can.

"Don't mine, no honor in that."

"if to result to mining..." do you mean resort?

Honor is generally how others view you, and if someone's determined to think that someone's a pilot without honor, nothing the poor guy does will change that other person's opinion. Mining is an awesome invention, even if it is abused. It's terribly funny because anyone who gets hit by a mine blunders into it themselves, and then is forced to call the miner names to save their own face.

Ant-Miner was destroyed by Miner
<Anti-Miner> wtf
<Miner> hahahahaha ROFL
<Anti-Miner> you loser
<Miner> who me?
<Anti-Miner> your mining
<Miner> you ran into them
<Anti-Miner> mining's stupid
<Miner> you died
<Anti-Miner> you ******* exploiter
Miner twiddles his thumbs
Anti-Miner hugs his ignore list

Yes, that happened. I took it right out of my log. You see how the AM resorts to attacking the person and the tactic instead of taking the loss in stride and determining to do better next time.
Oct 28, 2003 roguelazer link
"blunders into it themselves"

Um... no. I remember one time when the golds had a minefield around my home (sc13) which consisted of several hundred mines. Not that bad, right? However, the lag of the miner meant that the mines (lmines they were) damaged from 1500m+ away. The miner knew and exploited this. This is one "mining tactic" which I would certainly call exploiting.

Giant minefields in general around station are cheap. If I log on, I generally don't expect to be surrounded by 1km of lmines around my homestation, and it's generally impossible to escape properly designed fields.

So yes, some mining is fair. But most that I encounter is cheap.
Oct 28, 2003 Urza link
Mines are tactical. Do you think that the US just lets enemy ships leave a port in wartimes? No. we blow anything that comes out up. Survivel of the fittest. You dont like it? call in some friends to help you out.
Oct 28, 2003 roguelazer link

I loging at 8AM, all by my lonesome with no teammates. I am homed in sector 13. My enemy got bored and made a giant minefield.


I cannot play vendetta for 15 minutes.
Oct 28, 2003 Magus link
Lay seige to a player inside a station. It may be annoying, but that's the point. Mines are supposed to be used to deny ground to someone. It's their nature.
Oct 28, 2003 SirCamps link
Yeah, Rogue. Picture it yourself. You're chasing "Kastin Thunderclaw" from sector to sector, intent on killing him. Finally, he runs and docks in 11. As usual he goes afk or does whatever he does for 5-10 minutes before coming out. In the meantime, you enlist the help of friends and completely mine the heck out of the area around station 11. By the time he gets done doing whatever, he comes back, undocks, and immediately boosts...... 800 meters into a field of Lmines, ripping his Valk apart.

The best defense against mines is setting home, hopping in a bus, and going on a de-mining quest. To further tick off the stationminer, bind "Congratulations, you just killed my bus!!!" to a key and use it often. =)
Oct 30, 2003 Dagger link
... that's called spamming the chat, if you ask me.
Oct 30, 2003 Leqiator link
The likelyhood of me getting flamed for this post being high, I'll keep it short. Mining may be annoying, but its still a valid tactic. Everything that's in the game that isn't a exploit is legal. If you dislike the mining, shoot the miner. Shoot his mines. It would be nice to find out why he is mining first however : as previously said, the miner might merely be attempting to save his own neck.
Oct 30, 2003 genka link
Previous post moderated: -1 Redundant
Oct 30, 2003 toshiro link
/me continues to glare with increased anger at all the people who turned this into a "mining or no mining" thread

go make your own thread! meh...