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Quickest way to raise combat level?

Nov 07, 2016 ohshtwaddup link
the +1500 from each of the border patrol missions is taking quite some time, is there a quicker way to do this?
Nov 07, 2016 We all float link
Get 7 other players in your group and the XP will be higher in BP.
Nov 07, 2016 scared star link
a few ways from what i hear you can (if good player on some cases) either pvp people and kill them for points ( but you should get training before you make a fool of yourself). shoot stuff like bots for an example hive skirmish works very well. deneb, i wont say what side to go on because if i say serco then someone will say " dont do itani because you dont need to be scared by ONE and/or RED they are hardly on nor are good pvper's" some people will know who i am talking about that says that in a way( not to case a fuzz here!). or if you do serco the fear some ITAN will come and get you, jk they are hardly on if they are on then harpo is moving stuff in his dent, and zjen dont count cus all he does is farm noodles. but i noticed itani does win in a lot of events, like CTC, i mostly see itani win CTC, ( i have only seen 2 maybe 3 times serco won CTC, btw i am not a old player to VO so i am not a reliable source on the CTC history. deneb has it fair shares on wining, but i think itani has a bit more wins (again i am not an old VO player so i am not a reliable source) if you want to know about some of the somewhat old history and don't know who to look for, look for people that show their ego's :) (again not causing a fuzz), but ya combat mission, pvp, bot killing. if i miss anything please help @ohshtwaddup
Nov 07, 2016 ohshtwaddup link
thank you for all the info scared star,

However, i'm trying to find the best way to grind combat xp, and thats it. I'm trying to fly the SCP, and have already got the HW levels. I just need the combat xp, which is becoming a pain rn just to get inside a ship.
Nov 08, 2016 genka link
Take hive skirmish missions in ion storm sectors only (the mission description will end in "rewards quadruple while storm lasts!" )

Kill collectors
Nov 08, 2016 tarenty link
Genka's way is probably the fastest for combat license. Look for Critical Hive Skirmishes specifically, they last the longest and will reappear after they end as long as the queen isn't killed.