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Stop the griefing now, i am starting to really hate you all

Dec 23, 2003 Kyphro link
It has come to my attention that griefing is really becoming a problem, especially due to some certain Itani characters, in not going to mention any names [cough] Phoenix [/cough] but i am going to say that it is really getting out of hand now. I used to have alot of fun playing vendetta, but lately, it has become increaingly hard to leave the safety of one's home sector without the fear of ppl who KOS new players and such, thus making the game ALOT less fun. This problem has not only affected palyers like me, but my friends too, when i first found vendetta, i showed to to all my friends, and presuaded them to play, and they did, untill the afor mentioned player(s) made it impossible for them to have fun, and so they quit playing, and bashed me for it, because i showed to to them. Griefing HAS to stop, and i mean now, i don't care how it happens, but it has to stop now, for the sake of the game.

Dec 23, 2003 SirCamps link
Nothing to see here, folks, move along, keep going.
Dec 24, 2003 Zeratul link
Shutup SirCamps. You know very damn well that endless pirating and griefing are starting to become major problems. And since no one has the deep pockets of the pre-reset time (except for the elite few), people can't fight back. Since the guides are powerless to do anything about it (or won't do something about it), I'd like to see some vigilantes go after the pirates and griefers until it's back in proportion to the 3.1 era. People had more fun than agony in 3.1. Mainly due to the community, that's flipped.
Dec 24, 2003 SirCamps link
I just made 600,000 credits last night with both Phoenix _and_ Sam II on. The trick is to find under-exploited trade routes. I was using a prometheus. (For all those that are wondering, I did sector 5 outpost to sector 15.) It's not impossible.

Zeratul, we've already talked about pirates. Sometimes, it works to buy them off (although it earns you the ire of your teammates).
Dec 24, 2003 DR link
"I'd like to see some vigilantes go after the pirates and griefers until it's back in proportion to the 3.1 era."

now I know there are _some_ pilots out there who could do this, but aren't most of the best ones the pirates?
Dec 24, 2003 Archon link
Yes, it seems as most of the best players in Vendetta are pirates.
There ARE anti-pirate guilds, though - the Defense Ships, for one.
Dec 24, 2003 Acierocolotl link
EDIT: SO I reacted a little hastily.

Convoys are the solution. If there aren't any, well, it's not bad to take time off either. Lord knows I do this from time to time myself, but mostly because I haven't the heart to PK much, and fighting ship-killers gets tedious after awhile too.

Granted, I got myself out of short bus status just by cleaning up after bot-killers and running away from the bad scary bots; it's possible to make money if that's what you want to do, but not nearly interactive enough... and without a convoy and the social aspect attached, what would be the point of trading anyway?
Dec 24, 2003 Skyfox link
Well, now with /group maybe convoys can start being more of a reality. Anyone up for trying it?
Dec 26, 2003 Black_Death link
See, I dont mind the actual pirating. I think its just another aspect of the game that makes it more fun. I think its fun to try and counter pirating by getting a group of escorts, and watching previously "fearless" pirates now take a wide berth.

However, I do have a problem with "griefing", or as i like to put it, spawn killing. Yesterday, 3 players griefed me for about 30 minutes while I was in a bus. I dont see how this is fun at all, and makes you want to stop playing the game temporarily, something the devs probably dont want to happen. Finally, someone on the team as the griefers persuaded his teammates to leave for another sector. However, instead of just sitting here and bitching, I brainstormed an idea:

1.) After getting killed in the same sector 5 times or more, an option appears asking if you want to be warped back to your home sector (s1,s2,s3)

Discuss on what you think :)

Dec 26, 2003 Tilt152 link
Players actually tried killing other players one sector away from their home sector while hunting bots???

Never seen this issue before.

I'm still taking a break from this game because of the unbalanced faction issue *cough*Itani*cough*. However, I'm not going there.
Dec 27, 2003 hirnfuhler link
Yesterday i saw accident:

I was trading. I jumped from s7 to s4. With me jumped gold bus with 0 score, 40 bounty etc. When he jumped out from wh he started runnig back to s7. 3 valks (!!!) engaged him and killed.
Dec 27, 2003 SirCamps link
That'd be GoldNiki, and he knew what he was doing. :P
Dec 27, 2003 alienb1212 link
The Defense Ships are no longer a public-service guild, they have fallen from their mission to become self-serving individuals and are for hire/profit only. Basically, they're not only pirates, but mercenaries....
Dec 28, 2003 Archon link
errr... the DSG are pirates now?
Dec 28, 2003 Xorbital link
They defend their money with their lives :D
Dec 28, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
I was flying my usual SDF patrol from 5-13-11 when I made an unscheduled stopover in s9 to respond to a NTS Distress Call. There were 4 Itani's, 1 unidentified Vet and 3 newbs that the Vet was instructing on how to pirate.
Captain D (NT) [SDF] Black 1 and Greg (serco) successfully pinned the newbs down inside the s9 station for an unknown amount of time while they engaged us in buses.
My point is this, piracy is now not just renegades with Vultures but a whole guild in and of itself where the more expierenced pirates take on apprentices, I fear that piracy is no longer a controllable act but is now a wildfire that cant be stopped except by the Guides, who as of now are not responding to the repeated requests for action on their part.

[SDF] Black 1
Dec 28, 2003 Forum Moderator link
The Guides do not respond to requests to stop piracy because the devs have asked us NOT to interfere with it. The thinking is that it is part of the game at the moment.
Dec 28, 2003 alienb1212 link
Well, perhaps the thinking is flawed. Could the devs kindly consider this, in it's due time?
Dec 28, 2003 Kyphro link
Part of the game? Wow... that is a first, how are you guys going to try to bring in more members when this is "part of the game", I see no reason to keep on showing my friends this game when griefing and piracy are a common occurance. If those were truely part of the game, then this is going to become another free for all space shooter, falling into the same ranks as thousands of other crappy games, something I really don't want to see. I really think the devs should put a stop to this, once and for all.

Dec 28, 2003 Skyfox link
How? Kill everyone who pirates? Sure ok but how will the guides know who's pirating and who was just dueling?

Pirating will probably remain a major problem untill some sort of reputation system is invented.