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Player Thefts and Gameplay Ethics.

May 27, 2017 BigNastyone link
What's worse is selling 4000 sss then having to transfer the crap
May 27, 2017 joylessjoker link
First world problems, BigNastyOne.
May 27, 2017 aaronund link
A player to player trade window in stations is long overdue. It would put an end to most of this nonsense. Just make it so that "advertised​" sales aren't global.
May 28, 2017 incarnate link
PaKettle/Greenwall: I explicitly asked you guys to send us tickets on anything related to the Guide accusations, and stop posting stuff on this thread. Whistler asked you to do the same. PaKettle even wrote "Obviously this is not the place to air such issues". Wtf?

I am only commenting here since Incarnate choose to bring the subject up.

No.. I didn't. This was just a policy statement. I knew nothing about any Guide issues. My post contained nothing about guides. None of the tickets I was referencing (even the most recent) ever claimed ANY problems with guides. This had nothing to do with guides as far as I was aware. You just chose to hijack the thread, opening with a bunch of weird innuendo and accusations that made no sense to me.

A support ticket was filed - I can only assume you didn't see it or blew it off.

Sooo.. you filed a support ticket back in January, and no one ever responded, then four months later your assumption is that the best way of handling that is to make a bunch of public accusations? While saying "obviously this is not the place to air such issues.. but hey, let's do it anyway!". Fantastic.

If you would rather play with the graphics then start making the guides verify the situation before they act.

Seriously? I think Whistler does the best possible job with what he has to work with, and HE DOES VERIFY, and asks the developers for clarification if he thinks there's cause for suspicion (he has no access to personal player info, like email addresses). He's always done that, and Ray and I have run down a lot of questions for him, and quite a few "weird" CO-change requests have been denied.

But if Whistler makes a mistake in a Guild change, and then Curt makes a mistake in forgetting a ticket, that does not mean we have bad policies in place (or that we're intentionally ignoring you, or are terrible people). It just means we have humans working on stuff.

If you check around there maybe a few more (tickets) from other more involved individuals.

Not that I could find via search. Only your no-response ticket from January, and a very recent one that claimed a specific well-known guild member had emptied their bank (not this newbie-CO), mentioned nothing at all about guides, and then blasted me with a lot of angry foul language.

So, yes, Whistler may have messed up, and Curt may have dropped a ticket. Neither is super newsworthy.. stuff happens. Yes, of course we would take corrective action on that kind of thing. That is exactly the kind of "external factor" I called out in the third paragraph of my OP in this thread.

So when you say this:

losses caused by the actions of your own people are very much a different matter and not a matter you should dismiss as not your problem...

That's really you making a lot of bad assumptions of us, and you generally being a dick. Because I was never doing what you claimed, at all. In fact, I chose my words pretty carefully in the OP.

I mean, administrative-leadership changes being manipulatively exploited is not exactly "game mechanics used as-intended", you'd have to really do some elaborate gymnastics to try and draw your conclusion from my statement.

I don't care if the credits are returned, Put an end to the exploit that was used one way or another.

That's just super naive. The fundamental problem is that:

1) Guilds will always have somewhat steep existence requirements, because I want them to be "legit" and not have a million stupid tiny guilds.

2) Players are transient, and keeping guilds operating will always be a challenge. And no matter what the structure, notifications or leadership fallback automation, there will always be administrative requests to "save the guild" because "our leaders all quit" or "are too inactive" or whatever. Which means opportunities for value-judgements from administrators, which may sometimes be wrong.

The exploit is "people". I don't have a fix for "people".

So, really, our best option might be to just stop helping you guys with Guilds at all, and let them die. Like maybe re-distribute the bank content evenly among the members on dissolution, but otherwise, if people are really serious they can always start a new guild after the old one dies. Food for thought, anyway.

On that note, I am wrapping up this thread. People who would like to talk about specific Suggestions to improve things are welcome to address that content to the Suggestions Forum.