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Mar 07, 2004 Arolte link
Why did you lock the background story thread? Why didn't you just delete the offending posts instead? I'm tired of having a few immature posts ruining the entire thread. There is a certain individual who continues to post flamebait remarks and quite frankly I'm tired of this bullshit. I think it's pretty obvious who it is. Please reconsider what you've done and deal with this individual rather than taking down an entire thread. Locking all my threads due to one or two flamebait posters made by other individuals won't solve this problem, I can assure you that much.
Mar 07, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Sorry, the tone of all the posts after the first two was kinda nasty and frankly annoyed me. I could have done some judicious deleting and left it at that. You might want to check your own tone and word-choice. You seem to want a good outcome from your post above, but it's pretty aggressive and suggests that I tend to lock "all" of your threads.

Anyway, SOMEBODY forgot to give me the power to unlock threads, so the devs would have to do it. Given their workload it might be faster if you were to cut and paste a new thread.
Mar 07, 2004 Arolte link
Sorry if I sounded negative, it's just that I'm getting sick and tired of having to put up with the same stuff every single time I post on this forum. Even if it's something totally unrelated I always get some form of flamebait or cynical remark. I don't want all my posts to be locked because of it.

Is there any way I can contact you via IRC or e-mail? I have no intention of cluttering up the forum with crap like this. But I need to discuss a few things with you about a certain individual. Hopefully it'll be a step toward resolving this problem once and for all.
Mar 07, 2004 Durgia link
well the thread idea was a good one Arolte but both you and another person were and usually are pushing eachothers buttons. Need some advanced command where they both cannot post in the same thread.
Mar 07, 2004 Arolte link
I tried not to. In fact if you read through my first post you'll see absolutely NO signs of inflammatory comments directed towards anyone. I even went so far as to revise my first post because I made an error by crediting the wrong person. I apologized and it was promptly fixed. I then proceeded to tell Celkan to chill out because of his aggressive tone. Then I mentioned that if there were any other problems, he should direct them to other Vendetta community websites instead. I thought I made that VERY clear. Again, there is no namecalling involved whatsoever in my initial post nor in my response.

If someone is holding a grudge from IRC or some in-game related activities, they should leave their attitude behind or find some other peaceful means of dealing with it. Bringing up unrelated complaints on the forums and turning an otherwise healthy topic into a pissing match is hardly what I had in mind. If I made an error in my post I'd be more than happy to fix it to give the proper person(s) credit. Enough is enough.
Mar 07, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I agree, your first post was excellent. Your next could probably have been slightly more diplomatic, but it wasn't a huge deal. It's probably not necessary to chat about the person you are referring to. I know who you mean and am watching for problems. I do keep a short list of people who's posts I always read carefully.

Just FYI people: I don't always have a lot of time to moderate. Locking is usually faster than selective deleting when trouble starts. If I am to avoid locking, you will all need to 1) be tolerant of delays in the removal of offensive posts, and 2) refrain from responding in kind to offensive posts. If I have to sit and decide whether to delete an otherwise intelligent post because part of it contains a flame -it takes more time.

I'm going to lock this as I've already had to remove bait.
