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architecture emulation

Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
Is there any type o' program for Linux that will emulate a Sun SPARC Station? Specifically, I'm attempting to install an image converter from SDSC that has the capability of converting rla files. You devs might know what I'm talking about ;-). I don't want to have to buy wavefront or anything like that. Unfortunately, this SDSC program isn't available for the ix86 architecture...but I think if I was able to emulate a Sun SPARC Station, I might get it working.

Mar 13, 2004 jehova link
one of the first links from google after asking for "linux sparc emulator":

if You have sources for SDSC You can try to compile it on ix86 though


Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
I do have the sources, and I already tried to compile it. It doesn't support the 686 architecture that I'm using.

That link looks promising, however.

Mar 13, 2004 roguelazer link
rlb is (afaik) the extension of an in-house compression format.
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
I said rla, silly ;-).


Mar 13, 2004 a1k0n link
The only reason SDSC image tools won't compile is because its build system is stupid. Write your own makefiles instead of trying to emulate some other system.
Mar 13, 2004 a1k0n link
Man, this code is older than God.

should get you going. apply that, run sh iminstall, and use tools/i686/imcat to convert your images. You need to have libtiff and libjpeg installed into some standard place (/usr/lib), or you can edit tools/ to add an -L/usr/local/lib or whatever.
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
Whoa! Thanks. That does seem kind of stupid, if the source will compile on other architectures, why don't they just have a standard makefile? I can see how they were...trying to be more convenient for people, but still...

Mar 13, 2004 roguelazer link
So I give up... What are rla files?
Mar 13, 2004 a1k0n link
Alias Wavefront RLE-compressed images.
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
Roguelazer: image file formats for Wavefront And--other secret stuff!

Patch has to be the greatest utility around :-).
patch -p1 < ~/imtools.patch
Tee hee.

Mar 13, 2004 roguelazer link
Okay, lemme rephrase. What is the difference between rla and rlb (they're both wavefront, according to the 'site)... All I know is that yours isn't an Alias RLB file. I compiled the SDSC tools, and they're throwing errors. :(
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
You got me! One's better compression than the other? Dunno, I only ever use rla.

edit: tsk tsk rogue, trying to modify closed-source applications? You're a shameless Linux user, I can tell :-). But that's ok, I'm with you all the way!

Mar 13, 2004 roguelazer link
No, actually I wanted to find the pictures of the devs embedded in media.rlb. I imagine you could do it be searching through the rlb file for JPG headers and extracting 16k or so after that. If those 16k look like they're the start of something good, keep extracting till the end. Painstaking, though, and a converter would be nice.
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
Pictures of the devs? Whoa. You could just write a script to do that, and then pick through the results, though, couldn't you?

Mar 13, 2004 roguelazer link
Maybe I could write a script. But I pulled that out of my ass, since I have no clue what the JPG headers look like, or even if they exist...
Mar 13, 2004 Celkan link
Have fun, rogue. :P
Mar 13, 2004 red cactus link
Hahahaha. Well I was just assuming that you knew more than me in this respect...

Mar 13, 2004 RelayeR link
Heve you Devs registered Roguelazer as a stalker yet?
Mar 14, 2004 red cactus link
HAHAHAHAHA! I'd have to agree... :p
