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The Vendetta Worldbook 2.0- Preview Online

Apr 19, 2004 ctishman link
see above comment :)
Apr 19, 2004 harvestmouse link
glad you didn't delete it. I've been checking your site regularly since I joined, wondering when you would complete it : )
(I like the sector map a lot. and your stories are very convincing; I had no idea they weren't real)
Apr 19, 2004 ctishman link
Hehe, sweet. Thanks, Mouse!
Apr 22, 2004 Celkan link
TPG was first named Terrham Powell and Greylock Corporation by Tempest.

Sector 9 is aligned with TPG Corp. So says the station last I looked.
Apr 22, 2004 ctishman link
Indeed, and TPG corp is a non-governmental group, unaligned except for alleged monetary ties with the Itani Co-Prosperity Defense League. They deny these ties exist as do the Itani, but rumors persist.
Apr 24, 2004 ctishman link
Added the Serco and Itani faction info. This is just basic info, and I'm open to suggestions on how the Itani or Serco should be rewritten.
Apr 24, 2004 grunadulater link
Itani doesn't seem to be working.
Apr 24, 2004 ctishman link
oh crap. Heh. 1 sec.

Edit: Fixed. It was a case-sensitivity issue.
Apr 26, 2004 randomblast link
ctishman: i tried to look at it, but i got a horibbly overmacced error message that i think translates into a 404

EDIT: nm, i went to your new URL, it's there, it's just taking a very long time to load. i hate this windoze box, i have no netstat or tcpdump.
Apr 26, 2004 ctishman link
Nah, I just haven't taken the time to drop a loaderbar into each movie's initial scene. It needs to be done, but it's total grunt-work, so I've been putting it off.
Apr 26, 2004 ctishman link
Added GSC Corp to the factions list, and cleaned up the page a bit. I'm still not happy with the layout. Oh, and I noticed bunches of late-night typos on the ship descriptions I'm gonna go back and fix.
Apr 26, 2004 SoundGuy66 link
Hmm, I've been cruising the factions department, and I noticed something. The AISCU and Secro descriptions are written in objective third person format, while the Itani and GSC descriptions are written in first person. Since this is supposed to be a global, unbiased encyclopedia I'd suggest writing them all in third person. That said, you probably don't need to do anything until you get a bit more material. That Itani hive mind thing was.... wierd...

By the way, are TPG and Lady's grace not complete, or just acting up?
Apr 26, 2004 Defy link
If i am not mistaken that "Stolen" qoute about falling back on the newsletter is from "Star trek: First Contact"
Apr 26, 2004 ctishman link
I wrote them to sound like they were submitted by interested parties. Most corporations had their P.R. drones churn out a spiel, but the Serco kept killing the reporters who were sent to them. Thus, the worldbook gave up trying to contact them, and simply wrote down what was in the history books. Oh and yes, the Itani ARE weird.

TPG and Lady's Grace aren't written yet.

Defy: That falling back quote was most definitely a "first contact" ripoff. :)
Apr 27, 2004 Magus link
It says it can't find the page.
Apr 27, 2004 roguelazer link