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Custom Binds Archived

May 03, 2004 FiReMaGe link
I decided to make a quick and dirty archive of custom binds called "Commands". It doesn't have all the custom binds yet. I'll put them all tomorrow.

I made it specifically to reveal the prompt command and the %target% macro. I've decided to reveal it since raybondo is going to make %sector%; once it's made, everyone should know about it in conjunction with prompt. Check out the first custom bind in the archive to see what I mean.

The archive is here:

Custom Binds Archived:
Message Target by a1k0n
Workaround for Panther Graphix Bug by Celkan
KeyRamp Toggle by simondearsley (Refined by Roguelazer)
Emergency Brakes by Eldrad (Idea by Arolte)
AutoAim Toggle by Eldrad
Triple Weapon Gattling by FiReMaGe
Adv. MultiLog Control by FiReMaGe
Adv. Rotational Control by Eldrad
Adv. Variable Zoom by Eldrad
Auto Nearest Enemy Targetting by FiReMaGe

Adv. Only means it's advanced. It's not part of the original name.

Custom Binds Still to Add:
(The Extremely Simple) Turbo Lock by FiReMaGe
Adv. Auto Energy Dodge Toggle by Eldrad
Adv. Playlist Switcher by Celkan
Variable Dampers by Roguelazer

If you'd like me to add anything, I'll add it only if it's more practical than anything already there or is different.
May 03, 2004 Eldrad link
bind + (or mwheelup) rup

bind - (or mwheeldown) rdown

bind e +rCCW
bind q +rCW

bind key togEcho
May 04, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Thanks Eldrad, those have been added to your rotational control custom bind.
May 04, 2004 roguelazer link
FM? You do know that weapons gatling themselves automatically now, right? Once energy gets empty, they start gattling.
May 04, 2004 FiReMaGe link
It's for slower gatling while also keeping energy. Does your second active group fire after you shoot the first one with one button? And then the third? I don't think +Shoot2 does that.
May 04, 2004 Phaserlight link
FM, what about adding that "cheat sheet" for scripting the devs made a while ago that contained all the variables and commands. That would be very useful for those who want to try their own hand at making a custom bind.
May 04, 2004 SirCamps link
Are there any other possible uses of '%target%'? I noticed that it won't work in a say bind.
May 04, 2004 genka link
I suspect /givemoney %target% 10000 might work.
Useful for traders too...
May 04, 2004 igrok link
Yes, this is what I use. Just target the person and they will be given however much money you specify.

alias givepresent "prompt '/givemoney %target%'"
bind "g" givepresent
May 04, 2004 Eldrad link
%target% is pretty limited it only works with commands that take a player as their first argument ie command <player> <arg2>
May 04, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Phaserlight, when I don't have much personal work I'll add content that will help users that don't know much about all this stuff. For now, I'll have to put it off. I actually need to add the other custom binds latter this week instead of today like I said.
May 06, 2004 Eldrad link
I really should try to dig out all the aliases I use for my turbo lock... It turns both on and off with one button, doesn't get stuck, doesn't come off when you hit your normal turbo key in chat, but does if you do it outside of chat... but I didn't do it in one sitting so it's kinda all over the place.
May 08, 2004 toshiro link
nice work... many thanks for the archive.
May 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
hehe. so you have lines littered randomly within your wgaf file?
May 08, 2004 Eldrad link
harvestmouse, the wgaf file reverses itself every time you exit vendetta (though it keeps aliases/binds/sets in the correct order) so if you do some of the aliases in game, then quit, and do more of them later the effect is they end up on opposite ends of the alias pile. For many of my aliases I have a separate txt file that I just /loaded into my wgaf, but not for my turbo lock.
May 08, 2004 harvestmouse link
thanks; I didn't know wgaf reverses itself every time you exit vendetta (can you tell me why?)
May 08, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Vendetta probably overwrites everything in the wgaf.cfg file with every alias, set cvar's, and binds in alphabetical order after you quit the game.

The best thing to do is create a config.cfg file in the same directory as wgaf.cfg and edit your aliases, cvar's, and binds in there. Then in Vendetta just type /load config.cfg. If Vendetta is running, you don't need to restart it either. Make sure there is an empty line at the end of the file as well or else Vendetta won't read the last line.

But aliases you create ingame changes to the cvar will not be saved in config.cfg unless you do it manually. One last thing, each time you use the load command one something, any aliases, cvars, and/or binds in that cfg you loaded gets saved in wgaf.cfg if Vendetta closes properly.
May 11, 2004 Eldrad link
you should have the devs link this archive on the community page, so that in the future it can just be updated instead of bumping the custom binds thread.