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Screwed...? DEVS LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!

May 10, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Ok, So I am hanging out in sector 4 when I see someone flying around killing Defbots. And I'm like "ooooo!!! looks like fun!" So I pop a defbot and suddenly I go from admire to hate (-984!!!!!) That is incredibly painful. So can you guys pull a miracle and amke them love me again or am I gunna have to spend 10 hours botting (AGAIN)???
May 10, 2004 grunadulater link
Nah, you're screwed.
May 10, 2004 Dionix link
Yep, screwed, although sometimes they give you hate, sometimes they increase your standings, it's honestly quite buggy.
May 10, 2004 Magus link
They hate you if your standing is above neutral. If the defbot attacks you and you kill it, your standing goes up. If the defbots do not attack you (standing neutral or better) they'll hate you. Moral of the story: Space-Quake is over. Killing is no longer fun. It's time to become a productive member of society.

Now if we could do something about defbots wingbugging on people. . . ;-)
May 10, 2004 Arolte link
I really think the faction standing can be a little too drastic sometimes. The above story was only one example. But the same applies for factions of neutral sectors. I mean once you get locked out of TPG corporation you're pretty much screwed since there's nothing you can do to increase your standing with them ever again. No bots to kill, no way to get back into the station to take missions, etc. Here are my suggestions...

1. Make the standing changes less dramatic. It could be down one "level" rather than instantly becoming a criminal. That way players can at least have some kind of warning so they can change what they've done. The whole locking out of station thing remains as is.


2. Leave the way the faction standings change. It should remain drastic because admired people deserve to be protected. HOWEVER, the assailant shouldn't be locked out of the station. Instead, prevent them from repairing, setting their home, or buying anything from that station. They will however be given a chance to take cargo missions in that station to raise their rating again.

I'd much rather see the second option. Punish players for killing someone that is loved by the faction by depriving them access to certain things (so they can't attack that person again easily), but at the same time give them a second chance through A LOT of hard work to gain that trust back. You could even toss in a little gauntlet there by scattering defense turrets throughout the station and require them to trade through their gunfire as a way of further humiliating them.
May 10, 2004 Spider link
I'm the one who was killing itani defbots like a madman.
some facts:

I'm Serco.
I'm Admired by Serco nation.
My standing vs itani was neutral, but below 0 (-180 - -88 )

The itanis didn't attack me on sight (weee).

Now, when I was standing 975 with serco, killing an itani defence-bot does not lower my itani ratings.

It does however increase my serco standing with +1
This went on roughly until 990 when it levels out, at this time I t takes more and more defbots to get a new +1 with serco (unchanged still vs. itani)

I dont have a count on how many bots, since vendetta crashed a couple of times here (only partial log) , and itani players kept interfering. (means I lost count.)

However, once I reached level 999 (LOTS of botting. I burned about 200k in screamer rockets only on killing defbots)

Once I reached +999 vs. serco, I got two more messages about "Serco standing increased slightly"

After this, I got no increase from killing defbots, I got no increase from killing itani players.

Overall.. I had fun, but somehow I don't really understand the ratings. When do I lose standing? When do I gain standing?
Is the max standing really +1000 as supposed? or isn't it?

...and why ain't I a "pillar of society" yet? ;) (I'm 'only' "Admired" )
May 11, 2004 HyperSpaz link
I agree with Arolte!
May 11, 2004 Magus link
I like my idea better than Arolte's.
May 11, 2004 a1k0n link
Spider's Itani rating should have been -1000, but someone's idiotic bug prevents that (instead of clamping to -1000, it just doesn't affect rating at all if it would have gone below -1000.. duh, Waylon!) That's fixed, and we're going to release a new version today. That'll also prevent you from getting +1000.

Oh, and yeah. The penalties are extremely harsh.
May 11, 2004 ctishman link
They're not bots anymore. The Drones are bots. They are pilots flying around defending their nation. It's like minigunning a squad car and then asking why they hate you.
May 11, 2004 Spider link
oops.. So I really really should be.. disliked.. right now?


I guess I'm darn glad I'm not. ;)
May 11, 2004 harvestmouse link
haha Spider, you gotta be more careful in the future or you'll end up like me!
May 11, 2004 randomize link
a1kon, please have a look at Magus suggestion and tell us what you think. I believe some kind of protection for traders is necessary.
May 11, 2004 HyperSpaz link
I hate this harsh business. The last thing I want is too have 3 seconds of bliss and then be screwed for a month (the amount of time it'll take me to build a new character), please post your thoughts of fixing this Devs.
-I forgot which SN to use-