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A message to the EnB guild.

May 02, 2005 AtomicNewt link

We will pass the word around the guild on people in-game who are willing to help...
May 03, 2005 tumblemonster link
I kinda miss the War on me... Now how am I going to kill children?

May 03, 2005 Solra Bizna link
I'm a good fighter, but a bad trainer. I'm free, though...
May 03, 2005 link
Shape was the first to teach me anything about PvP too back when he used to hold the odd PvP class.

He pirated me 2 days later and blew me up but it really did open my eyes as to the possibilities.

I'll help training too. Either as or as a certain alt. Just catch me in-game.
May 04, 2005 LeberMac link
I'll sign up for training with any 'o you guys. It's good to get a range of experienced trainers. I mean, Borb is great, but I tend to run out of ships quickly when fighting Shape, I'd love to fight Martin when he's not in a Prom, and I don't think I've ever fought Solra or even Yoda. Holden kills me often but is at least nice enough to give me a few pointers every time I die. Gavan just kills me, then points and laughs. I guess that's "training", too. (LOL jk Gavan)

I need to make some more money so I can hang out in B8 more. All of you guys can feel free to notify me that "training" is about to begin by turboing straight at me with the special "Yarrr" schoolbell.

/me signs up for PvP school...
May 04, 2005 Borb II link
Eh I'm feeling nice today, I'll train y'all for free. (just don't forget to advertise for me later on :D )

And don't worry leber I'll make sure I give you 10% of every thing I make from training EnB. :P
May 04, 2005 LeberMac link
Allright. Let's formalize this arrangement. I want a sit-down. Perhaps I can work something out with TGFT as well.

I can be the Borb-pimp.
May 05, 2005 Borb II link

That's not a bad idea now that I think about it... I always wanted my own little pimp I could slap around.
May 05, 2005 link
May 05, 2005 LeberMac link
Now get your ass out in space and make daddy some CREDITS!

/me needs some gold toofuses, a pink feather boa, and a cane.

I can probably get the pink feather boa from Lecter's closet...
May 05, 2005 Borb II link
Some one must have forgotten to tell poor Leber how pimpin works in grey space. See down here you work good and get me good gigs and I don't beat your skiny lazy butt that can't get a real job.

Now get out there and find me some work to do!

We don't like worthless moochers down here.
May 08, 2005 Touriaus link
buahahahaha this thread has died a long time ago...