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Casinos in space?

May 03, 2005 skystrider link
I have read the message board and realise this should be in suggestions, and that it has been mentioned before and even in some way realised in the early days - but maybe now is the time to make stations more interesting.....I was hanging out some bar in Sedina the other day, dont remember the sector exactly, I'd probably had too many imported Serco ales! I mentioned an idea about opening a casino in grey space. My fellow drinkers were quite keen on the idea, and I got to wondering, how could it be done? I am sure that the station managers (devs) could work out some way of running a roulette type game at one or more stations, or even an intergalactic Lottery. It would be another great reason to go to grey space, and as punters would need to pass through B8 to get there I'm sure it would be popular with the local pirates! Alternatively betting at the new racetracks could be organised informally, by any players who wish to offer odds on competitors. Races could be organised in classes, as mentioned in other threads, or an open competition, for all ships.
May 03, 2005 Touriaus link
I believe the character "Ming" has mentioned this idea to me before and it seems like a good idea to me.Well becuase i always bet on duels and races informally anyway it would be nice to make it official.
May 03, 2005 Tyrdium link
Ugh, please no casinos. I remember the spam back when I played WoW...
May 03, 2005 Borb II link
Yeah I was kinda thinking of a way to run a nice betting operation on the side when ever BLAK hosts a race. Thing is I don't think any one would trust me to hold their money, and I know I trust vary few people to hold my money.
May 03, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Spam would be a minor issue if the casino were in a bar using the bar chat.
May 03, 2005 ArAsH link
Hoax posted a nice idea that connects pretty good with gambling (the one with the screen):

and it would be cool to have too.
May 03, 2005 Shapenaji link
Vpr's what a rowdy bunch, roid-rammers, gambling... they're shaping up to be pretty good customers of the "less fresh" elements of society. :D
May 04, 2005 skystrider link
It is true ...I am Ming. Ming likes the idea of trackside gambling stations, but his (un)original idea was inspired by the DS9 Ferengi run casino, these casino stations would be best placed away from nation contolled space - and should be only for those players who are in the casino bar, so no chat spam problems. Races are the obvious target for betting, outside of lottery/roulette type games. an added incentive for racers could be a special ship, to the winner of a series of races.
EDIT--- maybe this thread should be in suggestions
May 04, 2005 Aeternalis link
During Alpha testing, there was an inter-galactic lottery. Basically, a player would "deposit" any number of credits with the bot via /give money, and a winner would be randomly drawn at a certain date and time. It wasn't neccesary to be online if you won.

I won a few million credits once... much fun.
May 04, 2005 danielky link
eh... that was annoying. I guess if you had the casino built into the game, not a player-run bot, it would be easier to work. The CasinoBot would come on and tell when it was held every 15-20 minutes and got very old after a while. Someone coughcough... made a character exploiting the name, so make sure the name isn't one that can be easily exploited or have it written in the game, as I said before. Many people got mad at this someone...

It wasn't me...


not a chance...

