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The "Save the Galactic Balance" campaign!

Jun 21, 2005 greengeek link

In the days since the recent flare-up of hostilities in Deneb, nearly every pilot in the galaxy has been drawn into the Serco/Itani conflict at the border between the two nations. The trade lanes are nearly empty, plied only by those opportunistic enough to take advantage of the all time low levels of piracy and the lower roid temperatures.

The galaxy is in serious danger of a density imbalance. With so many ships, pilots and weapons heading toward Deneb and being consumed in the raging battle, a field of debris and shattered egos on a scale never before seen is forming. If left unchecked, this field will eventually become a stellar mass, and then collapse under its own weight, creating a new black hole and utterly destroying the Deneb system!

What, you may ask, can concerned galactic citizens do to avert this catastrophe? We must, of course, convince the warring nations to reduce their military presence from the Deneb border, and release those who have been drafted into service back into galactic society. Only then will the buildup in Deneb reach a controlled state, and allow the combined matter and hot air of the galaxy to be more evenly distributed.

But Nerde, they asked me, how can we possibly distract the Itani and Serco from their favorite pastime, namely blowing each other to smithereens? To do so, we must apply pressure at their critical military resources. Some of you may guess where this is leading. You are, of course, correct. The shipments of Purified Xithricite that are so crucial to the militaries of both nations are the only leverage we can use. Without this critical resource, the Itani and Serco will be forced to scale back their campaigns at the border, and the Galactic Balance will be restored to its natural place (Somewhere roughly to the left of Sedina B-8).

Thus, I propose a plan of action to citizens of all nations who wish to see their galaxy restored to a time when the average population density was only slightly less than that of Wyoming. We must get the attention of the Serco and Itani militaries, and force them to consider the rest of the galaxy in their plans.

We must halt ALL Xithricite shipments leaving Grey Space for the Serco and Itani Military Research facilities. Not a single microWaylon must make it past the Grey Frontier until the Galaxy is safely restored to it's normal fulcrum of balance.

--Nerde Verde, Council member of The Vipers, and concerned Galactic Densitologist

Jun 21, 2005 jexkerome link
Feh, the CTC transports are still guarded, mostly by sellout Serco and Itani who serve the other side in order to use their signature ship (as in, Itani flying proms and Serco flying valks) and thus aren't eligible to milk the Deneb Cash-and-Xp Cow. The valks have always been good, and the nerfed SCP is still a bore to fight against. It can be done, but won't be a cakewalk.

Besides, letting all that ego be consumed and gone is not a bad thing. Have you seen how the main comm channel is filled with cries of "FOUL!" nowadays, all of them coming from Deneb?
Jun 21, 2005 Beamrider link
A embargo on Xith? Interesting tactic....but ineffective. Personally the number of N3's I have stored at various locations far exceeds the number of tequilla bottles Lebermac has.....
Jun 21, 2005 DragonEmpire link
Even if the Xith was halted, who cares? Almost everyone in Deneb is missile/rocket spamming, AGTing, using Gauss, I've only seen a couple people using Neuts.
Jun 21, 2005 LeberMac link
Hehe. Wanna BET, Beamrider?

I'm done with BP missions. I'm going to concentrate on CtC I think, since that's the one part of this game that I haven't really worked on yet. Except the 120 mining missions, and I'll NEVER do that.

So I'll see ya on the CtC front Nerde!
Jun 21, 2005 Touriaus link
wow sounds like somebody wants people to leave Deneb for other reasons.The embargo on the ctc probobly wont be effective as you think it will.By the way the mass of shattered ego's is probobly denser than the scrap hehe yes i've been there and have been killed plenty.....maybe thats where I left my ego.

/me heads to deneb
Jun 21, 2005 softy2 link
Interesting. Maybe the pirates can help? Since they are also barred from milking the Deneb cashcow :).
Jun 21, 2005 Nammu link
I know a couple physicists who would explain to you that there is no way in a billion billion years we could move enough mass into that region to create a black hole. Let them fight. By my estimation (and a brief look at my kill log) I'd say the Serco are winning.

And by the by, Nerde, kindof hypicritical aren't you? Just last night you were in the sector fighting for the Itani.
Jun 21, 2005 softy2 link
As a physicist, I can tell you that, yes we can move enough mass into that region to create a black hole within a few billion years.

I can start with a small SN type IIa solar mass black hole (which takes about [EDIT: wrong by a few orders of magnitude ;))] 10,000,000 years to make : no sweat) and work my way up from there.
Jun 21, 2005 greengeek link
Yes, I was there. I was bored having nothing else to do. And frankly, BP wasn't quite as much fun as some of the battles that have occured in and around B-8 and Verasi C-2 in the past. I figured I should at least try it once before I try to get something else happening.

And on another note, what happened to playing along with a joke? It's not about the N3, or cutting off people's weapons in Deneb. I just figured that if by the end of the week the CtC scores were 1/10th of the normal captures it might get people's attention.

Also, don't forget that Shattered Egos and Concentrated Flamewar Shrapnel greatly increase the density in the area. I figure that should accelerate the timetable by at least 1 billion years.
Jun 21, 2005 csgno1 link

An importand difference between sedina B8 and the deneb border conflict is that if someone is in deneb C10 they are not there to duel, or to watch, but to fight.

In sedina I try to watch, pick up a duel, discuss techniques and weapons with those willing to share knowledge, etc, but am often prevented by a gang of serco who are there just to fight (they call it roll playing). I'm sure the same thing happens to some serco because of some trigger happy itani.

In deneb everyone's purpose is clear. It is a good place to go when one wants to fight with no rules, like a real warzone. I had a blast there myself recently.

Using sedina B8 as an arena is not perfect. I would not mind having a location that is strictly for more civilized contact between the nations, a place for dueling, experiments, discussions of weapons and tactics, etc.


Note: most of the time I have channel 100 turned off.
Jun 22, 2005 jexkerome link
I don't mind having all them trigger-happy critters way away in Deneb, since B8's original and ONLY (IMNSHO) use is as a waypoint in the trade routes, and the people who like to fight there are nothing but obstacles to run away from and/or spam with swarms.

And now that BP has been "borked", they're coming back. Sigh, we never get an even break...
Jun 22, 2005 Cpt. Overkill link
A group minefield should be established in order to prevent NPC traders from passing through to the serco systems.

~Cpt. Overkill~
Jun 23, 2005 jexkerome link
The minefield could also be used to prevent Serco from leaving their space; that alone would be worth it!
Jun 23, 2005 Nammu link
truly softy? I should ask another question then: How many of us have a billion years? I suggest, instead, to unbalance the sector, we move a couple of syn pirates into the BP sector and then kill them once or twice. The resultant ego implosion should suck the entire system into a black hole! heck, I bet 0 could do it after blowing up only twice, once if a prom kills him!