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Who and what was BLAK?

Aug 15, 2005 Martin link
BLAK originally started as rebuilding of The Corsairs, one of the original pirate guilds that died due to apathy amongst the members. It was started up by Sputnik and was made up of a handful of veteran pirates such as Sebastian, Shape, Solution, Holden Caulfield, Tramshed, LQI, and a handful of new pirate trainees, such as Martin and Borb.

It took a while for BLAK to settle down. It picked up quite a few members along the way, such as Dargon Berkana (iirc) and Amarus both of whom became inactive after a while due to real life reasons, Specter, Kire, TNA, Petarius, Starbucks Ninja and Eudoxus, all of whom got booted for some reason or another as well as Lonestar, Gavan, Alamar, Mystic Rogue, Yodaof borg, Tumblemonster, Annie, Mortis, Splash, Storm Of Silence, and Trapp.

We had some great times along the way. The BLAK vs Viper/IA war was quite an epic little battle that kept the game interesting for quite a while. It was once rumoured that it was serious enough to be written into the back story.

Early on in BLAK's life we decided on a few simple almost unspoken mandates. We would try to keep the game fun and exciting for other players, we would try and help newbs, and we would try and be honourable in our dealings. I think, for the most part, we upheld those values.

BLAK was never a large guild. For most of it's life the guild never recruited. We only invited people who we thought would work well in the guild. BLAK also never really had a commander. In fact for the last couple of months before it closed the BLAK commander was a bot. It was a strange guild where everyone had a voice. The BLAK forums were logging normally just over 1000 posts a month. To quote Gavan, "we're an anarchosocialist commune"

Even without a high number of members, BLAK was the most active guild in VO for several months before it closed. It's also the only guild to achieve more pk's than deaths as a guild. BLAK had mapped,completely ,2863 sectors with complete info on all bots and ores.

These were the main active members of BLAK at the time of it's closure.

BLAK Hive - Our fearsome leader who resents most things. Benevolent dictator who listens to its underlings and also helps the random John Doe -- for a price.

Alamar - Arguably the greatest railgun user of his time. Over 550 pk's with rails. Also one of the most helpful people in the game and normally one of the first to jump to channel 1 to help someone. Nickname Jaws because of his predatorial fighting style. Also the developer of the BLAK Hive.

Holden Caulfield - Light Fighter Specialist with 1059 pk's, and one of the funniest, most entertaining players ever seen in the game. Excellent roleplayer and great combat trainer. Also acted as the roving reporter for The Deneb Run. He likes riddles.

Shape - Arguably the greatest pirate and combateer since release with 1747pks. Inspired many to try piracy, Fearless even when faced by many enemies and also, one of the best combat trainers I've ever seen.

Sebastian - Corvus Vult specialist and one of the most sporting, good natured and fearless players of the game with 518 pk's.

Gavan - One of the best light fight pilots with 1062pks and one of the fastest learners in the game. Also a canadian but we never held that against him. :P

Borb the Second - One of the finest roleplayers seen so far. Also known as Lahmi, who infiltrated the Vipers and generally brought a very cool sense of fun to the game. (when he wasn't singing after too many roid rammers) Also wrote the most amazing RP story of 92 pages.

LQI - Just one amazingly cool person as well as having a stupendous number of alts. One in every major guild except SoR and Viper if I remember correctly. (And no she's not, and has never been a spy)

Tramshed - Nutty, insane and mostly harmless. Okay, actually, strike the last one. Tram was a gauss man that found flares after they got upped and proceeded to flare everything and anything to acquire 1214pks.

Lonestar - A bastard, a complainer, a general bad egg dead set on spoiling the bunch. And a prom jock to boot. Also the son of a UIT senator, which explains a lot, or does it?

Mortis - Probably the most precise in his fighting and in his roleplay out of all of us.

Solution - ruthless and damn scary in a valk (when he hadn't blown them all up)

Mystic Rogue - Ah yes, we love her. She turned to the dark side only to find it rather grey. Also has a psychotic cat called outlaw that has at least one PK (Yoda)

Yodaofborg - We were hesitant about vets, but hey, Yoda was too! Besides, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Also our longest serving pirate.

tumblemonster - Atlas of DOOOOM! We're still arguing if they should nerf the Atlas, or tumble *and* the Atlas. Either way, the Atlas needs a nerf.

Splash - Our newest recruit, Warthog + Megaposi specialist but also excellent with any other ship. One of the most dedicated players I've ever seen.

Martin - Aussieman! Over 2K PKs, that's damn fine. Great guy and uber helpful. And of course, the man with two joysticks. No, not like that, geeeeze, some people. Nicknamed psychokiller for some reason by his "friendly guildmates"

All things begin, all things end. In that time, one thing is made which lasts forever. Those memories we take with us whereever we go. Thank you.
Aug 15, 2005 Snax_28 link
I was active then, and I am still active.

With or without Blak.

Aug 16, 2005 leapfrog link
Seta *Salutes*...
Aug 16, 2005 terjekv link
people have been asking why we left, I'll try to reply to that without creating a flamefest.

Arolte didn't get to us nearly as much as people think. we'd probably still be here if he alone was the case. his harassment in itself was possible to live with, we did for a month or so. the reasons are tied to his behaviour and how things were handled on all sides of the fence. us leaving was not a threat, it was not a protest, it *felt* for most of us like the only way left to deal with the current situation.

a few of those who left were getting less active, these events making the choice a lot easier. others were as active as ever and didn't even consider leaving two weeks ago. the last weekend, in all its chaos, made BLAK react strongly to certain events. when leaving was mentioned, it wasn't really an argument.

all things begin, all things end.
Aug 16, 2005 Spellcast link

Terjekv, (and the rest of BLAK), such are the reasons that the SAF ended its CtC run so long ago, and as such, I understand completely. good luck, good memories, and a good life to all of you.

[oh, and you'll all be back eventually, vendetta is too addictive to give up, see you all in a few months when things calm down and the old itch builds up :) ]
Aug 16, 2005 LeberMac link
LeberMac sat alone in his dark world of disconnected oblivion, wondering if anything important was going on...

Spellcast is a wise old bird. Patience.
Aug 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Could you stroke it any harder BLAK, Leave already.
Aug 16, 2005 moldyman link
I will miss you guys. You guys acted the way pirates should, ask for money and then shoot. I'll miss your standards, even when I had to run from some of your vets in my various alts. All the best guys.

Aug 16, 2005 icbm1987 link
I'm glad to say that Martin is the first pirate I payed "tribute" to... even though I didn't need to.

I'll miss you guys...
Aug 16, 2005 Phaserlight link
-Phaserlight *salutes*

You guys were venerable opponents and you succeeded in your goal of making the game more fun for everyone. Come back anytime!
Aug 16, 2005 UncleDave link
I have to agree with john on this one.

"Wow, super, what great guys they all were, Vendetta sucks, they left."

If you were less public about this and faded away gracefully I could see a dignity in that. But this collective exodus seems like BLAK has gone off in a corner to sulk until something is done about relatively inconsequential bugs- instead of making their grievances known, AS a collective, to the devs.

COME ON. Do we really need all this drama?
Aug 16, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
Got news for ya, Dave. Most of this noise hasn't come from BLAK. It's the rest of us who would prefer they hadn't "faded away gracefully."
Aug 17, 2005 mcduff link
Two joysticks huh? Never thought of that myself. I use a keybord and mouse with a 16 button controller mounted to the desk (in about 5 pieces so I can hit all the buttons). By using the logitec profiler I can record keypatterns into it (even REALLY long ones) with out having to do loads of codeing or writing of binds. Originally I did that for a different game but have been workign on recording new ones for this game. I'd like to come up with a dodge that looks like a cursive g or something cool like that.
Aug 17, 2005 Shapenaji link
UDave, mostly I agree with you, and in our forums I've cautioned people not to "suck the community dry", to step away with some dignity, as this is not a stunt.

But look at it another way, we loved this game, and so most of this is just framing our memories.
Aug 17, 2005 Martin link
Hey Uncle Dave. I wrote most of that and I'm not leaving. So there. :P You have an issue with it, you can bring it up with me in-game. I wrote it for the people who had left and I wrote it for anyone who is curious as to what BLAK was.
Sep 06, 2005 JestatisBess link
Who from Blak actually leaft the game? Did anyone?
Sep 06, 2005 Celkan link
Borb... tram... probably a few more
Sep 06, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL They shall all return or else I will slander them mercilessly on the forums. (Psst! I hear Borb actually left because he sold his computer to get funds for a new Sig Sauer!)
Sep 06, 2005 Borb II link

Cleverly hidden in truths....

And it was my sister not my computer. (I like my computer :D )
Sep 06, 2005 Tyrdium link
You sold your sister to buy a gun?