Forums » Role Playing

I Quit

Apr 19, 2003 roguelazer link
[Deleted because of non-applicability]
Apr 19, 2003 bob111 link
I hate to tell you that this is a space combat game. Notice the combat part...
Apr 20, 2003 Sisko link
you said the right, trading are more harder in Version 3.2. This happend at me too. But what do you say, we make an allianz and flight together.
to roguelazer: many players think when they had the money they shoot at unarmed players to get score.
Apr 20, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Rogue, Ive been killed about 18 times now, losing about 70k in 15 of them, just becuase your broke doesnt mean you quit, you should try and get a loan from someone or torp n00bs to death :)

-Scuba Steve 9.0
Apr 20, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Rogue, give it one more chance, I have not been pirated yet, trade as much as you can and be nice to people of other nations, give them money when they are broke, don't shoot them, this will make them grateful and not shoot you and they might encourage there teamates not to attack you.
Apr 21, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Unless you see nessus of course.
Go and nuke the 01000010011000010111001101110100011000010111001001100100

-Scuba Steve 9.0
Apr 22, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
sui, but who would dare to pirate the lemming master :D


PS: has leathal survived the first days "hehe"


Jul 08, 2003 pixelmasochist link
pheed is dead!

Anyone who was in s7 recently and suddenly got money for no reason, it's coz i deleted the char. Had to get rid of the money to save wasting it,

cheers ;)

DEAD Pheed!


I'm not leaving though :P

I just play this game far too much atm, i need to rebuild what life i had before i started...