Forums » Role Playing

Ceberes Defense Council Guild

Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
lol. No ganking. If we are to follow BLAK's footsteps, even vaguely, there can be no ganking in my guild. No running, spamming, swarming, etc either.

Leber, I'll talk to you in-game to set up an ad-free website for the guild. If I have to pay a little more money a month for a domain, I will. Plus I have some web site design experience ( about the only computer related experience I have).
Sep 08, 2005 yodaofborg link
But what about /exploding ?
Sep 08, 2005 Lord Q link
if this were to become a ganking guild i'd leave.

i don't think we need to have specific rules about every single tactic in the game. most can be covered under a general umbrella of "don't be a dick" and then you just have to use your best judgment about what exactly that means. and if you guess wrong the guild leadership will help educate you on the finer points of chivelry.
Sep 08, 2005 yodaofborg link
Nice reply, and I would like to wish your new guild all the best, im nearly always available for PvP training (this involves us fighting lots till your killing me about as much as i'm killing you, I aint that good :) but I can hold my own) so errrm, if you guys want to set up a session (maybe I can get my current students in on it too) maybe even try some 2v1 3v1 stuff :)
Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
Thank you, despite what I think of your character. =P
Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
Oh Leber, you were saying something about ad-free hosting..... o.-D (supposed to be an ear out lol)
Sep 08, 2005 LeberMac link
Yeah, uh, email me by adding an "@" between the "r" and "m" in my name, and then add ".com".

Sep 08, 2005 moldyman link
Message sent. Transmitting... aww crap, the pipeline's jammed again.
Sep 09, 2005 jexkerome link
Don't trust yoda's offer, he's gotten rusty. Joyce took him out twice in a row today, to no loss.
Sep 09, 2005 moldyman link
Ok guys. I hope everyone's been working on their levels and trying different tactics and ship configurations. There's one week left before the elections. We should hold them about 8pm EDT, 12pm GMT and 4pm PDT. People vying for postions, make your mark during this week.
Sep 10, 2005 fooz2916 link
Well, first of all, I apologized to TM for the ganking issue, so I hope that's taken care of.

Second: I am just going to be off until there is some major addition to Vendetta. I'm thinking player capships/tridents (rumored to be soon), a lot of new missions (also soon), and a universal hive update complete with hive-clearing missions (probably happening along with new missions).

Another issuse is the fact that my parents don't want to give their credit card over the internet (some identidy theft problems before). The fact is, I haven't paid Guild a cent. I've been online the last four months because Inc gave me a generous 2-months free after I had prolems doing missions during the trial and I had written him an e-mail, and the other 2 months was from the WoT podcast contest. So my parents have no idea that this takes up money, and they've been annoyed with me playing computer games, so this is probably a good excuse to pull the plug on my gaming. So I figure if I do good in school and suck up to them, they'll let me use their credit card and I'll be back online.

I've registered on the CDC website, and I'd be happy to vote for the positions, as well as give up some helio roid info, seeing as I can no longer use it...
Sep 11, 2005 moldyman link
Ok. Elections are next weekend. Be 5/5/5/2/1 by then. People vying for positions better impress some guildmates. Lieutenants and Commander postions will be up for grabs. Council will remain the same unless one is voted out by the council. Then an election will be held for the spot.

Acting LTs, if u see me online and I don't remember, remind me to log in as CDC Probe and CDC Bank. Probe sits in Sedina B-8 many meters out, telling us who's in sector. Bank is our guild bank. There will be a guild account in which I hope everyone contributes a little to. It'll be used in events, make deals for the guild, etc.

Remember voters, ask questions and question the people in power. Oh shoot. That means me too. Darn. -.-

moldyman, Acting Commander of the CDC
Sep 11, 2005 moldyman link
Also refer to War in Sedina Event post for election time. If this conflicts with anyone, we can try t change the time and/or date, or w can hold onto your votes taht can be cast before the time.
Sep 11, 2005 moldyman link
Final push for leveling up on Friday. All day we will bp, queen, bot, etc. to get the xp everyone needs, in game and real for fighting.
Sep 13, 2005 moldyman link
Details on the elections will be posted on Friay. There isn't exactly ann official way to elect someone into office with everyone in the guild voting. So the details will be posted.
Sep 18, 2005 fooz2916 link
posted by Moldy on elections thread
"bah NPCs. U'll just be good practice when we try to defend em. =D"

Are we not supposed to shoot down NPC convoys? (I've personally been looking forward to it =D)
Sep 18, 2005 moldyman link
we need to practice convoy attacking as well so go ahead. We can't be short sighted and limit ourselves to one service.
Sep 19, 2005 moldyman link
Elections are done and results posted. I need 5 out of 8 council members on to enforce the results however. Tell me a day and time so we can organize this.

Also, Very soon, we will begin our Cartography Mission. As many people as possible please. The more people we have, the less each person has to search and take notes on.

Finally, Within 2 weeks or so, we will have our own website. Its $5 a month, but big deal. I'll pay for it. After we get it, everything can get organized and official.
Sep 19, 2005 csgno1 link
"yes ideed! we do have a web siet and stuff on it though not much


Link not working today....
Sep 19, 2005 LeberMac link