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Dec 10, 2005 A-Dawg link
CDC. Lt. CNH Wrote:

"Because hardly any of you members have any self respect.

Those which do possess are there because they want to be in a Serco Guild, but the others are too exclusive, and I've about had it with how you've perverted the Serco sense of 'honor'.

You are the CO, A-Dog, because you do not only have no self-respect, but because you have no respect for the rules or others. Hence, not only did you make SCAR the most notorious guild (and not in a good way), but tried to cover it up when PR issues got out of control. Furthermore, you've alienated, discredited, and/or otherwie eliminated any members with budding leadership capablities who showed any sign of trying to pull SCAR from the Galactic Cespool which it rests in."

First things first. It's A-Dawg, when you adress people, try to at least have the "respect" to spell out their names correctly. Secondly, Its a war. There is no honor in war. Its kill or be killed. When others gank and spam, we go ahead and gank and spam right back (as you've all seen.) If anyone wants to be Commander of SCAR, they can tell me and we'll have a vote, its been that simple. But no one seriously yet has asked for a vote, therefore I'm still commander.

"In all Irony, the guild to which I belong, the Ceberes Defense Council, has a better public standing as a Guild, despite us suffering numerous public humiliations.

Drop the moral posturing. This isn't about what guild is better than the others. If a Serco wants in SCAR, they can come in. If they want to leave, there is nothing stopping them. We don't claim to be better than any other guild, we just happen to be larger and fairly acitve.

I say you should stop trying to assert your guild is an official branch of the Serco Military Arm, and drag your sollective sorry, pirating @$$3$ to Corvus space where you belong, then shut up and stay there. Noone needs a bunch of Ganking, spamming, incompetents acting as if they own the galaxy. "

We are still a wing of the Serco military. We go down to Corvus already, so we can fight in B8, where most Itani and UIT are. But we're not going to "shut up and stay there." By the way, while some/most of us may be ganking, spamming incopotents, some aren't, and are still "warriors" in the modern day term. I tend to think of most of our members and myself as "killers" we do what needs to be done.

As for acting as if we own the galaxy, that is unfortunately the price we pay for becoming so "notorious" (not in a good way.) Glad we can agree on this point.

Yours truly,
A-Dawg, CO of SCAR
Dec 10, 2005 icbm1987 link
To those who like to bash SCAR:

Really? Why are you so hostile towards us?

Sure, we kill you. Sure, we have gankers and spammers in our guild. BUT SO DO YOU.

There really isn't all that much that we do differently than any other guild. It just seems that we get put on the shit-list because some guild wants to try and boost its self esteem so it can say, "Well, at least we're better than SCAR."

If you think you're better than us, Then DAMN YE, ACT LIKE IT. If we're supposed to be scum, then don't act like you think we do. And if you want to appear to be more civilized than we are, stop flaming us. Come up with a real arguement as to why SCAR is a horrible guild.

I don't go around spreading crap about SKV or the CDC (except that it appears that MONK failed as a leader) because I haven't been in either of those guilds. Unless you've been part of SCAR, then you really have no basis for certain things that you say.

And if you really hate us that much, then fight us, we'll be more than happy to fight you. >:P

Zoras Ock
Dec 10, 2005 Dark Knight link
"The point is, if you want SCAR to be veiwed as a legitimate guild, you need to shape up, or ship out. Renew the discipline that should be the foundation of your guild, and yet has been forgotten, cast out the vile pirates that infest your guild as you would a traitor through an airlock, and reforge the honor that once served as the guide for all Serco wariors."

Either that, or they need to openly admit that they're nothing but a group of loosely affiliated pirates.
Dec 10, 2005 silentbob13 link
We have gankers. CDC has gankers. SKV has gankers. Almost every guild has gankers. Buy some tissues and shut the hell up.
Dec 10, 2005 LeberMac link
Lotsa SCAR pilots have gotten away from their spamming ways, because I think they have grown up and discovered that they don't need to launch 40 Chaos Swarms to get a kill. So I don't think it's the spamming that makes your guild unpalatable to the rest of civilized space. I think it stems from your pirate activities.

However, being a guild which proclaims itself to be an arm of the Serco Government, it's odd that your members pirate so much. On the opposite side, [Itan] and [SKV] never pirate. (Announced blockades do not count.) Hell, [IA] was known as an anti-pirate guild second only to [VPR].

So, by aligning yourself with pirate scum and villany, the [SCAR] guild is seen as a bunch of red pirates, rather than a legitimate Serco military wing. I would point to [ST6] and/or [SoR] (Well, I guess that's just Spellcast nowadays) as legit Serco military guilds.
Dec 10, 2005 icbm1987 link
So... the main complaint against SCAR is piracy?

What are the others?

And why the hell must every "Guild" follow a strict set of guidelines? You don't decide what makes a guild or what doesn't make a guild. A guild in this game is basically just another word for a player association or group of people. Anything else that's tagged onto that isn't necessary to that definition.

Don't go all high and mighty and flame us because of what you think a guild should be.

Personally, I think Lebermac is a fine person, for he has said what his major complaint with our guild is.

And why can't SCAR be a military arm of the Serco government? Why can't we be that faction of government which is more militant and willing to bend the rules? If you feel like shooting SCAR members on sight, go ahead... it's not your prerogative to try and change us.
Dec 10, 2005 Dark Knight link
No, it may not be our prerogative to change you. It *is* however, our prerogative to inform the community that you are misrepresenting yourselves.

If you want to make a Serco military guild, then by all means, do it. However, if your guild is gonna pirate, then make sure that the people know it.

However, as a point in your favor, when I saw the "Serco Cadre of Armed Renegades" on the Player Guilds list, I knew that it wasn't a standard military guild like ST6 or SoR. However, the description doesn't quite fit the name.
Dec 11, 2005 A-Dawg link
Dark Knight Wrote:

"However, as a point in your favor, when I saw the "Serco Cadre of Armed Renegades" on the Player Guilds list, I knew that it wasn't a standard military guild like ST6 or SoR. However, the description doesn't quite fit the name."

We have actually been working on this since about a week ago. We wish to change the name slightly to something else. Renegades never fit very well. But it was the best sounding acronym at the time.

As for the pirating, laying down a set of "guidlines" to what is pirating and what isn't that could be generally agreed on would be helpful. As for piracy in Serco guilds, if memory serves, the SAF used to pirate and they were called the Serco Armed Forces. They were still thought of as a legitimate Serco Military guild at the time.

Back in the olden days of sailing ships, when men were men, women were women, and small fluffy cats were small fluffy cats, there was a thing called "Privateering." Privateering was basically piracy, only legal piracy. The government would sign forms for ships stating that they could pirate without legal rammifications afterwards. And take a look at our piracy policy on the SCAR guild page, "Piracy is not encouraged, but is allowed in these times." Hopefully that clears up our piracy issue and why we pirate.

Sincerly Yours,
A-Dawg CO of SCAR
Dec 11, 2005 softy2 link
Ganking : It's fine! It's fun to try to fight multis. Also, "ganking" is a skill too. I've seen poor ganks and good ganks.

Piracy : It's fine! Without piracy, game'll be boring.

No-holds-barred warfare in Ukari : It's fine! Would you rather sit in B8, armed to the teeth, and chit-chat?

Spam-and-Scooters : There are those who turbo in, and spam their missiles, and then run for the station. I don't know what fun is that, but well, there is no accounting for taste.

Privateering : is "legal" only to the countries who award those letters of Marquis. The targetted nations often see such awards as acts of war.

Guild vs guild trashtalking in VO RP Forums : priceless :).
Dec 11, 2005 Renegade xxRIPxx link
piracy : my stance is known concerning piracy so i'll not say anything else

no holds... : yes i'd rather sit in b8 and chit chat

guild vs guild trash: we just invented vendettastrike 1337
Dec 11, 2005 LeberMac link
I love the fact that Holden is back ingame, he brings his particular kind of wisdom to these boards.

Ock said: Personally, I think Lebermac is a fine person, for he has said what his major complaint with our guild is.

Awwww. That's sweet, but wrong, technically.

[SCAR] is the one Serco-only guild with some CHARACTER, unfortunately that character is opposed to my Itani philosophy.
As a "combat" Itani (I use that term loosely), I usually attack military Serco on sight. I don't discriminate vs. [SCAR], [SoR], or [ST6]. I usually don't attack people in Behemoths, except that time last week when I saw Martin in one and decided to make him sweat a little. In fact, in B8, I usually even try to be all gentlemanly about the fights. Even to SpaceHunter. Which was saying something.

Me being hostile to [SCAR] is no different than me being hostile to any of the other serco-only guilds. It's just a matter of course. The only thing that makes [SCAR] special is that I have a special beef with its commander (he knows why), and of course my son Mecha is in [SCAR]. Oh, and the dastardly Dr. Lecter is in [SCAR]. See what I mean about "characters?"
Dec 11, 2005 icbm1987 link
Leber's son is Mecha?

But Mecha is sooooo much better in a taur than leebs... it makes no sense?!?!

Curse ye and yer womanly wiles Leber!!!

Er... what?
Dec 11, 2005 toshiro link
As for piracy:

If any of you have ever played Pirates! or Pirates! Gold, you know about the concept of 'Lettres de marque', a writ that enables the bearer to conduct, er, cargo inspections in the name of the issuer. Of course this wasn't just invented by Sid Meier, he worked with what he found in history.

It would make sense, since the Serco and the Itani are at war, that they issue such writs to captains and fighter pilots, so as to cripple the opponent's trade and overall civilian space traffic.
Dec 11, 2005 softy2 link
Rene says : "no holds... : yes i'd rather sit in b8 and chit chat"

Like I said, there is no accounting for taste :).
Dec 11, 2005 Gavan link
Actually, wasn't a "Lettres de marque" the very thing that made someone a "privateer"? Not exactly a pirate.
Dec 11, 2005 greengeek link
Well, it makes you a pirate, but as long as you only go after the "other guy's" shipping, the issuing nation was willing to look the other way and give you a nicer sounding title.
Dec 12, 2005 jexkerome link
Ultimately, the nations you were attacking were more than happy to kill you if they got their hands on you, letter of marquee or not. So

Privateer = glorified pirate = loser
Dec 12, 2005 Gavan link
Waitasecond!...Did Jex just call me a loser?
Dec 12, 2005 jexkerome link
Depends. Are you a privateer or a pirate?
Dec 12, 2005 Gavan link
I do not wear depends! I may be an old pirate, but my plumbing works just fine thank you!