Forums » Role Playing

17th Nation War

May 27, 2006 moldyman link

1) As far as ships and weapons go, only two weapons are banned: Chaos Sawrm Missiles and Locust Swarm Missiles. This is done to recognize the "beep effect" in combat, ie scaring your opponent with all the target lockon alerts.

2) No running for obcene distances. This is subjective, but honestly.. I'll call it if you go out beyond 3,000 meters of anyone. This rule is flexible and bendable, but do not abuse it.
Better guide, don't go outside of the asteroid field.

3) Once you are dead, you are out. You may return to watch, but must announce this over sector comm.

4) Once you leave the sector you are out. This means no repairing at a station, no reloading and no jumping out to jump back in when your team wins.

5) The prize is two million credits, split among the qualifying survivors ONLY! If you have broken a rule above but have survived, don't expect to get credits.

6) The Nation War Event takes place in Sedina D-2 at the time of 11pm GMT (10pm GMT during Daylight Savings Time) on Sundays between three teams, each team representing a nation.

7) Team leaders are participants in the event, who represent their team when I speak to them. I expect them to be honest.

8) Things may change due to unavoidable circumstances. Always follow the instructions of Blue Streak or Erik C. , whichever one of my alts run the event (Usually the former)

9) If a participant is hated by their own nation, they have may go on any of the teams (including their nation's team) so long as they are A) Liked by that nation (Ignore if you join your own nation's team) and B) Announce it beforehand, to myself and/or the participants. This keeps everyone in the know.

10) No interfering with playability in the War sector. this includes (but is not limited to): Cargo drops

Normal time again. Eventually, The Corp RUn will be taken over by someone else and I can run two of these events on Sunday, which'll be the least busy day for me.
May 27, 2006 avirulence link
Hm? I thought it would be at 8?
May 27, 2006 moldyman link
Server borkage didn't let me see which time most came for :/
May 28, 2006 slime73 link
Go Itani! Yay!
May 28, 2006 Dark Knight link
Well, I thought we (the UIT) fairly well... We would have done better if people had listened to me and gone after _Ghost_ and Niki first, though. >.<
May 28, 2006 thickenergy link
Dude, we did. I told you that Niki can run and run and run. Same goes for Ghost and Blue Streak. Sometimes the strategy works, sometimes it doesn't.
May 28, 2006 slime73 link
The problem was that we (the Itani) were organized enough to call out the names of the people chasing us through group chat and we would actually listen and kill the chasers. :p
May 28, 2006 moldyman link
[Sun May 28 18:08:59 2006] (group) [Sedina D-2] <Blue Streak> "Ion Storm" on me
[Sun May 28 18:10:41 2006] (group) [Sedina D-2] <Omega 0> Targeting Ion Storm.
[Sun May 28 18:10:47 2006] (group) [Sedina D-2] <Blue Streak> thank you!

Took two minutes but better than the other few times >_>
May 29, 2006 slime73 link
Sorry about that time. I was engaged with Serco and UIT.
May 29, 2006 moldyman link
The Participants:

Omega 0 (Team Leader)
Blue Streak
Jubjub Marwen

CygnsX (Team Leader)
no name
Solra Bizna
Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg
Lord Serco
Borb Sarken

Zachary Davidson (Team Leader)
Ion Storm
Ecka Estenk
Joyce Sanders

The War:

The initial team strategy was to split our team up into two groups of four, but only for our very first targets, who were A-Dawg and Borb Sarken. With my signal, the teams took off. I broke in between the two opposing teams, trying to find A-Dawg, when I was fired upon. Seems there were two Serco on me: A Prom and a Vulture. Knowing I couldn't even take a prom alone, I broke off and lost them in the crowd. Deciding to stick near my teamates in case the wingmen appeared again, I dove in and got the killing flare shot against Proximity (I swear man, I have nothing against you. It just somehow happens >_<).

I didn't get it as bad as some others, though. Penetrator cried out about three proms after him when he had been eliminated. And Nautargos cried out about his ship's computer crashing, too. After drifting away from my team slowly, I realized this and dove back in. I hadn't engaged anyone because I was out of flares. On the other side of the battlefield, it appears Jubjub Marwen was taken out by Solra Bizna but had died in the process. I had damaged a Hornet with my AAP (They are big targets after all :/). I kept pursuing him and eventually finished him off.

AT this point, I got deja vu as Ion Storm suddenly appeared behind me... again. I couldn't fight him and I couldn't shake him for long, so I dragged him in long circles until my team would have time to come and help. This went on for two long minutes until he was called out as a target. With him distracted and being whittled down by my teamates, he turned o fight them. Coming back around, I unloaded into his broadside and took him out. And with that, the war was over.

The Results:

The Itani win their third War event in a row. Congratulations to Niki, _Ghost_, Omega 0 and Blue Streak. Each survivor earned themself 500k.

The Standings:

Itani - 8 wins
Serco - 5 wins
UIT - 6 wins
May 29, 2006 Wiggoggs link
At the start of the war, I jumped into the fray, seeking to get to Borb's centaur. Unfortunately, finding myself unmatched, I backed away, looking fir the rest of my group. I saw them heading for Borb, and joined in. Shots flew, and Borb was dead. At that time, we were ordered to fly solo and go pick off other targets. I drifted towards the edge of the battle, and suddenly felt the sting of Joyce Sanders warthog. I turned around, landed a couple of shots, and chased her to the edge of the roid field, where Solra was waiting for me. Ganked by both of them, and eventually some other weirdo, don't know who, I disengaged, backed away to a safe distance and turned around to head back in. My plan worked. Joyce Sanders, weakened, was first in line chasing me. She lunged at my prom, letting all hell loose, but met my fire straight on. An explosion, right in my face, seriously weakened my ship. I headed for Solra, and we engaged. He zipped around me in his vult landing a few shots and eventually whittling me down to like 3%. This was it, I knew it. Seeing that Solra was also weak, and knowing I was done for, I turned around, stared him straight in the face, and lunged at him, firing, knowing that somehow, the bastard would go down with me. Shots flew from both sides, the ships met, and two explosions rent the space.

Udjuk/Jubjub Marwen
May 29, 2006 CygnusX link
Kudos to the Itani for winning three wars straight. Nice work, guys.

A humiliating defeat for Serco, but we will be back, this time for victory!
May 29, 2006 slime73 link
Wee! ANOTHER victory for the itani! Yay for Memorial Day!
May 29, 2006 moldyman link
Ugh, Damn you. Now I have to post this write up too =.=
May 29, 2006 moldyman link
18th Nation War

The Participants:

Onega 0 (Team Leader)
Blue Streak
Jubjub Marwen
lung jin
Moby Dick

SweetTooth (Team leader)
space hunter
Serpico Romani

Kroendal (Team Leader)
Ecka Estenk

The War:

Let me start off by saying I got no, zero, zip, nada kills. But I'm happy. This was an event I ran out of the blue, to have some fun on a holiday. In this spirit, I stepped out of my Valkyrie and jumped into something completely different: A Wraith with two
starflares and a repair module. I wanted to try out being a repairboy and see how feasible it was in battle.

On my signal, everyone took off on my team, going after BUNNY. I kept my distance at the edge of the battle, assisted by lung jin.
Then I completely forgot what my role was and lunged in launching rockets. Did pretty much nothing but get half my armor lost. With this painful reminder that I was heavy for a reason, I pulled 2000m away from the battle and watched, aiting for people to call out and come for repairs. I successfully healed Omega 0. _Ghost_ was up next but he was dragging along a BotH boy in tow. I lost alot of armor trying to dodge him. At barely 4%, I knew I was going to die and so decided to try and attempt one last repair. _Ghost_ was engaged and dodging too much for me to hit but Jubjub was coming in half hurt. I dove in and repaired what I could before I was taken down.

By the time I came back, most of the UIT and Serco were gone. space hunter had bugged out voluntarily and the UIT were pounced on, though I believe Maso finished off _Ghost_.

The Results:

The Itani win a THIRD Nation War in a row. Congrats to Omega 0, Moby Dick and lung jin (I think. May have been Won'ear). This event was much smaller than usual, so the prize was cut in half before the event. Each sruvivor received 333k.

The Standings:

Itani - 8 wins
Serco - 5 wins
UIT - 6 wins
May 30, 2006 Wiggoggs link
Our initial targets were BUNNY and A-Dawg, I believe. We dove in, and I managed to pick off a decent amount from each of them, and then I managed to get in the last shot on both. At the beginning of the war, I formed an alliance with the UIT, which was to aid each other in the destruction of the Serco, then deal with each other. So there we were, UIT and Itani chasing Space Hunter for the kill. My prom was in the back of the line, with Ecka Estenk behind me. As I prepared to chase down the Serco, I heard a rolling noice coming from behind, and something hit my ship, straight in the back. As the explosion cleared, and I drifted away, two words, blood red, lingered on my HUD: Ecka Estenk
May 31, 2006 tianzi link
Before the 18th NW started, Itani pilots stacked their ships and someone got screen dump of it. Can someone post that picture?
May 31, 2006 davejohn link
Ah, good fun as always , Thanks for organising it Erik.

Sorry wiggogs, but by that time I thought it had become a general free for all. C'est la guerre.....


May 31, 2006 slime73 link
May 31, 2006 moldyman link
That last one is good. Now, that's what you call being bored while waiting!